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Published byJaylynn Goacher Modified over 10 years ago
1 – (Appliances Online) It all starts with the customer Yossi Erdman @yossierd Head of brand and social media @ao
2 is the UK largest Online White goods retailer. Founded in 2000 by John Roberts. Part of AO world PLC Who are we?
What do we sell? Products that will make your head spin..
Washing machines.. We sell:
Dishwashers.. We sell:
6 v We sell: Fridge freezers..
We sell: Fridges.. We sell:
Ovens and Cookers We sell:
TV and home entertainment.. We sell:
Small appliances.. We sell:
Social Media 1,6 i 1 s 0,0 e 00 s fa s n e s ntial part of the branded mix PR Online videos TV advertising 29,000 followers
Social media impact: External (customers) Internal: Culture / Customer service
External: What do we use social media for? Talk, listen and have fun Products promotions Customer service Brand awareness
Let’s “Engage”.. Delivering business Messages in a “fun” w Cashback promotion.. How much cash have we “frozen” for you? ay.. The challenge: Cashback promotion..
Let’s “Engage”..
“Ducks are the new cats.. “ Let’s “Engage”..
Engage with videos.. How many items of clothing are in the washer? (tweet to @ao) Reach: these activities get to around 3-4 million unique users every week
Guess how many Clothes we managed to fit in the washer. Tweet to @ao For your chance to WIN a small kitchen appliance! Engaging with videos..
19 v Custonters pictures..
0 Interactions 39 573 a 2 Click LIKE if you want YOUR name on this £400 Bosch washer.Enter here: http://bitly/8osch8ag for your chance tohttp://bitly/8osch8ag WIN next Friday (and let us know who to deliver it to ;) Good luck! 35 8292 61011341134 v 0 Interactions 39 573 s2s2 2'1' Clic LA<f If you want YOUR name on thiS (400 Bosc/1 washer. Enter here http/lb4.1y/BoschBag for your chance to WI next Fnday (and let us know who to delver t to ;) Good luc..35829 2610... 1134 0 Interactions 29150 Click LD<E 1f you want to WIN 4 Samsung prizes worth over £1300' Enter here·> http/lbi ly/WI14Samsung and ""ELL us. what s on your xmas tist?.. 25 146 2 346... 1 658 Analyze & Enhance Facebook Performance >
Let’s see some results When Facebook was our only brand advertising tool.. FB fans V. Weekly Branded Traffic 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 - 0 8 /01/ 2 012 0 8 /03/ 2 012 0 8 /05/ 2 012 0 8 /07/ 2 012 0 8 /09/ 2 012 0 8 /11/ 2 012 0 8 /01/ 2 013 0 8 /03/ 2 013 0 8 /05/ 2 013 0 8 /07/ 2 013 0 8 /09/ 2 013 0 8 /11/ 2 013 0 8 /01/ 2 014 0 8 /03/ 2 014 0 8 /05/ 2 014 National TV campaignFB Fans6 per. Mov. Avg. (Total Branded Sessions)
Let’s see some results From Nov 2012 to Aug 2013: AO Branded traffic up 154% Branded = direct, searches Branded sales up %128 Repeated customers up %20 No other branded activity was done in this period
Customer Service Social Media team Call centre team
24 v Custonter Service Sharon Powers Would just like to say,l ordered a washing machine last night aner 8pm and it arrived at 7 30am this morning cant fault the excellent service.have never known anything like it.No delivery charge there the next day,even the lady Ispoke to on the phone was lovely.AII in all a great experience and will be ordering again in the near future © Like Comment 49 mmutes ago l'!I;] Hi Sharon,we certainly doni hang about @ Hope we didni wake you too early!You can get the was hing done and out on the line. Have you got a sunny day? @ l.lichael 44 mmutes ago Like 6 1 Sharon Powers The washer was for my sister she was so excited about it.and no sun here today, raining and cold this morning,hope you all have a great day and once again thanks for fantastic service © 40 mmutes ago Like l'!I;] lfs cloudy here today but no rain. Not yet anywa y! Glad your sister liked her new machine © If you could let me know your order number,Ill pass on your thanks [{]1.1ichaer- 37 minutes a' o Like Sharon Powers Hi r.lichael order No ·1404968 36 mmutes ago Like l'!I;] Thanks Sharon, have a great day @ r.lichael · 22 mmutes ago Like l!J Write a comment... X Vanesa Goossens 32 m1ns · Ordered an appliance originally from Currys,t hey failed to deliver on the day when promised,calls and service were shocking.Cancelled with Cunys and re-ordered INHh who were brilliant and 1 thoroughly recommend them.Won't be using Currys again!!! Like Comment Share 0 l1i Vanesa ! So glad we were able to help you when you needed it © What wasit that you bought? Cam- a Commerted on b Grimes Char1otte [?) · 2 7 mins Like Vane sa Goossens Hotpoint condenser tumble drier © 18 mins Like 0 Just what you need as the rain is starting to come! © Y ou can·t leave your clothes out to dryin this can you! © Cam- ao Commerted on b} Grimes Char1otte [?J · 3 mms Like rli;.':!r'JnIrli;.':!r'JnI Wrtte a comment...
