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Politics 2.0 Changing the country thru WP & BP. What I’ll cover What we are doing – For everyone Why we choose WordPress & BuddyPress – For people looking.

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Presentation on theme: "Politics 2.0 Changing the country thru WP & BP. What I’ll cover What we are doing – For everyone Why we choose WordPress & BuddyPress – For people looking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Politics 2.0 Changing the country thru WP & BP

2 What I’ll cover What we are doing – For everyone Why we choose WordPress & BuddyPress – For people looking to build a community What Plugins & Tools do we use – For non-technical people using BP & WP How’s it coded – For programmers using BP & WP

3 Profiles BuddyPress powered Mailing Address and Email Preferences Badges Permissions – Voting on policy

4 WP & BP powering engagement

5 Petitions

6 Motions in the House of Commons

7 Engaging with Canadians on issues

8 Why WordPress Hundreds of sites – hundreds of admins – Easy to administer User account persistent cross network Secure Scalable Actively maintained There’s a plugin for that

9 Why BuddyPress All features we wanted built in – Profiles – Groups – Activity There’s a plugin for that

10 What tools we used (we didn’t build that) One group for our community Hashtags for conversation segmentation Rate vote like plugin for activity Modified BPML for multilingual BP-Moderation to report abuse Group Email Subscription BuddyStream to push to FaceBook and Twitter Group discussion inside Facebook app

11 BuddyStream BP-Moderation Rate Vote Like BPML

12 #Hashtags No formal topics set Topics come and go Community decides

13 BuddyPress groups inside Facebook Facebook Notifications Post updates Post comments Edit profile

14 How we coded it Facebook App is a theme Converted Hashtag plugin from string search to taxonomy queries Language is a meta attribute to each activity Everything needs to be translated meaning a lot of filters to WPML Most API calls asynchronous with Gearman Custom post types / Custom taxonomy

15 Facebook App separate site with custom theme / plugins Filters and actions to pretend to be BP site Cron notifications of all users that installed App Currently notifies of new posts / comment Implementing @mention and post reply

16 User logic code Our own user class that extends WP_User – Business logic in that class – Wraps API calls to update profile – Wraps custom taxonomy logic (Yes, taxonomy on users!)

17 Hello / Bonjour Internationalize AND multilingualize – Always use __() and _e(); – __(‘hello’,‘presentation’); In plugins that generate content or use admin generated content put filters for all the content – Example settings text boxes – Example daily notifications email plugin

18 Questions?

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