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By Alfred, Lord Tennyson Assignment Starters Published 9 December 1854 25th October 1854.

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1 By Alfred, Lord Tennyson Assignment Starters Published 9 December 1854 25th October 1854

2 Lord Cardigan I am Lord Cardigan, an officer of the Light Brigade, and a British soldier who is ready to die for his country. It was the 25 th of October. The Russians were taking away our artillery guns. I didn’t have anything to do with it because I was the Lieutenant General who commanded the light brigade, a small group of soldiers on horseback using light weaponry. Lord Raglan was standing on top of a hill thereby seeing the entire Battlefield where we could not. I was waiting for his orders until captain Nolan came along and took out a message that read “'Lord Raglan's orders are, that the cavalry should attack immediately”. I was astonished by the message but I couldn’t question the army’s commander even though I despised him. I looked back at my men, Knowing that I will lead them to their doom. I arranged the formation and started heading to the Russians. We were walking till they started firing their canons at us. The trot to the Russian guns started. Boom! An explosion beside me made me unbalanced on my horse but I got back continuing the charge. I looked back to see Captain Nolan waving… I couldn’t understand. My men were blown off their horses or even being blown off their bodies.

3 Captain Nolan Those stupid fools, oh how I despise them both. They are both witless! How could they allow their pride and personal conflicts to interfere with their decisions at a time like this? That idiot, Cardigan, wouldn’t be able to discern a perfect opportunity if it came and hit him on the face. He has always under utilized the high skills of the cavalry. If only I was given the opportunity to lead in his place, but now is not the time for any of my wishful thinking. The Heavy Brigade has forced the Russians to re- cross the Causeway Heights but Lord Cardigan, yet again has failed to engage the Russians. Why am I not surprised? His reproachful actions or lack thereof are driving me mad! I cannot help but be censorious of these Lords. Lord Raglan is as bad as Lord Cardigan if not worse. Has he not yet realized that all the men-his men- have been calling him ‘Lord Look On’ from behind his back. Such passiveness is futile, it will not win you battles let alone win us the war.

4 Captain Webb I couldn't possibly forget the dreadful moments I spent in the Crimean war, most notably the Battle of Balaclava. Yet battlefields have other stories worth of telling and narrating through the generations; the stories of friendship, bravery, heroism, and endurance. I had an invaluable opportunity of experiencing these moments as I ended my life. Until the beginning of October 1854 all things were moving in our favour, until that horrible day of 25 October, when we woke up from a sudden attack made by the Russians against our defenses. It was a nightmare, the sounds of cannon balls, heavy horses, guns firing in the air, and men shouting turned this place a hell on earth. The Russians captured many of our cannons and we were left almost defenseless. Being part of the Light Brigade, we were commanded to move to the North Valley, which was later called "the Valley of Death", and we waited for the advance of the cavalry so that they could win back the guns from the enemy positions. At that point, I felt terribly insecure, and I told my comrades: "apparently we were sent to the wrong direction."

5 Private James Olley I'm Pte James Olley, one of the soldiers who was in the war of British light cavalry led by Lord Cardigan against Russian forces during the on 25 October 1854 in the Crimean War. It was a very bitter experience that I can't forget. It is carved in my memory. Every day I had nightmares because of it. I was aged 16 at the time. our leader, Lucan, received an order from the army commander Lord Relgan stating that "Lord Raglan wishes the cavalry to advance rapidly to the front, follow the enemy, and try to prevent the enemy carrying away the guns. Really it was a shock to all soldiers. But we have to obey only and even not to discuss. What Raglan wanted was a disaster. How we can fight with our horses people who have guns. The Light Brigade set off down the valley with Cardigan out in front leading the charge. Almost at once Nolan was seen to rush across the front, passing in front of Cardigan. It may be that he then realised the charge was aimed at the wrong target and was attempting to stop or turn the brigade, but he was killed by an artillery shell and the cavalry continued on its course.


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