What do we sell? Basically, pretty boring stuff.. Website Integration
When a user is logged in to Facebook Boost conversion
Website Integration Boosts conversion
Customer Service Not just on our website..
Customer Service Drivers Feedback book
Customer Service Drivers Feedback book
Basically, pretty boring stuff.. Customer Service Drivers Feedback book
Customer Service Extremely detailed feedback..
Customer Service Personal Letters
34 v Personal Letters a 0 appliances I You were kind enough to entrust us with your custom, and then to broadcast you r experience through Facebook to your friends. I thought it only right that Itake the time to thank you personally, to hopefully explain why what you have done is so important and why we are so grateful. Your comment on Facebook about how delighted you were with our fantastic service hopefully highlights the point, and there really is no reason or benefit to keeping such service a secret. In fact, the reality Is that as more people join our movement, we are able to make our service even better. anotller lltl(k ino wall. ------ -..... _.,...., Aspfnnll HQUse Middk!brook Bolton OLG GQQ,..
Customer Service Personal Letters
Customer Service Personal letters: also to employees who give good service
Apologise when needed And keep it personalised..
38 v Don't forget to try.. Even with your partners
39 v Our customer's review- Beko Rap
Yossi Erdman @yossierd Head of brand and social media @ao Thank you..
Internal Auditors meeting presentation January 2015
Background to data protection in the UK UK implementation under the EU umbrella Data Protection Act 1998 - It is UK law Risks of non-compliance – bad publicity, censure by regulator, monetary penalties up to £500,000 Governed in the UK by the Information Commissioner’s Office ( ICO responsible for enforcement, guidance and raising awareness, contributing in EU to development of data protection Outside of EU the Madrid Resolution on Data Protection is setting new data protection standards
What do we mean by? Personal data – information that identifies a living person either inherently or with other information in the company’s control Sensitive data – information about physical or mental health, sex life, TU membership, race or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, allegations of criminal activity or criminal offences Data subject – living people, not companies, sole traders or suppliers, sole partners Processing – any activity involving personal data, holding, amending, recording, deleting, sharing etc
The Eight Data Protection Principles Principle 1 – data to be collected and processed fairly Principle 2 – data to be processed only for stated purposes Principle 3 – data to be adequate, relevant and not excessive for the purposes it is processed Principle 4 – data to be accurate and kept up to date where necessary Principle 5 – data to be retained only as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it is processed Sixth Principle – data to be processed in accordance with subject rights Seventh Principle – appropriate technical and organisational security measures to be put in place and regulates outsourcing Eighth Principle – data not to be transferred outside the EEA unless the country has adequate protection for personal data
The key points So what are the practical implications of current legislation? Establish a justifiable purpose to hold personal and sensitive data - “fair processing conditions”. Establish authority to use personal data based on notice. Consent is required in some circumstances. Stay within your authority. Minimise personal data held. Ensure it is up to date and accurate. Don’t keep personal data longer than required for the purpose for which obtained. Be aware of subject rights and observe them. Provide appropriate security for personal data - IT security and office security. Put in place contracts with outsource service providers. The controller remains responsible for data in the hands of third parties and needs to check compliance. Identify international transfers outside EEA and follow procedures.
