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Setting the scene Paul Middlebrough - Leader of the Council Jack Hegarty - Managing Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Setting the scene Paul Middlebrough - Leader of the Council Jack Hegarty - Managing Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Setting the scene Paul Middlebrough - Leader of the Council Jack Hegarty - Managing Director

2 £5

3 The first PM to address the LGA “I want to put it on record: I think you are doing a brilliant job in challenging circumstances… “I know you are all grappling with some really difficult decisions. When your budget is being cut freezing council tax isn’t easy… “My job is to make your job less difficult, not more.” David Cameron to the LGA Conference, 2011

4 The Coalition: new things for us a year on Universal credit Waste Strategy Localism Bill New Homes Bonus South Worcestershire Development Plan Self-regulation Green Deal

5 Even taking into account that in Wales and some Parish councils in England put up their council tax a third (33%) saying their tax went up is high: Wales (61%) Unitaries (43%) Two-tier (34%) London (25%) Met boroughs (31%) Scotland (9%) Council Tax awareness Q: A Council Tax bill should have been delivered to your household a couple of months ago. Do you remember if the amount of council tax your household pays went down, went up or stayed the same as the previous year?

6 Satisfied with the way my Council runs things My council(s) are efficient and well run My council(s) give local people good value for money My council takes account of residents’ views Source: LGA/LGinsight 10 th -12 th June 2011, 1,000 GB adults 18+ interviewed by telephone.    On balance more people like councils than loathe them

7 1. Prove you provide value for money 2. Make sure you are informing and engaging residents and staff 3. Build trust and confidence in what you do 4. Improve key services, showing you are doing so 5. Focus on changing lives for the better The LGAs 5 rules of reputation…

8 It’s been a great five years …









17 And lots of external recognition… 2007 LGC Council of the Year 2008 Times Best Council to Work For; 11 th best satisfaction with council, 9 th best for VFM in UK Place Survey 2009 Top rating for VFM; 8 th lowest council tax in country 2010 Customer Service Excellence and IIP Gold and Champion 2011 Up 10 points on value for money satisfaction in Worcestershire Local Place Survey



20 How we’re doing on the outcomes in our 2008-13 Strategy? Safer 75% to feel safer after dark (68% now) Crime to reduce by further 5% and less ASB Greener 45% recycling (43.19% now) Plan for future growth – SWDP Healthier Increases in life expectancy (now 80.3 men 83.9 women) Reduced health differential (now 6 years between most and least deprived)

21 How we’re doing on our outcomes in our 2008-13 Strategy? Stronger Close gap between housing need and supply (178 out of 200 homes built) young people having activities they value low unemployment (5%) and strong economy Successful maintain reputation locally and nationally limit council tax increases (0%) motivated staff (increased engagement in Best Companies)

22 People + Plans + Process + PR + Performance management = Successful Wychavon Our formula for success

23 £5 £3m History of outsourcing and innovation… 1994 LSVT housing to RSLs – one of the first 1994 Outsourced all blue collar services - waste, street cleaning, parks and loo maintenance 1999 Established a non profit making trust Wychavon Leisure to run our leisure centres (and beyond) 2005 Built a supermarket to regenerate a town 2006 Built a hospital to provide health facilities 2007 Set up Revenues and Benefits Shared Service 2010 Shared Services for IT, Internal Audit, Building Control, part HR and whole of Regulatory Services

24 £5 £3m Our business model - services 2011

25 Our strengths

26 Our weaknesses

27 Our opportunities

28 Our threats

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