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3  OCC’s first students graduated in 1948, which makes you the 66th graduating class!

4 Help your fellow grads who couldn’t make it today!

5 Graduation or Commencement? Graduation = the completion of a degree or course of study Commencement = the beginning

6 Gaps and gowns = academic regalia Academic dress dates back to the formation of early universities in Europe, beginning around the 12th century. The dress of scholars was the dress of clerics. Historians presume long gowns were worn by these individuals to keep warm in unheated buildings.

7  Gold cords = Honors  White cords = Honorary Guide What does it all mean? Hoods have different colors, which identify the discipline and the school. For example, Education = Light Blue, Medicine = Green, and Science = Golden Yellow

8 COME TO THE CEREMONY DRESSED IN YOUR CAP & GOWN!!!!  Try on your cap & gown  Hang up or steam your gown  If your cap (mortarboard) is a little big use bobby pins to secure it in place  Tassel goes on the right until your graduate and then you shift it to the left

9 ARRIVE AT THE PACIFIC AMPITHEATRE AT 4:30 p.m.  Meet at 4:30 p.m. (Graduates enter at Gate #4 off Arlington and guests enter Gate #3 off Fairview) Main gate off Fair is closed due to construction  Check in at the Grad Check-in table  Get in a line (any line)

10 FOLLOW THE LEADER GO ALL THE WAY ACROSS YOUR ROW  Once the OCC Wind Ensemble begins to play Pomp and Circumstance, follow the person in front of you until you reach your seat in the theatre.

11 Check your printed program tomorrow for more details. 1.PROCESSIONAL MARCH 2.NATIONAL ANTHEM 3.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4.WELCOME 5.SPEAKERS 6.AWARD PRESENTATIONS 7.AWARDING OF THE DEGREES AND CERTIFICATES 8.CLASS OF 2014 PRESENTATION & RESPONSE (you will be asked to stand move your tassel from right to left and your class will be accepted by the President of the Board of Trustees.) 9. Recessional March

12 RETURN TO YOUR SEAT AFTER YOU RECEIVE YOUR DIPLOMA  Wait in your row until an Honorary Guide comes to lead you up to the stage  Backstage-have your name card ready  When your name is read step out on to the middle of the stage  Follow the floor tape on the stage to pick up your diploma cover  Shake hands and have your photo taken

13 We did it! And the crowd goes wild!

14 Refreshments served in reception tents designated by division Meet your family, friends, and the OCC faculty there!

15  Meet at the Pacific Amphitheatre at 4:30 p.m.  Come through Gate #4 (grads only)  Tell your guests to enter off of Fairview Rd. into Gate #3. (family & friends)  Come dressed in your cap and gown  Check in at the table to get your name card  Follow the leader and help others  Most important--HAVE FUN!  Do not bring purses please!

16  You’ve earned it and now it’s time to celebrate!

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