Compliance processes Governance framework Board level and Risk Committee involvement Clear data protection roles and responsibilities Policies and procedures - A Data Protection Policy and many more Information Asset Register – list of databases DPA /Privacy Breach Internal Reporting Process Internal and external audit Training Privacy Impact Assessments for new developments and to audit existing processes Regular dp awareness training for staff as appropriate to their work
Pending legislative changes The draft Regulation on Data Protection 2015? Principle of Accountability – demonstrate compliance Subject rights Data portability Erasure Information rights and higher standard of consent Requirement for a Data Protection Officer New data security breach notification requirements Fines up to 5% of annual worldwide turnover or €100 million
Your role as Internal Auditors Check the governance framework is in place and advise the Board and Risk Committees if not. Raise awareness of impending changes to law. Check the channels for staff to access information about the changes as they are brought in. This will be a changing picture. We do not have much detail on how the Regulation will apply in practice. Don’t forget HR.
Questions for breakout session What do you think are the top issues? What can you do about them In the short term In the longer term Who do you need to communicate with in relation to these issues? What support are you going to need?
Further Information Information Commissioner’s Office Ministry of Justice EU Justice website Industry newsletters Data Protection Consulting Solicitors (Pinsent Masons) Internet for precedents generally
LinkedIn in 2015 David McGarry – Manager
Agenda Introduction to LinkedIn What has it done in terms of networking & recruiting? How does LinkedIn compare to other Social Media sites? Using LinkedIn to market your skills Using LinkedIn to find potential recruits Security of your profile & Basic Tips Where is it going? Q&A
Introduction to LinkedIn Largest professional networking site in the world 330 Million Users Worldwide 17 million within the UK Only western social media site allowed to operate in China Celebrity & Political Representation Recruitment Activity Media Interest Groups LinkedIn Shares have risen 5 fold since their float in 2011
What has it done in terms of Networking & Recruiting Networking Keep professional contacts separate from personal life Ability to ask fellow peer group for advice To see where you career sits within the working world Social Media Influence – Groups/Updates Recruiting Revolutionised the industry Self updating database Opened up the working force to the world Opportunity to recruit direct Use own network to recruit
How does LinkedIn compare to other social media sites
Using LinkedIn to market your skills
Using LinkedIn to find potential recruits
Security of your profile & Basic Tips
Where is it going? US President Barack Obama takes part in a LinkedIn town hall-style meeting with LinkedIn CE Jeff Weiner. LinkedIn has ambitions to create an ‘economic graph’, a digital map of the global economy and its workers Big drive to encourage more students to join. Marriot Hotel App Belinked
Alignment. Positivity. Engagement. Retail Audit Forum - Auditing HR and HR Strategy Sarah Hernon, Principal Consultant, Right Management
Auditing HR and HR Strategy Experts in the World of Work © Right Management 2015. All Rights Reserved. 6363 Right Management A shared vision for the ManpowerGroup of Companies: to lead in the creation and delivery of services that enable our clients to win in the changing world of work.
Auditing HR and HR Strategy Our Capabilities © Right Management 2015. All Rights Reserved. 6464 Right Management
Auditing HR and HR Strategy © Right Management 2015. All Rights Reserved. 6565 Right Management What is Strategic HR? “A general approach to the strategic management of human resources in accordance with the intentions of the organisation on the future direction it wants to take. It is concerned with longer-term people issues and macro-concerns about structure, quality, culture, values, commitment and matching resources to future need.” CIPD
Auditing HR and HR Strategy Ensuring HR and Organisational Strategies are aligned STEP 1 – Understanding the external forces and challenges facing the organisation STEP 2 – Understanding the commercial strategic goals of the organisation STEP 3 – Translating business goals into workforce implications STEP 4 – Translating workforce implications into HR strategy and goals © Right Management 2015. All Rights Reserved. 6666 Right Management
© Right Management 2015. All Rights Reserved. 6Right Management Auditing HR and HR Strategy The Human Age has Arrived. The world has entered a new era in which human potential has become a major driver of economic growth.
