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Steve Frederick December 2012 Summit 2012 Trending Topics and WebFOCUS Update 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Steve Frederick December 2012 Summit 2012 Trending Topics and WebFOCUS Update 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steve Frederick December 2012 Summit 2012 Trending Topics and WebFOCUS Update 1

2 What it’s all about “Summit is a great mix of roadmap, product updates and sneak peeks, and hands-on training. I particularly like seeing new ways other customers are using WebFOCUS.”  Teri Howe, Manager, Product Management | Varolii Corporation Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 2

3 Process For Continuous Innovation & Capability Expansion to Support Business & User Growth Over Time

4 What it’s all about Top 8 Topics Trending Now!  Mobile  Active Technologies  Pro Portal/Graphics  Big Data  Advanced Analytics  Predictive  Security  Data Quality Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 4

5 Mobile and Active

6 Active Technologies for Mobile Web Apps  Ease of Use  Single-tap UI paradigm  Full gesture & screen rotation support  Embedded data analysis and visualization  Full offline data interactivity  Ease of Development  Dynamic device detection  Build once, fit in any device  Industry Standard  Web Apps technology  iPhone App-like UI  Available in HTML or Flash

7 Active Technologies UI Upgrade Copyright 2011, Information Builders. Slide 7

8 Enabling Self Service for Business Users: BI Portal & InfoAssist

9 The Self Service Trend: Hype & Reality  Self-Service is the new management fad: banking, retail, telecom, BI….  Self-Service Myths: Valid across all industries 1.Self- Service is a foolproof way to reduce cost:  Implement it right or not at all 2.Self-Service eliminates IT bottlenecks (customer interactions):  Works only as part of a multi-channel service plan 3.Self-Service is a quick fix:  It is often only a transfer of cost  It frequently alienates users 4.One Self-Service method fits all customers and all their needs:  Only some customers prefer self-service: Find out who  Many BI customers do not know any better  For IBI Self-Service is one aspect of a much broader enterprise information and decision support system

10 InfoAssist & New Portal Copyright 2010, Information Builders. Slide 10  BI Portal: Focus on engaging the BI consumer  Customizable: Let the users define how they consume content  Collaborative: Let the users define how they want to publish and share content  Componentized: Let the users define what widgets they want to add to their content pages.  InfoAssist: Single tool and single workflow to make the tool as easy and ubiquitous as Excel for the analytic BI user  Enhanced analytic capabilities  Enhanced interactive design capabilities BIP Objective: Become highly competitive in the self-service market with enterprise level query, analysis & portal tools IA

11 Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 11

12 New Visualization Engine

13 The New Visualization Engine: Benefits  An entirely new unified visualization technology that is now being rolled out across our entire product line  The benefits:  The exact same chart experience in all output formats: Active Technologies, HTML5, Flex, PDF  The same set of properties and syntax for all IBI products  A high level of visual sophistication:  Gradients  Animations  Works in all browsers including mobile  Easily expandable and customizable:  Allows IBI consultants and BI developers to quickly meet customer requirements by adding custom properties and features  Availability: Version 1.0 for regular and Active HTML output formats.

14 Active Technologies

15 Sample HTML5 output

16 WebFOCUS Hyperstage Big Data and Sentiment Analysis Improve database performance for WebFOCUS applications with less hardware, no database tuning and easy migration.

17 WebFOCUS Hyperstage - Why? Why Do BI Applications Fail? Typically 3 Reasons…. 1. Too Complicated Self-Service, Guided Ad hoc 2. Bad Data Data Quality 3. Too Slow Hyperstage 17 Hyperstage will improve database performance for WebFOCUS applications with less hardware, no database tuning and easy migration.

18 IT Manager’s try to mitigate these response times ….. 18 Source: KEEPING UP WITH EVER-EXPANDING ENTERPRISE DATA ( Joseph McKendrick Unisphere Research October 2010) How Performance Issues are Typically Addressed – by Pace of Data Growth I/O is typically the first thing addressed to increase the performance of growing databases.

