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(Click here to go to our website) Call to Order – President Weldon Garrelts called the meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.

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2 (Click here to go to our website) Call to Order – President Weldon Garrelts called the meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.

3 The Windsor was decorated for Halloween. IT'S HOWL-O-WEEN! When October winds begin to blow, when jack-o-lanterns start to glow. When mummies crawl from their tombs, when witches fly around on brooms. When owls screech their eerie calls, when spiders crawl across the walls. When goblins lurk on your welcome mats, it's Howl-0-ween – watch out for bats! HAPPY HOWL-O-WEEN!

4 Invocation – David Hunter – We thank Thee, Lord, for this food and a holiday for kids, and pray adults do nothing law forbids, and may sweets we give for kids enjoyment, not give their dentists more employment. Amen. Vittles – Jambalaya, wild rice, broccoli, salad and toppings, rolls and butter, German Chocolate cake, tea and coffee.

5 Attendance – 22 members, 5 visitors. Guests – Larry (husband of Fonda Bowden) not shown; Ron Stickler (1st Vice District Governor 1-E) above center; Boyd Edwards (Paris Lions Club) above right. Birthdays – none.

6 Lions Report – If you are ill or know a fellow Lion that is under the weather, please call Pat Bryan at 586-4535.

7 Lottery – Frank Duff won the $12 lottery.

8 Announcements – Weldon Garrelts announced that Lions Club is waiving the Club initiation fee for Military Veterans, either active or retired. He also announced the Board of Directors meeting for next Tuesday.

9 Tom Yaxley gave an update on the Football pool and noted our club was 7th last week and fell to overall 5th place.

10 Marvin Paulsen reported the Low Vision Exams are ongoing today, coordinated by Pam Duda, Vision Coordinator for CASE. Because of State budget cuts, there has been a reduction in the number of counties they can serve. Several of our Club members have attended the Low Vision to show support.

11 Rich King showed slides of the event,




15 and Rex Hess reported that the Optometrist needed a $2,500 instrument to help make the examination more efficient.

16 Weldon read a letter from Trudy Gordon thanking our club for the donation to Make-A-Wish-Illinois.

17 Program – Rich King introduced the speaker, Darrel King, his brother. Darrel has Parkinson’s disease, but his humor was just like Rich’s. He mentioned some celebrities who have Parkinson’s, including Michael J Fox and Muhammad Ali.

18 The disease usually does not hit until age 62. He and friends decided to start the Support Group here and there were 25 people who showed up for the first meeting.

19 It is a progressive disease, but there is no evidence that it is inherited. However, Darrel’s father had it and so did his uncle. Some have problems with side effects of the medicine. Darrel had to have help walking into the other room, but came trotting back.

20 He said the problem is that he has only two speeds and that he sometimes has difficulty getting started but then he goes fast. He has a simple trick, where he uses a hacky sack on the floor and has no problem with kicking it as he walks.

21 Someone mentioned that it is claimed that there is increased gambling among Parkinson’s patients. However, jokingly, Darrel said it is probably due to the Poker Face you get as your face muscles become fixed.

22 Darrel then introduced Charlie Rohn who spoke on the Parkinson’s Disease Support Group. He was diagnosed two years ago and the medicine is helping.

23 His first symptoms included: a slower walking gait, the feet making him go up and down, his writing becoming smaller and smaller.

24 He finally couldn’t write a check. Others have problems with balance and some show problems with movement of the head.

25 The Gold Standard medication is Carbidopa/levodopa, but there is no cure. The cause is the loss of brain production of L-dopamine.

26 It can affect sleep. Spouses have a hard time with this, because of strange dreams the patients have, and sleep walking due to the vivid reality of the dreams.

27 Exercise helps a lot, but it is difficult due to the limitations.

28 Darrel ended with calling it the ‘Tim Conway’ syndrome, because of his foot shuffle. He then referenced a great verse in the book of Hebrews.

29 Tail Twister – Omer Benn asked Jay Hoeflinger to carry the bucket.

30 One of Omer’s Philosophies of the day: “Money will buy a fine dog, but only kindness will make him wag his tail.”

31 He fined Frank Duff for having won the lottery;

32 Pedro Heller for his past birthday;

33 Ed Tichenor for spilling his drink and making the table red;

34 Rich King for reflecting light off the top of his head;

35 President Weldon Garrelts for the guests from Paris.

36 Kathy Struck bragged about her cousin getting a great job;

37 Rich Suchomski bragged that he attended his first World Series game in St. Louis and they won.

38 Mr. Twister receives absolution. He didn’t fine our publisher, Dave Hunter.

39 Nov 6 – Business Meeting – Know Your Lion Greeter: Rich King Nov 13 – To Be Announced Nov 20 – To Be Announced Click here to email Sam McGrew and let him know what you would like to see in a Lions Club program some Coming up

40 Thank you for watching Editor Rex Hess Publisher David Hunter To email Dave with your suggestions, click here → To go to the our website, click here →

41 Happy Halloween

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