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Highlight & place your title here Highlight & write in your name here Holy Sepulcher Catholic School Grade ? Use the Student Guide to the HSS PJAS Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Highlight & place your title here Highlight & write in your name here Holy Sepulcher Catholic School Grade ? Use the Student Guide to the HSS PJAS Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Highlight & place your title here Highlight & write in your name here Holy Sepulcher Catholic School Grade ? Use the Student Guide to the HSS PJAS Presentation Template for step-by-step direction on how to complete this power point template. Delete this box after reading.

2 Investigation Question Highlight & write your “Investigation Question” here Highlight & tell the give a BRIEF overall description of your investigation. What you will be testing and how you will do it. Do not give a detailed procedure here.

3 Interest Highlight & give the personal reasons for you interest in doing this investigation or explain what led you to want to do this investigation. The more personal and real-life you make it the better. Do NOT start with, “I wanted to do this experiment because …” or anything like that.

4 Research I.Highlight & write your Big Question here. II.Highlight & write your 1 st area of research. III.Highlight & write your 2 nd area of research. IV.Highlight & write your 3 rd area of research. V.Highlight & write your 4 th area of research. VI.Highlight & write your 5 th area of research.

5 Highlight & replace this sentence with the title of your first picture/diagram/chart that relates to your 1 st area of research

6 Highlight & replace this sentence with the title of your first picture/diagram/chart that relates to your 2 nd area of research

7 Highlight & replace this sentence with the title of your first picture/diagram/chart that relates to your 3 rd area of research

8 Highlight & replace this sentence with the title of your first picture/diagram/chart that relates to your 4 th area of research

9 Highlight & replace this sentence with the title of your first picture/diagram/chart that relates to your 5 th area of research

10 Hypothesis Highlight & write your hypothesis in the top of this area. Highlight & replace this section with your reasons for your hypothesis. Be sure to back this hypothesis up with some facts from your research. GIVE SCIENTIFIC REASONS!

11 Materials Highlight these three sentences to add list of materials. Hit enter after each item to add the next item. Place ½ of the materials on this left side. Highlight these three sentences to add list of materials. Hit enter after each item to add the next item. Place ½ of the materials on this right side.

12 Procedure 1.Highlight these four sentences & write first step in the procedure. Hit enter after each step to add the next step. Place no more than 12 total lines on this page. Place any additional lines on the next page. You could choose to use the flow chart model to present your procedure. But you will have to make sure to emphasize the details as you will not be able to write them in the small box area.

13 Procedure 15.Highlight these sentences & write additional steps for the procedure. To change the procedure number of this step to match up with what is written on the previous page, do the following. Click in front of the sentence – click on format then Bullets and numbering then numbered. Choose the top group of numbers that are followed by a period. Then in the bottom right of the box, choose the number that you want this page to start with. Then hit OK. Hit enter after each step to add the next step. Place no more than 12 total lines on this page.

14 Procedure Brief step explanation

15 Experimental Set Up

16 Variables, Constants, & the Control Independent Variable: DO NOT DELETE “Independent Variable”. Highlight & replace these three sentences with your independent variables. This is the part of the experiment that you are changing. Dependent Variable: DO NOT DELETE “Dependent Variable”. Highlight & replace these three sentences with your dependent variable. This is the part of the experiment that you are measuring. Constants: DO NOT DELETE “Constants”. Highlight & replace these three sentences with the constants. This is the part of your experiment that always stay the same. The Control: DO NOT DELETE “The Control”. Highlight & replace these three sentences with your control. This is one of the independent variables that you will compare the others to.

17 Click & write in the title of your 1 st table here. For example: Height of Bouncing Ball (cm)

18 Paste Graph # 1 above this window then delete this line. Highlight this bullet point & type analysis statements of the Graph. Analysis should discuss the consistency of the date, observations you sensed during the experiment that couldn’t be represented on the graph, and/or scientific reasoning for the results. Hit enter to add more analysis statements. DO NOT state which data was greater or less than another. We can see that!

19 Click & write in the title of your 2 nd table here. For example: Height of Bouncing Ball (cm)

20 Paste Graph # 2 above this window then delete this line. Highlight this bullet point & type analysis statements of the Graph. Analysis should discuss the consistency of the date, observations you sensed during the experiment that couldn’t be represented on the graph, and/or scientific reasoning for the results. Hit enter to add more analysis statements. DO NOT state which data was greater or less than another. We can see that!

