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2008-2009 Driver Inservice Child Safety Restraint Systems on School Buses.

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Presentation on theme: "2008-2009 Driver Inservice Child Safety Restraint Systems on School Buses."— Presentation transcript:

1 2008-2009 Driver Inservice Child Safety Restraint Systems on School Buses

2 2008-2009 Driver Inservice The Laws Washington State safety restraint law exempts school buses Head Start 45 CFR Part 1310, final rule does not exempt school buses

3 2008-2009 Driver Inservice Guidelines, Recommendations and Specifications Each child in a CSRS meeting FMVSS Each child properly secured Each CSRS maintained as recommended by the manufacturer, including disposal after a crash

4 2008-2009 Driver Inservice Guidelines, Recommendations and Specifications CSRS secured with FMVSS anchorages Procedures for maintenance, cleaning, and inspection of CSRS Special needs children in CSRS must be addressed on a child-by-child basis.

5 2008-2009 Driver Inservice Proper Securement The CSRS must be used and secured correctly in the school bus Personnel must be properly trained and updated on a regular basis CSRS anchorages should meet all applicable FMVSS

6 2008-2009 Driver Inservice Proper Securement The combined width of CSRS/and or other passengers must not exceed the width of the seat If students share a seat with a CSRS, the CSRS is placed at the window seat

7 2008-2009 Driver Inservice Retrofitting School Buses The manufacturer’s instructions must be followed when installing a seat-belt-ready seat Ensure that seat spacing is sufficient for the CSRS

8 2008-2009 Driver Inservice Proper use insures safe kids!

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