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Leadership Focus Group Only one pre-requisite…... an open mind !

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2 Leadership Focus Group

3 Only one pre-requisite…... an open mind !


5 *Introductions*  Please tell us…  Who…are you? (name, position, etc.)  What…company? (trade, volume, etc.)  Where…you’re from? (areas worked in, etc.)  Why…are you here? (why leadership)  When…do you need this information?

6 Allow me to introduce my wonderful family! From L to R…TJ, Bill, Morgan, Jen, David, & our loving dog Bea!

7 Section 1 What is Leadership?

8 Section 1 – What is Leadership?  “Leadership is a complex process by which a person influences others to accomplish a mission, task, or objective & directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent.”  Warren Bennis, PH.D.

9 Section 1 - What is Leadership?  “MANAGERS are people who do things right, while LEADERS are people who do the right thing.”  Warren Bennis, PH.D. NOTE: Read “Questionable Integrity” article to group.

10 Section 1 – What is Leadership?  “Good leaders are made, not born !”  Warren Bennis, PH.D.

11 Section 1 – What is Leadership?  “Leadership makes people want to achieve high goals and objectives, while on the other hand, bosses tell people to accomplish a task or objective.”  Warren Bennis, PH.D.

12 Section 1 – What is Leadership?  “People follow managers because they have to.”  “People follow leaders because they want to.”  Bill Craft

13 Section 1 What is Leadership?  “The key to effective leadership is the relationship you build with your team.”  Ken Blanchard (“The Leadership Pill”)

14 Section 1 What is Leadership?  "Leadership is the art of accomplishing more than the science of management says is possible."  General Colin Powell

15 Section 1 What is Leadership?  “The highest achievement as a leader is winning the respect and trust of your team.”  Ken Blanchard (“The Leadership Pill”)

16 Section 1 What is Leadership?  “Leadership is the process of getting everyone to the place they are supposed to go.”  Ken Blanchard (“The Leadership Pill”)


18 Section 1 What is Leadership?  “To be a motivator of others, first become motivated yourself.”  Motivation is contagious!  Charlie “Tremendous” Jones (Life is Tremendous) NOTE: Play recorded audio!

19 My wife Jen and our on a cruise in Jan 2006! The Steelers Fans!

20 Section 2 – Leaders Develop Other Leaders !

21 Section 2 – Leaders develop other leaders!  What have you done in your company to grow other leaders beneath you?

22  What resources (seminars/ books/ training/ etc.) would you recommend to others? Section 2 – Leaders develop other leaders!


24 Section 3 – What you R is not who you I !  What is your “ I ” rating?  What is your “R” rating?

25 Bill’s dream car…Hey, we all need goals to strive for!

26 Quality CRAFTsmanship in…. Design/Build HVAC Plumbing Electrical Sheet Metal Custom Fabrication Service “Our People Make it Happen”

27 Section 4 – Share your leadership style.  What have you found to be most effective in developing your own personal leadership style?


29 Section 5 – Leadership challenges  What leadership challenges have you faced and what steps have you taken to meet those challenges?

30 Bea with her little brother David….Somehow David gets in all the pictures!

31 Section 6 Interesting Quotes!

32 Section 6 – Interesting Quotes!  "Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances.“  Thomas Jefferson

33 Section 6 – Interesting Quotes!  "The price of greatness is responsibility." responsibility."  Winston Churchill

34 Section 6 – Interesting Quotes!  The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time."  Abraham Lincoln

35 Section 6 – Interesting Quotes!  “Expect nothing! Appreciate everything!”  Rev. Keith Moore

36 Section 6 – Interesting Quotes!  Don’t ruin a perfectly good apology, with an excuse !  Rev. Keith Moore

37 Section 6 – Interesting Quotes!  Pride makes excuses – Humility makes adjustments !  - Rev. Keith Moore

38 Section 6 – Interesting Quotes!  “Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.”  Ben Franklin

39 Section 6 – Interesting Quotes!  “Isn’t life a thousand times too short to bore ourselves?”  Helen Keller

40 Section 6 - Interesting Quotes!  “Profit is the applause you get for taking care of your customers and creating a motivating environment for your people.”  Ken Blanchard (“The Leadership Pill”)

41 Section 6 – Interesting Quotes!  “When you turn customers into raving fans, they become part of your sales force. They want to brag about how well you treat them.”  Ken Blanchard (“The Leadership Pill”)

42 Section 6 – Interesting Quotes!  Walt Disney, a forward thinker and innovator of his time, was once asked, “Aren’t you afraid people will steal your new ideas?” “Aren’t you afraid people will steal your new ideas?” Walt’s reply? Walt’s reply? “No, I can imagine faster than anyone can plagiarize.” “No, I can imagine faster than anyone can plagiarize.”

43 Section 6 – Interesting Quotes!  “What was the best thing before sliced bread?”  Price Pritchett

44 Section 6 – Interesting Quotes!  “The older I get the more life resembles a roll of toilet paper – the closer you get to the end of it the faster it seems to go.”  John C. Maxwell

45 Section 6 – Interesting Quotes!  “I think of life as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to make sense.”  Harold Kushner

46 Section 6 – Interesting Quotes!  “The entire population of the world, with one small exception, is entirely comprised of others - it’s not all about me !”  John Maxwell

47 Section 6 – Interesting Quotes!  “The greatest tragedy is not death, but life without purpose.”  -Rick Warren

48 Section 6 – Interesting Quotes!  “Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.”  Mary Bryant


50 Section 6 – Interesting Quotes!  “Advice not asked for is nothing more than criticism!”  Rev. Bobby Jean Merck

51 Section 6 – Interesting Quotes!  “Don’t accept your dog’s admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful.”  Ann Landers




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