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T A X I Click to Start © 2007-2008 PowerPoint & Click Games Probe 9 Studios John Stewart.

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Presentation on theme: "T A X I Click to Start © 2007-2008 PowerPoint & Click Games Probe 9 Studios John Stewart."— Presentation transcript:

1 T A X I Click to Start © 2007-2008 PowerPoint & Click Games Probe 9 Studios John Stewart

2 LATER… Dude, where’s my car? Hmmm.. Maybe I can borrow this one, and paint it yellow… Even LATER… T A X I

3 The Rules This is a trivia game show, that takes place right in this cab! I’ll ask you questions, and if you get them right, you’ll win money. But if you get three wrong, I’ll have to kick you out. So buckle up and enjoy the ride! Oh, and another thing. There are two buttons on the back of the seat, one with a phone and another with a street. Use these if you are desperate and you don’t know the answer. Good Luck!

4 Please Wait… X X X ??? --------

5 Hey, and welcome to the Cash Cab! If you don’t already Know the rules, click on me! X X X !!! !!!!!!!

6 The compass helped European Explorers navigate at sea. Its magnetized needle points To the magnetic what? X X X ??? 0 North East West South

7 Vasco da Gama found the first all-water route to Asia. What country did he sail for? X X X 1497 25

8 Vasco da Gama found the first all-water route to Asia. What country did he sail for? X X X 1497 0

9 Portugal France Bel. UnitedKingdom Iceland Net. Germany Swz. Italy Poland Spain Ukraine

10 Portugal France Bel. UnitedKingdom Iceland Net. Germany Swz. Italy Poland Spain Ukraine

11 SHUCKS! I can’t answer that. Sorry!

12 Battery Dead

13 News of the invention of Gunpowder traveled from China Westward by way of the what? X X X 1200s 50

14 News of the invention of Gunpowder traveled from China Westward by way of the what? X X X 1497 25

15 News of the invention of Gunpowder traveled from China Westward by way of the what? X X X 1497 0

16 Venetian Trading Ships The Spice Route The Silk Road The Silk Road

17 Venetian Trading Ships The Spice Route The Silk Road The Silk Road

18 Venetian Trading Ships The Spice Route The Silk Road The Silk Road

19 China and Japan did not like Europeans bringing their culture to Asia. What policy was followed as a result of EU colonialism? X X X ??? 75

20 X X X 1497 50 China and Japan did not like Europeans bringing their culture to Asia. What policy was followed as a result of EU colonialism?

21 X X X 1497 25 China and Japan did not like Europeans bringing their culture to Asia. What policy was followed as a result of EU colonialism?

22 OOH, so sorry. You lose. I’m Afraid I’ll have to kick you out Right here. Good luck finding Your way Back to the Future! X X XX X X 1497 0




26 WOOHOO! X X X ??? 100

27 Which one of these is false? Special African officials appointed by government officials are called caboceers. The Astrolabe determines latitude. The rudder makes a ship lighter, because it pumps out water. Gunpowder was invented by the Chinese around A.D. 900. The caravel was a lighter ship than others at the time.

28 True or False: The rudder makes a ship lighter, because it pumps out water. X X X ??? 75

29 X X X ??? 50 True or False: The rudder makes a ship lighter, because it pumps out water.


31 This famous navigator is famous for what? First successful attempt at world circumnavigation Accidentally discovering the Americas Commanding the first ships From Europe to India directly Sailing around the Cape of Good Hope

32 Oooh, So sorry. Thanks for playing Cash Cab to the future! You may have not gotten any moolah, but you can still say that you got a free ride!

33 Congratulations! Thank you for playing Cash Cab to the Future!

34 Credits Concept – Johnathan Stewart Beta Tests- Dustin Questions – John and Dustin Created specifically for Ms. Perry’s Class Lee stole our idea and is in the proccess of being sued. Cash Cab and Back to the Future belong to their owners. © 2007 Probe 9 Studios

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