Auditing HR and HR Strategy Recent CIPD Report © Right Management 2015. All Rights Reserved. 68 Right Management
Auditing HR and HR Strategy Flux Report © Right Management 2015. All Rights Reserved. 69 Right Management
Auditing HR and HR Strategy © Right Management 2015. All Rights Reserved. 70 Right Management Research findings – The Business Case 74% of HR decision-makers reported that employee motivation and engagement are core to their organisations’ ability to achieve their strategic objectives 60% of HR decision-makers reported that employee wellness and resilience are critical to them achieving their strategic goals 59% of HR decision-makers reported that retaining top talent is a strategic priority 47% of HR decision-makers reported that having clear career development paths is fundamental to the organisation delivering its’ strategic objectives
Auditing HR and HR Strategy © Right Management 2015. All Rights Reserved. 71 Right Management What are risks of doing nothing when….. 46% of HR decision-makers reported a lack of employee loyalty 45% of HR decision-makers reported a noticeable increase in worker fatigue 44% of HR decision-makers reported an increasingly disengaged workforce
Auditing HR and HR Strategy The shift has created dissonance between workers and organisations; there is confusion about how to handle it. Source: Gallup, 2013; Dale Carnegie Training, Workers Organisations 87% of employees are disengaged at work. © Right Management 2015. All Rights Reserved. 72 Right Management 25% of organisations have a strategy to engage their employees.
Auditing HR and HR Strategy Career expectations are changing Masters: -Traded autonomy for job security -Good benefits & financial security -Add value by coaching and mentoring -High level of trust with employer Total Value Asset: -Seeks meaningful work to “increase asset value” -Not as much structured learning drives importance of learning from broader network/sources (internal or external) -Enabled by technology -Has followers/circles of influence From: Work for Life To: Career for Me Competent - Recognition of shared value with employer Right Management © Right Management 2015. All Rights Reserved. 12 Novice Expert Collaboration Master Leverage Network Adjacent Skills Reinvent Development Master Competent Novice Expert
Auditing HR and HR Strategy HR need to re-examine assumptions about: Talent Sources Today’s practices were created with out dated assumptions – so why are we still using them? What new practices will we need in order to attract, develop and retain the talent? How will we improve our talent supply? What talent strategies do we need to reach untapped talent pools? How do we manage the talent to drive productivity? How do we manage a diverse and virtual workforce? How do we inject flexibility into our workforce mix? Work Models People Practices © Right Management 2015. All Rights Reserved. 74 Right Management
Auditing HR and HR Strategy © Right Management 2015. All Rights Reserved. 75 Right Management Consulting Style Questions to ask HR Leaders 1.Have you made sure you’ve shared the people strategy with your peers across the organisation? How do they give you feedback? 2.Who do you communicate with at an executive level? Do you encourage your team to flex and adapt their style accordingly for different stakeholders? 3.Overall, how do other functions view HR and their impact on the business? How do you know? 4.What are the top talent management priorities for your organisation over the next 3 years? Is this part of your regular conversation with others across the business? 5.How central is the people agenda to business decisions? Is HR a permanent participant of debates? If not, how do you open doors for HR’s contribution? 6.To what extent do you and the HR team scan the external environment for emerging trends and future opportunities/challenges for the business? 7.Is increasing and maintaining business understanding a permanent development focus for the HR team? How do you achieve this objective? Do you encourage HR people to get experience outside of the function during their career? How do they bring this external perspective back into the function? 8.Are HR professionals included in career development discussions and programmes? Are the same leadership behaviours encouraged as for the rest of the organisation? 9.To what extent is HR visible to other parts of the business? Is the HR team just seen when there is an issue to solve? 10.How do you balance the operational challenges presented by the economic climate with the strategic opportunities it also presents?
Auditing HR and HR Strategy © Right Management 2015. All Rights Reserved. 76 Right Management Manpower Outlook Survey (1.5 mins video ) MDI-U
Auditing HR and HR Strategy Parting Thoughts Increasingly complex responsibilities to drive organisational growth and productivity Commitment to leadership development is strong Views of Execs and HR mostly align Skills needed to succeed in C-level roles are wide and varied and need to be supported with development Business success in the Human Age requires an investment in talent © Right Management 2015. All Rights Reserved. 77 Right Management
Auditing HR and HR Strategy Final Q&A © Right Management 2015. All Rights Reserved. 78 Right Management
Auditing HR and HR Strategy In Summary One light bulb moment…. © Right Management 2015. All Rights Reserved. 79 Right Management
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