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Grand Irish Tour 2 nd Leg Mallow. Waiting on the Lolly Pop Lady to cross the road.

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Presentation on theme: "Grand Irish Tour 2 nd Leg Mallow. Waiting on the Lolly Pop Lady to cross the road."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grand Irish Tour 2 nd Leg Mallow

2 Waiting on the Lolly Pop Lady to cross the road

3 A lovely day at Altnagelvin

4 Don’t look now but there’s a train behind you

5 George made a good choice!



8 New members for Probus Club

9 Short tour of Mallow, on way to GAA grounds




13 We’ve arrived!

14 Mr Bogle comes second in the race

15 And this is before any beverages consumed!

16 Hand of friendship from the North!

17 Look into my eyes…

18 Can’t take my eyes of You!

19 I’m not going to play second fiddle to Bogle

20 Any regrets George & Noel


22 The magnificent seven have arrived!


24 Welcome from Mallow Council!

25 Entertainment from Young People of Mallow


27 Entertainment from the older people of Mallow




31 Deep thoughts!

32 The first of many requests to be Georges official photographer

33 Told you…

34 Just checking how many new friends I’ve aquired

35 I’ve just set both of you up with Facebook accounts

36 The magnificent seven take on Mallow!

37 What you mean ‘insufficient funds’

38 “here’s the timetable for tomorrow – NOT NEXT WEEK!”

39 We thought we were getting lunch!



42 “Ian I think it’d be worth a bet on Glen’s Fancy”

43 “What do you mean you backed the wrong horse”

44 “but George you promised me I’d be your 146 th friend on facebook!

45 They didn’t know Derry’s Walls




49 Delegates from all over Ireland

50 Mayor of Mallow greets delegates

51 Presentations to Bangor – 1 st Probus Club


53 ????

54 Receiving attendance Cup

55 Couldn’t convince him that we should be allowed to keep cup

56 George offers chocolate in exchange for Chain of Office

57 “George are you sure were on the correct platform”

58 “I know I have my ticket somewhere”

59 “I’ve lost my ticket – may need to stay in Mallow!”

60 “he says I’m only allowed one bag on train”

61 “Don’t tell me we’ve lost Bobby again”

62 Guess who’s thumbing it home

63 “Would you stop the train to give this guy a lift”

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