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We will be happy if you prevent the pollution of rivers and lakes.

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Presentation on theme: "We will be happy if you prevent the pollution of rivers and lakes."— Presentation transcript:

1 We will be happy if you prevent the pollution of rivers and lakes

2 What is the water? What is the water? Pure water is a renewable resource, but may become so contaminated by human activities. Pure water is a renewable resource, but may become so contaminated by human activities.

3 Water pollution doesn't just affect animals; it affects our lives too. Water is something we drink, isn't it? When water is polluted it decreases the percentage of drinkable water and increases the number of water shortages. Lakes are generally easier to pollute than seas by every kind of human activity, for their reduced dimensions and depth; the concentration of pollutants.

4 All we can get to throw away on the beach, some, comes at sea and contaminates it. Like the plastics. They are stable, useful and inexpensive materials. It's usually used one time and thrown away. Many of plastics that we throw away comes up at sea. They are stable and degrade very slowly. The plastics can take hundreds of years. They are death traps for marine life because it can kill animals.

5 Caused by toxic waste 2OO7 The waters were dark, the smell of rotten egg water, there were dead fish. CHILE

6 Also big accidents oil container ships, contribute 13% of all the oil that reaches the sea. Many organisms don't die after this first contact but would be doomed to sure death. 2OO7 OLCA (Latin American Observatory for Environmeal Conflicts) blame the company Celulosa Arauco for polluting the river Mataquito with their toxic products. CHILE


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