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Pediatric CPR * child CPR * Infant CPR

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Presentation on theme: "Pediatric CPR * child CPR * Infant CPR"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pediatric CPR * child CPR * Infant CPR
Present by Miss. Sarah A.

2 Out lines Definition of CPR Purpose of CPR Child CPR Infant CPR
Manage of chocked child Manage of chocked infant

3 what you will do if you see collapsed child??

4 What is CPR? Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, is an emergency procedure performed on people suffering cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest.

5 What is the purpose of CPR?
The purpose of CPR is to provide a continuous flow of oxygenated blood to the heart and brain.

6 what you will do if you see collapsed child??

7 Child C.P.R

8 Check Child’s Response? How ?
Responsive child unresponsive child

9 Responsive Child No need for CPR Put the child in Recovery Position

10 Emergency System activation ??
unresponsive child Emergency System activation ?? A-B-C Airway Breathing Circulation

11 unresponsive child Look listen for fee A For how long?

12 unresponsive child B Technique

13 C unresponsive child Technique If there is pulse OR
For how long? * if there is no pulse OR * If pulse rate < 60 p / m with poor perfusion signs If there is pulse

14 Start Cardiac Compressions
No Pulse Start Cardiac Compressions Technique

15 If there is pulse Airway Breathing If child breathing
Put the child in Recovery Position If child not breathing Give child 1 breath/ 2-3 seconds Until……..?

16 what you will do if you see collapsed infant??

17 No hyperextend Brachial pulse Chest compression nose and mouth
mouth to nose and mouth Brachial pulse Chest compression

18 CPR with More than one rescuers (Technique)

19 automated external defibrillator AED

20 child chocking

21 infant chocking

22 References American Heart Association gaud line,2006-2007

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