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The most valuable things for life İKİNCİ VERSİYONUDUR.. SESLİDİR.

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Presentation on theme: "The most valuable things for life İKİNCİ VERSİYONUDUR.. SESLİDİR."— Presentation transcript:


2 The most valuable things for life İKİNCİ VERSİYONUDUR.. SESLİDİR

3 EN BENCİL TEK HARFLİ BİR KELİME The most selfish one letter word........... BEN"I" ONDAN SAKIN Avoid it.

4 EN İYİ TATMİN EDİCİ İKİ HARFLİ KELİME The most satisfying two-letter word....... BİZ"WE" ONU KULLAN Use it.

5 EN ZEHİRLİ ÜÇ HARFLİ KELİME The most poisonous three-letter word..... EGO"EGO" ONU ÖLDÜR Kill it.

6 EN ÇOK KULLANILAN DÖRT HARFLİ KELİME The most used four-letter word........... AŞK"LOVE" ONA DEGER VER Value it.

7 EN MEMNUN EDEN 5 HARFLİ KELİME The most pleasing five-letter word....... “ TEBESSÜM “SMILE" ONU KORU Keep it.

8 EN HIZLA YAYILAN 6 HARFLİ KELİME The fastest spreading six-letter word... DEDİKODU"RUMOUR" ALDIRMA Ignore it.

9 EN ÇOK ÇABAYLA ELDE EDİLEN 7 HARFLİ KELİME The hardest working seven-letter word.. BAŞARI"SUCCESS" ONU ELDE ET Achieve it.

10 EN KISKANÇ SEKİZ HARFLİK KELİME The most enviable eight-letter word.... KISKANÇLIK – HASET"JEALOUSY" ONDAN UZAK DUR Distance it.

11 EN GÜÇLÜ DOKUZ HARFLİ KELİME The most powerful nine-letter word.... BİLGİ"KNOWLEDGE" ONU ELDE ET Acquire it.

12 EN TEMEL 10 HARFLİ KELİME The most essential ten-letter word.... GÜVENMEK"CONFIDENCE" ONA GÜVEN Trust it.

13 CAN AKIN DUSSELDORF The most valuable things for life

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