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Child Abuse and Child Neglect Basic School Resource Officer Training Course.

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1 Child Abuse and Child Neglect Basic School Resource Officer Training Course

2 Copyright Warning The material contained herein is the sole property of the National Association of School Resource Officers Inc. an non-for-profit corporation. No part of this presentation may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from: NASRO, 14031 FM 315 N Chandler, TX 75758.

3 Child Abuse & Child Neglect  Efforts to combat child abuse 1908 LAPD creates a separate juvenile bureau 1964- 20 states have child abuse reporting laws 1974 - Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act signed into law 1977 - All 50 states have some form of child abuse reporting laws

4 Child Abuse & Child Neglect  Effects of Child Abuse Child may grow up to be an abuser Stunted growth, physical impairment Death Lack of trust Scars and Deformities Behavioral problems Learning Dysfunction

5 Child Abuse & Child Neglect  The Role of the SRO Proper training is a must

6 Child Abuse & Child Neglect  The Role of the SRO Proper training is a must The SRO should rigorously investigate and intervene

7 Child Abuse & Child Neglect  The Role of the SRO Proper training is a must The SRO should rigorously investigate and intervene Protect the victim

8 Child Abuse & Child Neglect  The Role of the SRO Proper training is a must The SRO should rigorously investigate and intervene Protect the victim Do the paperwork!

9 Child Abuse & Child Neglect  The Role of the SRO Proper training is a must The SRO should rigorously investigate and intervene Protect the victim Do the paperwork! Report the case to protective services

10 Child Abuse & Child Neglect  The Role of the SRO Proper training is a must The SRO should rigorously investigate and intervene Protect the victim Do the paperwork! Report the case to protective services Enforce court orders

11 Examples of Child Abuse  Mental or emotional injury

12 Examples of Child Abuse  Mental or emotional injury  Causing or permitting a child to sustain an injury

13 Examples of Child Abuse  Mental or emotional injury  Causing or permitting a child to sustain an injury  Intentional physical injury resulting in substantial physical harm to the child

14 Examples of Child Abuse  Mental or emotional injury  Causing or permitting a child to sustain an injury  Intentional physical injury resulting in substantial physical harm to the child  Failure to prevent action by another that causes harm to a child

15 Examples of Child Abuse  Sexual assault of any kind

16 Examples of Child Abuse  Sexual assault of any kind  Failure to prevent sexual conduct harmful to a child

17 Examples of Child Abuse  Sexual assault of any kind  Failure to prevent sexual conduct harmful to a child  Encouraging a child to engage in sexual conduct

18 Examples of Child Abuse  Sexual assault of any kind  Failure to prevent sexual conduct harmful to a child  Encouraging a child to engage in sexual conduct  Child pornography

19 Examples of Child Abuse  Sexual assault of any kind  Failure to prevent sexual conduct harmful to a child  Encouraging a child to engage in sexual conduct  Child pornography  The use of a controlled substance that causes physical, mental or emotional injury

20 Emotional Abuse and Neglect  Difficult to define and prosecute

21 Emotional Abuse and Neglect  Difficult to define and prosecute  Failure to provide a loving environment

22 Emotional Abuse and Neglect  Difficult to define and prosecute  Failure to provide a loving environment  Deprivation, Distancing, Depreciation, and Domination of a child

23 Emotional Abuse and Neglect  Difficult to define and prosecute  Failure to provide a loving environment  Deprivation, Distancing, Depreciation, and Domination of a child  The effects are not always evident until later in the child’s life

24 Indicators of Physical Abuse  Unexplained Bruises and Welts

25 Indicators of Physical Abuse  Unexplained Bruises and Welts  Age Dating of Bruises: Initial Injury - Red

26 Indicators of Physical Abuse  Unexplained Bruises and Welts  Age Dating of Bruises: Initial Injury - Red 6-12 hours - Blue

27 Indicators of Physical Abuse  Unexplained Bruises and Welts  Age Dating of Bruises: Initial Injury - Red Blue 6-12 hours - Blue Black/ Purple 12-24 hours - Black / Purple

28 Indicators of Physical Abuse  Unexplained Bruises and Welts  Age Dating of Bruises: Initial Injury - Red 6-12 hours - Blue Black / 12-24 hours - Black / Purple 4-6 days - Green Tint

29 Indicators of Physical Abuse  Unexplained Bruises and Welts  Age Dating of Bruises: Red Initial Injury - Red Blue 6-12 hours - Blue Black /Purple 12-24 hours - Black / Purple Green Tint 4-6 days - Green Tint Pale GreenYellow,Brown 5-10 days - Pale Green, Yellow, Brown

30 Indicators of Physical Abuse  Primary target zone Back of neck to back of knees

31 Indicators of Physical Abuse  Primary target zone Back of neck to back of knees  Injuries on face

32 Indicators of Physical Abuse  Primary target zone Back of neck to back of knees  Injuries on face  Injuries in multiple areas

33 Indicators of Physical Abuse  Primary target zone Back of neck to back of knees  Injuries on face  Injuries in multiple areas  Various stages of healing

34 Indicators of Physical Abuse  Primary target zone Back of neck to back of knees  Injuries on face  Injuries in multiple areas  Various stages of healing  Injuries in the shape of an object

35 Indicators of Physical Abuse  Primary target zone Back of neck to back of knees  Injuries on face  Injuries in multiple areas  Various stages of healing  Injuries in the shape of an object  Injuries that appear after a weekend or vacation

36 Behavioral Indicators of Physical Abuse  Wary of Adults

37 Behavioral Indicators of Physical Abuse  Wary of Adults  Apprehensive when other children cry

38 Behavioral Indicators of Physical Abuse  Wary of Adults  Apprehensive when other children cry  Extreme behaviors

39 Behavioral Indicators of Physical Abuse  Wary of Adults  Apprehensive when other children cry  Extreme behaviors  Frightened of parents or guardians

