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Multi-Platform Assigning Lisa Murphy for CSME

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Presentation on theme: "Multi-Platform Assigning Lisa Murphy for CSME"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multi-Platform Assigning Lisa Murphy for CSME

2 Audit Before You Assign All editors on staff should know: Which content had most pageviews and time spent on web and apps in past month and year Which content got the most shares on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and elsewhere Which videos perform best online & in app Which photo galleries did best How competitors are telling their stories through multimedia

3 Ask Yourself “If you couldn’t use words, how you would do the story?” Mashable EIC Jim Roberts

4 Checklist of Options (+ Print) Data visualizations & graphs Embedded/live social posts Backgrounders/101s Extra photos Extra interview questions Animated gifs Quizzes Infographics Video & animated video Before & After photos Layer in older content Audio clips Interactive maps

5 Videos for online & mag app cover treatment User Generated Content + Social conversation

6 Checklist of Options (+ Print) Cartoons Listicles Interactive timeline FAQ/Live Q & A Shoppable Video Music Games Diaries/Journals Coupons & Deals

7 Mine Interviews For Extras Infographics boost social shares

8 On The Cheap Smartphone & Google Hangout Video + cheap editing apps Video/interactive tools such as Videolicious, Meograph, Zeega, Hyperlapse Quizzes – Vox Quiz Generator Live Blogging & Q&A – ScribbleLive, Dilmot Location-based social -- geofeedia Data Visuals – CartoDB, Tableau Public, Interactive Visuals – ThingLink Timelines – Timeline.js Graphic Quotes – Vox Meme Generator, Canva Audio Clips – Cogi ; ; ; tools-you-should-have-been-using-in-2014/

9 Vary Approaches & Information Let video, audio and graphic extras offer different information from text You don’t have to run the feature with all of the same elements on both web and your magazine app if you don’t want to (nor release them all at once) Choose the elements for each that best suit the platform, taking into consideration what has performed well on each in the past If you don’t have the time and budget to embellish both your site and app, enhance the one with the most audience and revenue.

10 Keep Social In Mind Use extra photos online and in social promo (on FB, photo posts +39% more shares; Twitter +27%) Evoke emotion with audio clips, videos, more photos and graphics of stats, quotes and compelling story details. More likely to be shared and go viral than straight headlines Use Instagram, Vine, Snapchat and YouTube video to promote features, covers, events & more Incorporate social in your print, web and magazine app version of the story (posts, handles, etc.) Use tags & #hashtags (can boost shares by 50%) When appropriate, choose writers and interview subjects with broad social networks who will share your feature

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