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ASSIGNMENT 1 Review. Formatting Titles  Specific game titles would be italicized (Halo 3)  Game series would not be italicized (the Halo series)  Trailer.

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Presentation on theme: "ASSIGNMENT 1 Review. Formatting Titles  Specific game titles would be italicized (Halo 3)  Game series would not be italicized (the Halo series)  Trailer."— Presentation transcript:


2 Formatting Titles  Specific game titles would be italicized (Halo 3)  Game series would not be italicized (the Halo series)  Trailer title would be italicized (Halo 3 Believe TV Spot)  It has to be exactly what is on the page, even if it seems extraneous: Hello Kitty Adventure Island BANNED UNCUT GDC10 [HD] Please Rate  Web, newspaper, or magazine article titles would not be italicized, just quoted (“New Halo 3 Commercial – Believe”)

3 Pathos  Pathos = emotion.  Displaying emotion to evoke emotion. The anguish on the character’s face The children’s laughter  Using patterns we have learned are emotional to evoke emotion. The dissonant moan from the cello creates unease The camera speed slows to a crawl building anticipation “The commercial appeals to the audience’s emotions.” This is an ok lede/topic sentence, but it isn’t a descriptive analysis. You should actually explain the specific emotion.  The commercial uses emotional appeals to evoke sadness/happiness/anger

4 Plutchik’s Human Emotion wheel Plutchik, R. (1980). A general psychoevolutionary theory of emotion. In R. Plutchik & H. Kellerman (Eds.), Emotion: Theory, research, and experience: Vol. 1. Theories of emotion (pp. 3-33). New York: Academic.

5 Ethos  Ethos = character. Even though we say “ethical appeal,” we aren’t talking morality (it’s confusing because morality could be a part of it).  Displaying authority, knowledge and expertise. The fluid character movements demonstrated painstaking detail The camera angles shifted in tempo with the music  Respect for the audience. Master Chief’s iconic armor  Credibility Trustworthiness of Ubisoft’s brand  Invoked character in the audience Only one person can save the world… “The producer (or writer) displays a clear ethos.” This is an ok lede/topic sentence, but it isn’t a descriptive analysis. You should actually explain the authority and credibility apparent in the advertisement.  The producer expertly establishes ethos through X, Y, and Z.

6 Ethos as Values  Steven Reiss determined that we all have 16 human desires and that our “values” are connected to the importance we place on those desires.  Ethos or character is about identifying with or invoking a value that we have or want to have.

7 DESIRE HIGH IMPORTANCE VALUE AVERAGE VALUE LOW IMPORTANCE VALUE PowerAmbitious Leadership Content Submissive IndependenceResist advice Self-reliant Dislike working alone Devoted to friends/family CuriosityAsk questions Seek the unknown Dislike school Dislike mystery AcceptanceSet easy goals Approval and praise Self-confident Critical evaluation OrderOrganization Rules Messy Disorganization SavingCollect Frugal with money Spendthrift Careless HonorLoyalty Principled Amoral Selfish IdealismSacrifice Volunteer Don’t volunteer Ignore social concerns Social ContactWork with others Social gatherings Work alone Work with a few close friends FamilyFamily time Time with kids Family time is annoying Kids are burdensome StatusJoin clubs Buy things to impress Don’t care what people think of you VengeanceAngry Competitive Easy-going Noncompetitive RomanceSex Relationships Don’t seek romance Don’t seek sex EatingDiet Overeating Don’t diet Don’t overeat Physical ActivityExercise Sports Sedentary Lazy TranquilityAnxious Fearful Brave Risky 16 Basic Human Desires

8 SLOGANCONCEPTVALUE Diamonds are forever (De Beers)permanencehigh order Just do it (Nike)don’t thinklow curiosity We try harder (Avis)ambitionhigh power Good to the last drop (Maxwell House)perfectionhigh order Breakfast of champions (Wheaties)competitionhigh vengeance Does she... or doesn’t she? (Clairol) discoveryhigh curiosity Where’s the beef? (Wendy’s)valuehigh saving Look Ma, no cavities! (Crest)achievementhigh power We bring good things to life (GE) creationhigh power Melts in your mouth, not in your hand (M&Ms) neatnesshigh order You deserve a break today (McDonald’s) self-worthlow acceptance We’ll leave a light on for you (Motel 6) friendlinesshigh social contact Fast, fast, fast relief (Anacin)reduce painhigh tranquility The Pepsi generation (Pepsi)youthhigh independence Have it your way (Burger King)individualityhigh independence Only you can prevent forest fires (Forrest Service) responsibilityhigh honor Mm-mm good (Campbell’s)tastyhigh eating Leave the driving to us (Greyhound) relaxationhigh tranquility Ring around the collar (Tide)criticismhigh acceptance Nothing between me and my Calvins sexhigh romance It’s the real thing (Coca-Cola)truthfulnesshigh honor

9 A few from video games  Fight for the Lost (Mass Effect 2)  Take Earth Back (Mass Effect 3)  There’s a soldier in all of us (Call of Duty)  Finish the Fight (Halo 3)  Home is where the war is (Homefront)  Play with life (The Sims)  War. War never changes (Fallout)  Your mom hates Dead Space 2 (Dead Space 2)  What starts with War ends with Death (Darksiders 2)  One giant step on mankind (Destroy all Humans!)  It's in the game (EA Sports)

10 Logos  Logos = rational appeals or reasoning.  Facts, words, declarations Voted best of E3  Comparisons, Background, Forecast From the makers of 2006’s blockbuster smash hit Unlike anything you have seen before  Direct evidence Players are shown manipulating the characters on the screen Gameplay footage is the cornerstone of the trailer

11 The Purpose is KEY!  The writer uses logos, ethos, and pathos to appeal to the audience to accomplish his or her purpose. Logos, ethos and pathos are rhetorical strategies.  THUS: If the purpose of the commercial, trailer, advertisement is to increase awareness OR sell the game… HOW DOES THE USE OF THESE RHETORICAL STRATEGIES ACCOMPLISH THAT GOAL (or, if the trailer makes me cry, why would I want to associate crying and sadness with a game that is supposed to be fun?)

12 Miscellany  Player is the person behind the controller/keyboard  Character or avatar is the graphical representation on the screen  Gameplay is one word (you can hyphenate it if you want: game-play).  “I watched the game play.” <- that’s why  Unfortunately, video game is two words.

13 …and one more thing  An expert analysis recognizes who produced an ad. For many games, the advertisements are produced in house (at the publisher, using assets from the developer). For larger titles, ad agencies are used.  Google your game title with “marketing” or “ad agency”  Check to see if there is marketing or trailer information in its Wikipedia entry  Go to Adweek or Ads of the World websites to see if there is information about the ad.  Check ad agency websites for information

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