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Looking at Student Work for Technology Integration Judith Zorfass, EDC Alise Brann, EDC Tracy Gray, AIR Heidi Silver-Pacuilla, AIR.

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Presentation on theme: "Looking at Student Work for Technology Integration Judith Zorfass, EDC Alise Brann, EDC Tracy Gray, AIR Heidi Silver-Pacuilla, AIR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Looking at Student Work for Technology Integration Judith Zorfass, EDC Alise Brann, EDC Tracy Gray, AIR Heidi Silver-Pacuilla, AIR


3 Agenda Introduce the looking at student work process (LASW). Engage participants in a simulation of the LASW process. Understand LASW within larger professional development programs. Review online resources.

4 Looking at Student Work: A process to support technology integration

5 LASW: Key Characteristics It’s an ongoing, collaborative team process. It helps teachers meaningfully link technology to the curriculum. The team looks at the work of diverse students. The team follows a protocol. The team engages in a cycle of discussion, action, and reflection.

6 Ongoing, Collaborative Team Process Teams include:  general education teachers  special educators  curriculum specialists  technology specialists  ELL, Title 1, etc. Team members assume roles: facilitator, recorder, timekeeper, and presenting teacher. The team meets regularly:  before, during, or after school, taking advantage of faculty meetings, planning periods, grade-level meetings, etc.  usually for 45-60 minutes  once every 2-3 weeks or monthly

7 Links Technology to the Curriculum Begins with the curriculum currently being used by teachers. Focuses on standards-based goals and objectives. Deepens knowledge of effective instructional strategies. Meaningfully integrates technology tools with effective instructional strategies.

8 Presenting teacher brings the work of three students with diverse abilities and needs; e.g., –High performing student –Typical student –At-risk student –Struggling student with a disability –ELL student Uses Students’ Work

9 Team Follows a Protocol –Reflect on results of past ideas. –Set the context. –Examine student work and discussion. –Generate instructional strategies and ways to integrate technology tools. –Plan for implementation of strategies and technology tools.

10 Plan Strategies Implement Plans with Students Reflect on Strategies Tried Examine Student Work Creates a Cycle

11 Benefits of LASW Supports differentiated learning and Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Fosters collaboration among teachers. Promotes use of inclusive practices. Encourages use of research-based instructional strategies. Creates a meaningful context for technology integration.

12 In the Words of the Teachers “ Built my confidence.” “It helped me as a new teacher.” “Opened me up to ideas I had never considered before.” “We were open about what worked and didn’t work.” “I look at student work differently.” “In the past, I always looked at what students couldn’t do and never thought of looking at students’ strengths.”


14 Roles Judy will serve as the facilitator, following the LASW Protocol. Alise will play the role of the 4 th grade presenting teacher. Heidi will play the role of the technology specialist. Tracy will play the role of the special educator. You will be yourselves (joining in through the chat).



17 Student #1: Typical Student Rachel Carson (1907-1964) Rachel Carson was born in Pennsylvania. She went to a women’s colege and studied science. Rachel Carson became a writer, scientist, and ecologist. She got her MA in 1932. A shy woman who loved nature. She challenged the role of women by working in the sciences, which was mostly men. Her book, The Sea Around Us, topped the best seller list for 86 weeks. Rachel Carson wrote books to help people learn to protect the environment. She wrote about the heedless pesticide poisoning of our river and soils. Her book Silent Spring was controversial. Atacked for her views by chemical companies and some people in government.

18 Student #2: Struggling Student Jane Addams Jane Addams was born in 1860. She had a spine defect and was not a strong person. She was one of the first American woman to go to college. Then, she started to study medecine but stopped because she had poor health. When she went to London at age 27. She found what was most important for her to do and she became a social worker and started a settlement house in America. She help poor people that live in cities. Addams spoke and wrote about poor people lives and her settlement house and more settlement houses were started. Jane Addams was a feminist and a pacifist. She did not get married. She thought women should be able to do more things to make the world a better place to live. During World War I, she said that America should not join the war. The newspapers atacked her and some people were afraid she was dangurous but later she was got the Nobel Peace Prize. She died in 1935.



21 Technology Tools Tools available at school –Inspiration –Draft:Builder Tools heard about at conference –SOLO –Kurzweil 3000 Web Resources – –



24 LASW + Other PD Activities Hold workshops to deepen and expand teachers’ knowledge on key topics. Provide hands-on help for technology use by local experts.

25 Implementation Factors Administrators need to create protected time for teacher collaboration, provide resources, and support the teams’ implementation of technology use. School-based facilitator(s) need to be recruited, trained, and supported. Materials and resources must be available. A plan for formative evaluation needs to be in place at the outset.

26 Q & A Questions? Concerns? Reactions?

27 Resources for Getting Started CITEd http://www.cited.org STAR Tech Tech matrix Literacy Matters:





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