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SP1 Mar 2-10 Started CH 4B Vocabulary Started GVG Packet – Pg 133-138 Tarea – WB Pg. 76 – GVG Pg. 143 and 145 – Study CH 4B vocabulary.

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1 SP1 Mar 2-10 Started CH 4B Vocabulary Started GVG Packet – Pg 133-138 Tarea – WB Pg. 76 – GVG Pg. 143 and 145 – Study CH 4B vocabulary

2 Vocabulario capitulo 4B 1.El futbol = the soccer 2.El voleibol = the volleyball 3.El golf= the golf 4.El tenis= the tennis 5.El beisbol= the baseball 6.El basquetbol= the basketball 7.El futbol americano= the American football 8.Querer= to want 9.Jugar= to play 10.Mal= bad 11.Preferir= to prefer 12.Esta tarde= this afternoon 13.El concierto= the concert 14.La fiesta= the party 15.El baile= the dance

3 Capitulo 4B 16. el partido= the game 17.Conmigo= with me 18.este= this 19.Fin de semana= weekend 20.Lo siento= I am sorry 21.Poder= to be able to 22.Demasiado= too much/extremely 23. ocupado/a= occupied 24.Tener= to have 25.Que = to/ what 26.Esta noche= this night/ this evening 27.A la una de la tarde= at 1 in the afternoon 28.Voy a estar= I am going to be 29.Cansada/o= tired 30.Ay! Que pena!= Oh what a pitty/ what a shame!

4 31. triste= sad 32.Contigo= with you 33.Un poco= a little 34.Enfermo/a = sick 35.Ir de camping= to go camping 36.Ir de pesca= to go fishing 37. Que buena idea= What a good idea 38.Contenta/o= happy / content 39.A que hora? = At what time? 40.Entonces= then 41. Oye! = Listen ! / Hey ! 42.Saber= to know 43.Genial! = Great! 44.De la noche= in the evening 45.El balon = the ball (the basketball, the soccer ball, tc..)

5 46. la pelota= the ball (the baseball,the softball) 47.El palo de golf= the golf club 48.El bate de beisbol= the baseball bat 49.La red = the net 50.La raqueta de tenis= the tennis raquet 51.Los patines= the skates 52.La bicicleta= the bicycle 53.El centro comercial= the mall 54.Muy= very 55.Ir + a+ infinitive= to go + to = verb 56.El banco= the bank 57.El club = the club 58.El equipo de …= … team 59.La farmacia= the pharmacy 60.La oficina= the office

6 Capitulo 4B 61. la practica de …= … practice 62.La reunion/ las reuniones de ….= …….. Meeting 63.El supermercado = the supermarket

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