19 WebFOCUS Hyperstage Components Hyperstage is extremely flexible and the components can be deployed on the same server as WebFOCUS or on their own dedicated servers. 19

20 Smarter Architecture  No maintenance  No query planning  No partition schemes  No DBA Data Packs – data stored in manageably sized, highly compressed data packs Knowledge Grid – statistics and metadata “describing” the super-compressed data Column Orientation WebFOCUS Hyperstage Engine Data compressed using algorithms tailored to data type 20

21 Sentiment Analysis Search for a product across many systems Narrow down matches based on Sentiment Analysis Compare facets with Category Tree pie charts

22 Magnify Sentiment Analysis How It Works  Natural language processing on any mix of structured and unstructured content  Magnify calls WAND’s Taxonomy server Web Service  A positive, negative, or neutral score is returned to Magnify  Magnify displays sentiment as part of the Category Tree  Allows users to filter search results based on the information's overall tone Enrich Enterprise Information with Sentiment

23 Predictive

24 RStat: Why Analytic Applications  Analytic Applications:  Targeted to well defined business or functional problems  Examples: Activity Based Cost Accounting, EBITA, etc.  Based on well known and established methodologies  Repeatable across industries with small variations  The Problem: IT cannot build them  Business users have knowledge how to use but lack the knowledge to create requirements  IT lacks the business knowledge  Packaged Advantages:  Time to market  Extend BI usage without straining development resources Copyright 2007, Information Builders. Slide 24

25 Pricing Application Price Optimization Application IBI Fractal solution  Why use a Price Optimization application?  How do you determine the right price?  How elastic is the price, i.e., how sensitive is the consumer to price increase/decrease?  What is the cost of having the wrong price?  The Price Optimizations applications improves the accuracy of the pricing decisions by:  Capturing all the dimensions for pricing – consumer demand, competition, and profitability  Providing both historical as well as predictive view of the demand- price scenarios  Incorporating all past learnings of consumer behavior in response to price changes in the models

26 Pricing Application Projected KPIs (Numerical and graphical) Modified Prices Export options With the changed price, the projected numbers for Quantity sold, $ sales, margin, %margin and variance for all of these items get updated. The numbers are also visualized graphically. User also have option of exporting the new pricing and projected numbers into Excel, PDF or HTML output

27 Security

28 Why a New Security Model? Customer Feedback Related to WebFOCUS 7x  Managed Reporting Role Security was Limiting  Only 5 base roles and 9 permissions  One role for all Domains  Domain Security Model was Limiting  Couldn’t customize security on sub-folders  Content Sharing was Limiting  Couldn’t share with specific people  Challenging for Multi-tenancy SaaS Deployments  Couldn’t allow sharing in a common Domain—user’s would see content from other tenants  Dilemma: abandon common domain or drop sharing? 28 WebFOCUS 8 Addresses These Challenges!

29 WebFOCUS 8 Security Model Benefits 29  Flexible Security Model  Over 150 assignable permissions  Can develop custom permission sets  Sub-Groups and Inheritance Simplify Policy Creation  Easy to Use Tools to Create and Verify Security Policies  Makes it Possible to Support Many Different Deployment Requirements

30 Data Quality Make Your BI Better

31 Data Quality - Facts and Stats 250 CFO’s Surveyed - 75% said “data quality significantly impedes performance.” Gartner Survey(2009) 50% of Data Warehouse projects will fail or receive limited acceptance because of NOT proactively addressing data quality issues Thomas Redman – Data-Driven(2008) The amount of data you have doubles every 12 to 18 months Thomas Redman – Data-Driven(2008) 1/3 of data in ERP systems originate from outside of the organisation Gartner Survey(2009) 2.9% of transactions from external trading partners require exception processing or error handling Gartner Survey(2009) “It costs a company 10 times as much to process a faulty transaction compared to a perfect transaction.” Thomas Redman – Data-Driven(2008)

32 Data Quality Centre Profiling DQC Cleansing Parsing Validation Enrichment Match & Merge Monitoring  A state-of-the-art solution designed to optimise the integrity of information throughout an entire business.  With comprehensive, fully customisable business rules and a portfolio of localised dictionaries

33 Center of Excellence Maximize Your Investment

34 Center of Excellence Why? 34

35 Innovation Days Maximize Your Investment

36 Innovation Day What is it? 36  Show Us Yours  Pick the best 4-5 topics of interest  Mobile  Active Technologies  Pro Portal/Graphics  Big Data  Advanced Analytics  Predictive  Security  Data Quality  Center of Excellence  Delivered in a 2 hour lunch time based interactive session  Combination of presentation on trends as they apply to your app and supportive demo’s)  Follow Innovation Day with a 1 day Health Check  Health Check Report Card “You own it! Now make WebFOCUS perform like never before!”

37 Thank You!

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