40 Behavioral Indicators of Physical Abuse  Wary of Adults  Apprehensive when other children cry  Extreme behaviors  Frightened of parents or guardians  Refuse to speak in front of parents

41 Behavioral Indicators of Physical Abuse  Wary of Adults  Apprehensive when other children cry  Extreme behaviors  Frightened of parents or guardians  Refuse to speak in front of parents  Afraid to go home

42 Behavioral Indicators of Physical Abuse  Wary of Adults  Apprehensive when other children cry  Extreme behaviors  Frightened of parent or guardian  Refuse to speak in front of parents  Afraid to go home  Report injury by parent or guardian

43 Physical Indicators of Neglect  Nutritional Neglect  Child appears tired and listless  Poor Hygiene  Wears dirty or inappropriate clothing  Neglected physical/mental problems  Child left unsupervised  Educational Neglect

44 Physical Indicators of Emotional Abuse  Habit Disorders (sucking thumb, etc..)

45 Physical Indicators of Emotional Abuse  Habit Disorders (sucking thumb, etc..)  Conduct Disorders

46 Physical Indicators of Emotional Abuse  Habit Disorders (sucking thumb, etc..)  Conduct Disorders  Abnormal fears

47 Physical Indicators of Emotional Abuse  Habit Disorders (sucking thumb, etc..)  Conduct Disorders  Abnormal fears  Behavioral extremes

48 Physical Indicators of Emotional Abuse  Habit Disorders (sucking thumb, etc..)  Conduct Disorders  Abnormal fears  Behavioral extremes  Lags in development

49 Physical Indicators of Emotional Abuse  Habit Disorders (sucking thumb, etc..)  Conduct Disorders  Abnormal fears  Behavioral extremes  Lags in development  May attempt suicide

50 Physical Indicators of Emotional Abuse  Habit Disorders (sucking thumb, etc..)  Conduct Disorders  Abnormal fears  Behavioral extremes  Lags in development  May attempt suicide  Bed-Wetting

51 Physical Indicators of Child Sexual Abuse  Difficulty walking or sitting up

52 Physical Indicators of Child Sexual Abuse  Difficulty walking or sitting up  Torn, stained or bloody under clothing

53 Physical Indicators of Child Sexual Abuse  Difficulty walking or sitting up  Torn, stained or bloody under clothing  Pain or itching in general area

54 Physical Indicators of Child Sexual Abuse  Difficulty walking or sitting up  Torn, stained or bloody under clothing  Pain or itching in general area  Bruises or bleeding in external genitalia, vaginal, or anal areas

55 Physical Indicators of Child Sexual Abuse  Difficulty walking or sitting up  Torn, stained or bloody under clothing  Pain or itching in general area  Bruises or bleeding in external genitalia, vaginal, or anal areas  Venereal disease

56 Physical Indicators of Child Sexual Abuse  Difficulty walking or sitting up  Torn, stained or bloody under clothing  Pain or itching in general area  Bruises or bleeding in external genitalia, vaginal, or anal areas  Venereal disease  Nervous disorders

57 Behavioral Indicators of Child Sexual Abuse  Exhibits withdrawal, fantasy, or infantile behavior  Bizarre, sophisticated, or unusual sexual behavior  Unwilling to change clothes for gym  Poor Peer Relations  Delinquent, Runaway

58 Behavioral Indicators of Child Sexual Abuse  May report sexual assault  Has feelings of guilt or shame  Depression  Self-Abusive Behavior  Sleeping Disorders

59 Intervention skills for the SRO  Use a calm, steady voice

60 Intervention skills for the SRO  Use a calm, steady voice  Avoid an interrogation

61 Intervention skills for the SRO  Use a calm, steady voice  Avoid an interrogation  Give reassurance

62 Intervention skills for the SRO  Use a calm, steady voice  Avoid an interrogation  Give reassurance  Don’t lay blame on the victim

63 Intervention skills for the SRO  Use a calm, steady voice  Avoid an interrogation  Give reassurance  Don’t lay blame on the victim  Explain possible outcomes

64 Intervention skills for the SRO  Use a calm, steady voice  Avoid an interrogation  Give reassurance  Don’t lay blame on the victim  Explain possible outcomes  Recognize you limitations

65 Responding to the Child  I Believe You

66 Responding to the Child  I Believe You  I am glad that you told me

67 Responding to the Child  I Believe You  I am glad that you told me  It is not your fault that this happened

68 Responding to the Child  I Believe You  I am glad that you told me  It is not your fault that this happened  This has happened to other kids

69 Responding to the Child  I Believe You  I am glad that you told me  It is not your fault that this happened  This has happened to other kids  Sometimes adults need help

70 Responding to the Child  I Believe You  I am glad that you told me  It is not your fault that this happened  This has happened to other kids  Sometimes adults need help  We will need to get help from others

71 Responding to the Child  I Believe You  I am glad that you told me  It is not your fault that this happened  This has happened to other kids  Sometimes adults need help  We will need to get help from others  I will support you

72 Responding to the Child  I Believe You  I am glad that you told me  It is not your fault that this happened  This has happened to other kids  Sometimes adults need help  We will need to get help from others  I will support you  Let me explain what will happen next

73 In view of lessons learned, what must we STOP doing, START doing and CONTINUE to do to operationalize strategies which will increase effectiveness of our School Safety Team ? STOP, START AND CONTINUE EXERCISE.

74 School Law for the SSO Next Learning Module

75 The End “To taste the spice of life, take big bites”

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