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Presentation on theme: "YEAR FOUR ORIENTATION AY2013-2014 WELCOME Class of 2014."— Presentation transcript:


2 Purpose of the 4 th Year Explore your interests Strengthen your knowledge, clinical skills and clinical reasoning Prepare for residency Broaden your education

3 Outline of Year 4 SCCX/USMLE Step 2 (CK and CS) 4 week Neurology Clerkship Doctoring Year 4 Geriatrics Doctoring Mentoring Activities 30 weeks of elective credit 4 week Intensive Clinical Experience 4 weeks Basic Science Electives Electives in 3 clinical areas Residency applications/interviews

4 Choosing an Electives Advisor You may get advice from anyone Official advisor signs off on schedule They may have connections/insight. Choose someone you like and respect. Remember everyone on the list is a volunteer. YOU YOU are responsible for meeting graduation requirements 1 st meeting: Schedule well before your deadline to submit electives. Discuss your goals and have a tentative schedule.

5 Pathways FCM, OB/GYN, IM, PEDS, PSYCH, Pathology Community Outreach and Education Surgery: Ortho, General, Plastic, ENT 12 weeks (non-consecutive) ◦ 4 ICE; 4 basic science; 4 elective No risks/benefits Bragging rights!

6 Individually-Designed Electives Must be written in the format of all electives in the catalog Detailed objectives! Advisor, Faculty, Elective Coordinator, & Year 4 Director must approve at least 3 weeks before the start date. (ie. Plan ahead)

7 EXTENDED ELECTIVES 5-10 week blocks Not allowed during certain electives (noted on course description) Not allowed during Medical Humanities/Doctoring and Neurology Clerkship No more than one full time and one extended elective at once


9 We will run schedules at the deadline. Failure to submit your schedules may mean that you get the leftovers!


11 Pitfallsto avoid Prerequisites: Prerequisites: ◦ Notify faculty “X” weeks before ◦ “Successful completion of ……” ◦ Not checking these things and following through may cause you last minute changes

12 Pitfalls to Avoid Deadlines: Deadlines: ◦ 3 weeks for IDE and extramural ◦ 1 week for add/drop ◦ Cannot drop once it starts ◦ Cannot get credit unless enrolled before it starts Waivers: Waivers: Request in writing for a waiver of a policy with relevant information about why you couldn’t meet the deadline…. expect no more than one

13 Pitfalls to avoid Communicate! If you need time off of an elective, discuss with faculty far in advance, come with a plan to make it up.

14 Pitfalls To Avoid Retake elective only with permission and no waiting list Graduation Requirements Evaluations: no credit until done To take SCCX during a >2 week elective, faculty MUST CONSENT IN WRITING. YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!

15 PITFALLS! Satisfactory with decreased weeks of credit Incomplete (must be completed before April—or converts to Unsatisfactory) Unsatisfactory-stays on transcript and triggers review by most medical licensing boards (ie. delays licensure for residency and practice each time you apply!)


17 Getting Ready for Year Four

18 First thing….. Select your Elective Advisor (list in packet and on web) After checking with the Advisor to obtain her/his approval, use the online form to register your selection BEFORE April 12 th Deadline

19 Time Requirements in Y4 45.0 weeks = Time available in Y4 -30.0 weeks = Required Elective Credit (20 On-Campus Credit) - 0.5 weeks = SCCX (2 days) - 6.0 weeks = Required Clerkships 8.5 weeks = Open Time

20 Electives 30 Weeks of Credit ◦ 20 Weeks - On-Campus Credit ◦ 12 Weeks of “Core” Credit  4 Weeks each in 3 Core Clinical Departments  (FCM, IM, Ob/Gyn, Peds, Psych, & Surg) ◦ 1 (4-week rotation) – ICE* – from the list ◦ 4 Weeks of Basic Science Elective *ICE CAN count toward 1of 3 “Cores”

21 Electives Vary in Length: ◦ Full time (1 credit for each week) ◦ Half-Time: AM/PM (0.5 credit for each week) ◦ Extended (consecutive Thursday PMs) (1 block = 5 weeks = 0.5 credit)

22 Electives can be… Catalog (Traditional, ICE, or BSE) ◦ Approx 190 from every department Individually-Designed Electives (P&P 6.0) ◦ IDE -- Not in the Catalog – something YOU design Extramural Electives (P&P 7.0) ◦ “Away” Electives – other LCME schools

23 Travel to Foreign Countries: Travel to Foreign Countries: ◦ Electives requiring travel to foreign countries will not be added to your schedule until you have completed a required meeting with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs AT LEAST six weeks prior to the start date. No credit will be given if this requirement is not fulfilled by the deadline.

24 Electives Electives taken during Y3 Option Periods will count toward Graduation Requirements (except Intensive Clinical Elective Requirement)

25 Before you Register….. Read ◦ “Helpful Hints” ◦ “Student Misconceptions” Review List of Electives: ◦ Note the ones you think might be of interest ◦ Read the course descriptions in the Catalog ◦ Check out past Student Feedback

26 Before you Register… Make a list of all the electives you’d like to take Prioritize that list giving highest priority to those you FOR SURE want to take. ◦ Over-request--You will not get all of your priorities; give yourself plenty of options. ◦ Try to make sure your Registration Form has enough course requests to fulfill Graduation Requirements.

27 Registration Process

28 Complete Registration Form Online 1.Plug in your Neurology Clerkship & SCCX 2.List requested Vacation first 3.Selected courses should be entered in order of priority (See Sample)




32 Registration Process Print a copy then “Submit” form online Take printed copy with you to meeting with your Elective Advisor Bring printed copy signed (by you & your advisor) to Cherie (Note any changes from online entry)

33 Registration Process All requests are entered into the computer in order of priority Computer runs all schedules 100+ times Results: Configuration that gives the most students the greatest number of their highest priorities.

34 Registration Process Preliminary schedules distributed DON’T PANIC!!! Individually meet with Cherie to ‘fine-tune’ your schedule. (Appointments between May 6 – May 17)

35 Important Deadlines April 12: Select Elective Advisor (online) April 26: Scheduling Requests Online & Signed Paper Copy to Cherie Wk of April 29: Computer runs scheduling requests

36 Important Deadlines May 3: Interim Schedules Available May 6 – May 17: Meet with Cherie to ‘fine-tune’ Schedules If out of town, telephone or email May 22: Open Enrollment for Y4 Closes ◦ (ADD/DROP Forms Needed for Changes)

37 Important Deadlines (Throughout the Year) Add/Drop: 1 week before start date IDE: 3 weeks in advance of start date Extramural: 3 weeks in advance of start date (this is in addition to applying on VSAS) Note: Be sure to have paperwork completed and necessary signatures (Forms available on website or outside Cherie’s office)

38 BE SURE To……… Check your student mailbox every 2-3 days when in town. Check email daily – here or away You are responsible for information sent via email.

39 BE SURE To……… Read and follow the Year Four Policies & Procedures ◦ Copy in your Packet & on the Web ◦ Review Important documents (see links in back pocket of packet). ◦ All forms & pertinent documents online (See Y4 Website—Class of 2014)

40 ASSISTANCE Contact Cherie Forsyth Chris Reavis, MS Fay Allison, BS Jean Afflerbach, MS Tracy Lower, MD


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