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Cap í tulo 5 Vocabulario B injusto, -a unfair justo, -a fair.

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Presentation on theme: "Cap í tulo 5 Vocabulario B injusto, -a unfair justo, -a fair."— Presentation transcript:


2 Cap í tulo 5 Vocabulario B

3 injusto, -a unfair

4 justo, -a fair

5 responsable responsible

6 atender to help, to assist

7 construir to build

8 donar to donate

9 juntar fondos to fundraise

10 sembrar to plant

11 la campaña campaign

12 el centro de la comunidad community center

13 el centro de rehabilitación rehabilitation center

14 el centro recreativo recreation center

15 la ciudadanía citizenship

16 el / la ciudadano (a) citizen

17 el comedor de beneficencia soup kitchen

18 los derechos rights

19 la gente sin hogar homeless people

20 el hogar de ancianos home for the elderly

21 la ley law

22 la manifestación demonstration

23 la marcha march

24 el medio ambiente environment

25 el servicio social social service

26 la sociedad society

27 beneficiar to benefit

28 educar to educate

29 garantizar to guarantee

30 organizar to organize

31 proteger to protect

32 a favor de in favor of

33 Me es imposible It is impossible for me...

34 Me encantaría I would love to...

35 Me interesaría I would be interested...

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