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Mr. Armstrong’s AMAZING Mind Reading PowerPoint! Block 2 Odd.

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1 Mr. Armstrong’s AMAZING Mind Reading PowerPoint! Block 2 Odd


3 I think I’ll stand here with my arms crossed, no one else will think of doing that! I think I’ll stand here with my arms crossed, no one else will think of doing that! This class is fun, but I think I might switch my schedule... I hope he doesn’t take the picture while I’m not paying attention - oh shoot! I love it when I talk and Mr Armstrong is surprised cause my voice is deeper than his! With a little help from some seriously tall heels, I’m as tall as Mr Armstrong! I’m as tall as him too, with the help of a small step ladder that is! I hope we never get too far ahead on our project then we will have to wait to learn what’s next! Yeah that would stink! Today clean up supervisor, tomorrow - king of the world! I will NEVER start a water fight with Becki after school in this room! I hope no one notices this glowing white circle that is sticking out the back of my head! I hope we learn some songs this year I want to sing some solos…. When I smile like this, it usually means that I am up to something! This class is cool, but I think I might switch my schedule, maybe take Tech a different block... Uh - has anyone seen my body? It was here a minute ago... I LOVE the milkshakes that they have here at Spry. I hope they NEVER get rid of them! “Yo what up Strong Arm!?” I hope Mr Armstrong doesn’t shrink us down to an inch tall, that would be scary! I don’t know, I think it would be fun to be that small... Oh great - that glowing thing is back on her head, that freaks me out!


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