21 Click & write the title of your 3 rd table here. For example: Height of Bouncing Ball (cm)

22 Paste Graph # 3 above this window then delete this line. Highlight this bullet point & type analysis statements of the Graph. Analysis should discuss the consistency of the date, observations you sensed during the experiment that couldn’t be represented on the graph, and/or scientific reasoning for the results. Hit enter to add more analysis statements. DO NOT state which data was greater or less than another. We can see that!

23 Click & write in the title of your 4 th table here. For example: Height of Bouncing Ball (cm)

24 Paste Graph # 4 above this window then delete this line. Highlight this bullet point & type analysis statements of the Graph. Analysis should discuss the consistency of the date, observations you sensed during the experiment that couldn’t be represented on the graph, and/or scientific reasoning for the results. Hit enter to add more analysis statements. DO NOT state which data was greater or less than another. We can see that!

25 Click & write the title of your 5 th table here. For example: Height of Bouncing Ball (cm)

26 Paste Graph # 5 above this window then delete this line. Highlight this bullet point & type analysis statements of the Graph. Analysis should discuss the consistency of the date, observations you sensed during the experiment that couldn’t be represented on the graph, and/or scientific reasoning for the results. Hit enter to add more analysis statements. DO NOT state which data was greater or less than another. We can see that!

27 Click & write the title of your 6 th table here. For example: Height of Bouncing Ball (cm)

28 Paste Graph # 6 above this window then delete this line. Highlight this bullet point & type analysis statements of the Graph. Analysis should discuss the consistency of the date, observations you sensed during the experiment that couldn’t be represented on the graph, and/or scientific reasoning for the results. Hit enter to add more analysis statements. DO NOT state which data was greater or less than another. We can see that!

29 Click & write the title of your 7 th table here. For example: Height of Bouncing Ball (cm)

30 Paste Graph # 7 above this window then delete this line. Highlight this bullet point & type analysis statements of the Graph. Analysis should discuss the consistency of the date, observations you sensed during the experiment that couldn’t be represented on the graph, and/or scientific reasoning for the results. Hit enter to add more analysis statements. DO NOT state which data was greater or less than another. We can see that!

31 Click & write the title of your 8 th table here. For example: Height of Bouncing Ball (cm)

32 Paste Graph # 8 above this window then delete this line. Highlight this bullet point & type analysis statements of the Graph. Analysis should discuss the consistency of the date, observations you sensed during the experiment that couldn’t be represented on the graph, and/or scientific reasoning for the results. Hit enter to add more analysis statements. DO NOT state which data was greater or less than another. We can see that!

33 Click & write the title of your Average Table here. For ex: Average Height of Bouncing Ball (cm)

34 Paste the average graph above this window then delete this line. Highlight this bullet point & type analysis statements of the Graph. Analysis should discuss the consistency of the date, observations you sensed during the experiment that couldn’t be represented on the graph, and/or scientific reasoning for the results. Hit enter to add more analysis statements. DO NOT state which data was greater or less than another. We can see that!

35 Possible Errors Highlight and state any parts of your experiment in which errors could have occurred. Hit enter to list more possible errors. You should have at least three possible error. Please don’t write possible errors that would make you look like you didn’t think things through !

36 Conclusions YOU MUST FILL OUT BOTH CONCLUSIONS PAGES! – FILL IN EACH BULLET ASK FOR ON BOTH PAGES! Delete this line after reading In my hypothesis, I thought Leave “In my hypothesis, I thought” then highlight this part of the sentence & restate your hypothesis in the past tense. Click & write the results of your experiment. Be sure to reference your research in some of these statements. Hit enter to add in more conclusions.

37 Conclusions My hypothesis was (supported, partially supported, or not supported). Never say that you were “Right” or “wrong”. Offer some “real life” applications of your findings. Tell of any future research that you would like to do that’s related to your work. (Then go back and delete any slides you did not use!)

38 Thank You

39 Student: Name ___Title ___ Investigation Question ___ Interest ___ Research ___ Diagram ___ Hypothesis ___ Procedure ___ Var, Const. & Control ___ Data Tables ___ Graph/Analysis ___ Possible Errors ___ Conclusions ___ /120 Total Score = Click on each comment box to see the changes I would like you to make. Delete all comments when you are done. All green words are either parts that I have changed. You should change these to black or your color. All red words are parts you need to change. Assessment Page for Mr. R’s use – delete this page before submitting final copy

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