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1 INSTALL FSUIPC FOR CH FLIGHTYOKE AND FH PEDALS REASON: DISCONNECTING USB PORTS IN WINDOWS 8 AND THEREFORE DISCONNECTING OF THE FLIGHTYOKE AND THE PEDALS DURING THE FLIGHT. This is version 1.0! Gratefull for reactions! Harmen Weistra Do you know what the most important lesson of this powerpointpresentatie is: You decide which function you want on each axe or button!

2 Good to know: First: If you have installed everything with FSUIPC, be aware that if you are using the keyboardfunctions outsite FSX (on an other screen p.e.) like the scratchpad of the FMC or typing in IVAP/VATSIM, then you have to activate FSX again (by simpel clicking with the mouse someware in the FSX flight sim screen, nothing difficult), before you can use the buttons of the flightyoke again. This is because FSUIPC is responding to the keyboard (as you will see on the following sheets) and if the keyboard is in use in an other application, then the buttons will also be active in that application! Second: If there are unexpected reactions of the buttons, please check if the controls are still set inable. Maybe the controls are set to active by FSX. This can happen randomly! Especially if you don’t close FSX via the Menu, FLIGHTS and EXIT. Easy to disable again: see the 3 e and 4 e sheet!

3 Disable all settings in FSX.

4 Disable controllers!

5 Disable ALL joystick settings. (Not only the one on this sheet!)

6 Start FSUIPC with Axis Assignments.

7 Move the X-axe of the flightyoke (aileron). If there is a wrong assignment, you can reset it bij using Rescan and Clear!

8 Activate Send direct to FSUIPC Calibration.

9 Click on the small arrow and choose Aileron.

10 Click OK and the Aileron is connected with the X-axe of joystick 2.

11 Move the Y-axe. The Flightyoke is number 2 on my system. Later on you can see that on the sheet with the FSUIPC4.INI.

12 Also activate Send direct to FSUIPC Calibration.

13 Again the small arrow and choose Elevator and OK.

14 Next the Throttle!

15 Indeed: Send etc.

16 Choose Throttle! Easy isn’t it?

17 Same process for the pitch setting of the Propeller!

18 And for the Mixture!

19 For the rudder, move the pedals without using the toebrakes! Now the Z- axe of the pedals appear. See that now the joystick number is 0, in fact the pedals! Continue with the install as the previous sheets.

20 The Lefttoebrake is also an axe (the X-axe of joystick 0)! Treat this axe just the same as the other axes. And also the Righttoebrake (the Y-axe, no sheet for the Rightbrake, but you do understand now how it works!)

21 Calibration is a must fot the toebrakes, because the left- and rightbrake are working in REVERSE! Click on the black small arrow next to 1 of 11: Main flight controls for the next page in FSUIPC.

22 Now you are in number 2 of the 11: Click in the Left brake on RESET!

23 First activate REV in Left Brake, then click RESET ad Rightbrake and next activate REV.

24 Next the buttons of the Flightyoke.

25 Press the front red button of the flightyoke: you will see the 8. Now I will make this the Switch to the next view: the S. (But you can make your own choice of course.

26 Acitvate Select for key press.

27 Click on Set.

28 Choose the S and Key press not te be hold. It is just one tick! End click on OK. The red button is now set. That easy!

29 The same for the other red button. See the appearance of the 9. Next Select for key press, Set, shift + S, Key press not to be hold and OK. Now the other red button is set!

30 Move the switch for flaps up! See the appearance of the 4. Next Select for key press, Set, F6, Key press not to be hold and OK. Flaps up is set!

31 Move the switch for flaps down! See the appearance of the 5. Next Select for key press, Set, F7, Key press not to be hold and OK. Flaps down is set!

32 Move the switch for gear down! See the appearance of the 7. Next Select for key press, Set, G, Key press not to be hold and OK. Gear down is set!

33 Move the switch for gear up! See the appearance of the 7. Next Select for key press, Set, G, Key press not to be hold and OK. Gear up is set!

34 This for the trim rudder trim switch left, just below the hatswitch. This is a possibility! Later on I will use these switches for an other purpose! If you press this switch to the left, you will see the appearance of the 2! Important difference with the previous buttons: Press now: Key press to repeat while hold. That is because the period holding this switch, the trim will move and it needs to be held as long as required! Links = left!

35 Trim rudder right. The same as the previous sheet, now for the rudder trim right. Rechts is right!

36 Elevator trim down. Mutatis mutandis just like the trim switch, but now with the switch next to the red buttons!

37 Elevator trim up. Ditto!

38 Brake on a switch 1 (in front of the hat switch) (personal choice).

39 The mike switch (in front of the red buttons) via Scroll Lock. Very personal, you can make your own choise! Be aware that you have made the same choice for Scroll Lock as mike switch in TeamSpeak!

