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Table of Contents  MST Inquiry Model: Holistic Web  Lesson 1:History Sets The “Sound” Scene Alexander Graham Bell: The First Telephone  Lesson 2:

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3 Table of Contents  MST Inquiry Model: Holistic Web  Lesson 1:History Sets The “Sound” Scene Alexander Graham Bell: The First Telephone  Lesson 2: Feel the Vibration! What is Sound? How Do We Measure Sound?  Lesson 3: Shhh! Did you hear that? How we hear: How does the ear help us hear? What’s that Noise?  Lesson 4:Dance to the Music Making Music with Instruments  Lesson 5: Experimenting with Sound Scavenger Hunt Creating Sound: What Can You Do With Sound?  Lesson 6: Mixing Technology with Sound Filamentality Website

4 Sound the Alarm Assessment Quantifiable Rubric (1-3) To identify and show their understanding of types of telephones students will compare and contrast cordless phones and cellular phones. Complete graphic organizer on Alexander Graham Bell. Lesson 1 History sets the “Sound” Scene What role does sound play in our everyday lives? Cognitive Level One: Knowledge Assessment Quantifiable Rubric (1-3) To demonstrate their understanding of vibration, students will complete a work sheet. Linguistic and interpersonal Students correctly answer questions (3) Lesson 2 Feel The Vibration How Do Vibrations Create Sounds? Cognitive Level Two and Three: Understanding & Application Assessment Quantifiable Rubric (1-3) To demonstrate the knowledge of the main parts of the ear students will use the ear diagram to draw a picture and then label the parts of the ear. Linguistics, Logical Mathematical Students correctly Identify and label all 10 parts of the ear. Lesson 3 S hhh! Did You Hear That? Cognitive Level: Knowledge, Comprehension, Analysis How do our ears work to process sound? Assessment Quantifiable Rubric (1-3) To show their understanding of how musical instruments work, students will male a musical instrument. Students successfully creates instruments according to specifications Lesson 4 Dance to the Music Cognitive Level Knowledge, Comprehension, Analysis How can we use musical instruments to sound? Assessment Quantifiable Rubric (1-3) To demonstrate their ability to collect data and use of mathematical representation, students will create graph. Students will finish experiments and write findings on their ournals. Lesson 5 Experimenting with Sound Cognitive Level Analysis, Synthesis Have you ever experience sound while your ears were obstructed? Assessment Quantifiable Rubric (1-3) To show the use of Filamentality website, students will create a webquest that includes the sites that are there. Lesson 6 Mixing Technology with Sound Cognitive Level Evaluation How are recorded sounds in Filamentality Website sound to you?

5 History Sets the Scene: The First Telephone 1876 Inventions Patent for telephone filed with the United States government. 1877 Incorporation Formed the Bell Telephone company. By 1880 over 60,000 phones were in the United States. 1878 International Bell demonstrates the telephone to Queen Victoria. 1876 First Voice “Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you.” experiment with the telephone. Speaking through the instrument to his assistant. 1875 First Sounds experimented with twangs using a technique called "harmonic telegraph“ 1875 Discovery Graham discovered sound could be heard over a wire. The sound was that of a twanging clock spring.

6 Sound is caused by vibration. Sound is energy that you can hear. You may a hear a dog barking or a telephone ringing. You may hear music playing or people talking. The sounds different, but they are made in the same way. All sound is made when something vibrates, or moves quickly back and forth. What sounds are these pictures making? Feel the Vibration

7 How do we measure sound?

8 Did You hear that? You hear a sound and turn your head. How did you do that? How did you hear a sound vibration in the air? Shhh! Did You Hear That?

9 How You Hear You hear sounds with your ears. 1. Sound vibrations move through the air into your ears. 2. Moving from your outer ear to your inner ear, the vibrations cause the eardrum and the tiny bones in you r ear to vibrate. 3. The inner ear sends signals to the brain.

10 How We Hear An object vibrates against matter (i.e. solid, liquid or gas) which produces a vibrations called sound waves that travel through air to the ears. Sound The outer ear receives the sound waves while the middle and inner ear transforms the mechanical vibrations into electrical impulses. Ears The cochlear nerve receives the electrical impulses where the cerebral cortex interprets the signal for processing. Brain

11 Dance to the Music E njoy a selection of music with different beats and rhythms, and learn about pitch. Create instruments and use them to play at least three different pitches.

12 Experimenting with Sound  Students will be instructed to get with their partners for a sound experiment.  Materials Needed:  Metal Coat Hanger  String  Bowl of Water  Metal Spoon  Table  Children will test the sound-vibration that travels from the hanger and metal spoon to their ears while putting their fingers inside with the string attached. They will record what happens in their Science Journals and then other materials will be available to be tested like a muffin tin, a plastic spoon, etc. They will record their findings in a chart (Appendix )

13 Filamentality Mixing Technology with Sound  Students will be given the laptops and asked to search the Filamentality page set up for them.  In it, they will be asked to find certain sounds and answer questions based on the information on the directed sites.  ete.html ete.html

14 Scavenger Hunt: Retrieve the following objects: Ticking clock, Ringing church bell, radio announcement, voice mail message animal sounds The following websites have sounds you can record and/ or listen to and indentify the sounds : Click on kids and find their animals. Then click on sound and video tab. Learn about instruments as well as hear their sound. Learn about different disasters and how they sound or look. Listen to sounds of rhymes, animals, nature, people, etc. Watch videos about different animals in the zoo and hear the sounds they make.

15 Bibliography Joseph, Paul.(1997). Alexander Graham Bell. Minnesota: Abdo & Daughters. Bellis, Mary. (2009). The history of the telephone-Alexander Graham Bell: Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray raced to invent the telephone. The New Times Journal. Retrieved May 5, 2009 from Inventors. Cohen, Shannon. (2003). Physics of Sounds: How we hear Sounds Science. (2008). Harcourt School Publishers

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