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Introduction to the Library Catalog: HORNet Cat To be used in conjunction with HORNet Cat.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the Library Catalog: HORNet Cat To be used in conjunction with HORNet Cat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the Library Catalog: HORNet Cat To be used in conjunction with HORNet Cat

2 Simple Search Types of simple searches –Keyword –Title Keyword –Author –Title –Call Number –Subject –Journal Title Keyword

3 Conducting a Keyword Search I need help finding books about gun control. Hello. Do you need some assistance?

4 Let’s begin by looking at the library catalog, which is available only on the Library’s homepage:

5 Click here

6 Entering without quotation marks yields too many results.


8 Entering with quotation marks yields only 47 results.

9 Make sure to note the Library Location, Call Number and Status of each item. These things inform you of the items’ specific locations and their availability.

10 Conducting a Title Search I am looking for the book The Audacity of Hope.

11 Again we will begin by looking at the library catalog.

12 2. Select Title (Omit A, An, The) from the Find Results in box 1. Enter the title without the word “the”. 3. Click search

13 2. Select the correct item from the list of results You are taken directly to the item’s brief record where you will find all of its relevant information. The title Publisher and place of publication All subjects discussed in the book For more information, including the location and availability of the item you must scroll down

14 Remember to pay close attention to the item’s location. Items found in the Main Stax may be checked out, whereas items located in Special Collections have to be viewed in that area only. Here is the remainder of the list of subjects from the book.

15 Conducting an Author Search Yes, I also need a book by Zora Neale Hurston.

16 2. Select author from the Find Results in box 1. Enter author’s name, last name first. hurston, zora

17 We see there are 14 books written by Zora Neale Hurston Click here

18 Make sure to note the Library Location, Call Number and Status of each item. These things inform you of the items’ specific locations and their availability.

19 Conducting a Call Number Search This type of search is helpful in three instances: 1.To verify the location in the Library for the book; 2.To verify that the book is not checked out or on order; and 3.To view the titles of books around it on the shelf.

20 When you have only the call number for a book, enter it as shown. Then, select Call Number from the Find Results in box.

21 Click here to view information about the book you searched for Scroll down, or press the previous and next buttons to see what comes before an after your item on the shelf.

22 I need some books with the biographies of several U.S. presidents. Conducting a Subject Search

23 Before doing a subject search, you need to understand what subject headings are.

24 Look at the record below for the book The Life of Herbert Hoover. Under Subject(s) are the Library of Congress subject headings assigned to this book. A subject search will fail unless you match a recognized Library of Congress subject heading.

25 Looking at the subject headings in the item's record is a good way to find more items like it. You can click on these subjects to search for other items on your topic.

26 Let's practice. Click on Presidents--United States--Biography below.

27 This is an alphabetical list of subject headings, beginning with Presidents--United States—Biography.

28 Look at the first subject heading, Presidents--United States--Biography. If you didn't know to use the Library of Congress subject headings when searching by subject, you might try searching for the subject of "U.S. Presidents," "Presidents of the United States," or even "Presidential Biographies." Now that you know how important subject headings are, click on the first subject heading below, Presidents--United States--Biography, to see what happens.

29 This is an alphabetical list of items cataloged under that subject heading. There are 164 items with this subject heading. The first few are below. All items in this list have the subject heading Presidents--United States--Biographies. Click on a title to see the record for that item.

30 Conducting a Search for an E-Book Someone told me I can read some books online. If so, how?

31 Begin by doing any random type of search. Look for items that are located in the ASU E- Book Collection.

32 There are several books located in the ASU eBook Collection. These books are available online. Click on the title of the book.

33 In order to read the book, click on the link that reads, click here to read this online book.

34 From here, click on View this eBook. Only one person can view each eBook at a time.

35 You can read the book page by page, or select a specific page number. You can choose to read a certain chapter and also view the contents of the chapter before you begin reading You can also search the eBook to find where a specific word or phrase appears in the book. Once you are finished with the book be sure to close the item.

36 Searching for an Item on Reserve for a Course To begin, you must select the tab marked Course Reserve. You may select from either of the following: Instructor, Department, Course, or Section. Then, make your selection from the list of results.

37 1.Select an instructor from the list (Astone, Dr. Nicholas. 2.Click Search.

38 You are now able to view all 23 books placed on Course Reserve for this instructor. Remember to check the item’s Location and Status.

39 The item you want isn’t available… MALCat (check the catalogs of other Montgomery Institutions of higher learning) Montgomery Higher Education Consortium (check out books and other items from the following) –Troy –Huntingdon –Faulkner –AUM Interlibrary Loan (complete a form and the item will be requested from another institution…either locally, regionally, or nation wide) –Cost (most are free, but you will be notified of any charges before item is delivered) –Time (may take up to two weeks dependant upon lending institution’s location)

40 Congratulations !!! Click below to take quiz... Quiz

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