40 Part of my fsuipc4.ini file in Modules of FSX. Watch the 0=pedals and 1=flightyoke.

41 The axis and the Leftbrake and the Rightbrake in reverse!

42 As you know, I have not used the hatswitch. In the following part I am playing with the use of this special button. Further I don’t often use the rudder trim. So I use this button for an other goal. Move the eyepoint on the SPOT part to the back of the plane: use the button behind the hatswitch to the left, to the front of the plane to the right. Move the eyepoint up: move hatswitch to the front; Move the eyepont down: move the hatswich backwards; Move the eyepoint to the rightside of the plane: move the hatswitch to the right; Move the eyepoint to the leftside of the plane: move the hatswitch to the left; Difficult is the use of the hatswitch to the front/right side and the front/left side. I will try to explain it on one of the following sheets. OK, here we go!

43 Everybody knows the numpad! Keyboard: functions in flightsim: 7 8 9 look left/front look front look right/front 4 5 6 look left look right 1 2 3 look left/back look back look right/back These are the corresponding figures in FSUIPC/Flightsim: 3932 33 38 34 3736 35 This is important to know, because you will see these figures while reassigning the hatswitch! So, if you assign the 6 to a button, you will look the rightside, the 4 the leftside, 8 the front, 2 the back, 7 the left/front, 9 the right front. What we do is connect the button which you push to the numpad figure! As easy as that!

44 Move the eyepoint to the front of the plane. First move the button below the hatswitch (rudder trim: we don’t use much, so give it a new function) to the left, then select for key press, next click on SET and press number 8 of the numpad. Key press not to be hold an OK! This is because we want to use the hatswitch up to move the eyepoint up! You will see further on!

45 Eyepoint behind the aircraft. First move the button below the hatswitch (rudder trim: we don’t use much, so give it a new function) to the right, then select for key press, next click on SET and press number 2 of the numpad. Key press not to be hold and OK! This is because we want to use the hatswitch down to move the eyepoint down! You will see further on!

46 Move to the rightside of the plane. Move hatswitch to the right, press Select for key press, choose SET, choose numpad 6, select Key press not to be held and press OK.

47 Move the eyepoint to the leftside. Move hatswitch to the left, press Select for keypress, choose SET, select num 4, select Key press not to be held and press OK.

48 Move eyepoint up! Move the hatswitch down, select for keypress, SET, choose CTRL+Q, and then? Do you see the difference? Now CTRL+Q and Key press to repeat while held. While moving the hatswitch down, the eyepoint keeps moving up! Press OK.

49 Move eyepoint down. Move the hatswitch up, select for key press, SET, choose CTRL+SHIFT+Q, and Key press to repeat while held. While moving the hatswitch UP, the eyepoint keeps moving up! Press OK.

50 Watch left/front (position 7 on the numpad) This is more difficult. First move the hatswitch to left front (position 7) and KEEP IT PRESSED! Activate Select for key press, Next choose SET, then choose the 7 on the numpad, next ACTIVATE KEY PRESS TO REPEAT WHILE HELD, and at finally press OK. NOW YOU MAY RELEASE THE HATSWITCH!

51 Look right/front. The same as the previous sheets! First move the hatswitch to right front (position 9) and KEEP IT PRESSED! Activate Select for key press, Next choose SET, then choose the 9 on the numpad, next ACTIVATE KEY PRESS TO REPEAT WHILE HELD, and finally press OK. NOW YOU MAY RELEASE THE HATSWITCH!

52 Look left and backwards The same as the previous sheets! First move the hatswitch to left back (position 1) and KEEP IT PRESSED! Activate Select for key press, Next choose SET, then choose the 1 on the numpad, next ACTIVATE KEY PRESS TO REPEAT WHILE HELD, and finally press OK. NOW YOU MAY RELEASE THE HATSWITCH!

53 Look right/backwards The same as the previous sheets! First move the hatswitch to right back (position 3) and KEEP IT PRESSED! Activate Select for key press, Next choose SET, then choose the 3 on the numpad, next ACTIVATE KEY PRESS TO REPEAT WHILE HELD, and finally press OK. NOW YOU MAY RELEASE THE HATSWITCH!

54 Now the hatswitch is also ready to use. Point 1: you can make your own choises! Point 2: there are hundreds of other possiblitys in FSUIPC Point 3: my English is not without some mistakes, my apology! Point 4: If you like my work, just send an email with the name of your country. I have already seen a lot of country’s all over the world passing by on my website and that makes me think: it was a lot of work, but it was in some way usefull! Email: Harmen Weistra, The Netherlands.


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