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Annual Training Seminar Rationale & History  First Adopted 12. July 2007  Partially Implemented in 2010  Revised 8. December 2011  Approved 12. January.

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2 Annual Training Seminar

3 Rationale & History  First Adopted 12. July 2007  Partially Implemented in 2010  Revised 8. December 2011  Approved 12. January 2012

4 Child Abuse  Any recent act or failure to act by a perpetrator which causes non-accidental serious physical injury to a child under 18 years of age.

5 Child Abuse  Any act or failure to act by a perpetrator which causes non-accidental serious mental injury to or sexual abuse or sexual exploitation of a child under 18 years of age.

6 Child Abuse  Any recent act, failure to act or series of such acts or failures to act by a perpetrator which creates imminent risk of serious physical injury to or sexual abuse or sexual exploitation of a child under 18 years of age.

7 Child Abuse  Serious physical neglect by a perpetrator constituting prolonged or repeated lack of supervision or the failure to provide essentials of life, including adequate medical care, which endangers a child’s life or development or impairs the child’s functioning.

8 Child Sexual Abuse  The employment, use persuasion, inducement, enticement or coercion of any child to engage in any sexual explicit conduct or any simulation or any sexually explicit conduct for the purpose of producing any visual depiction, including photographing, videotaping, computer, depicting or filming, any sexually explicit conduct or the rape, sexual assault, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, aggravated indecent assault, molestation, incest, indecent exposure, prostitution, statutory sexual assault or other form of sexual exploitation of children.

9 Child Sexual Abuse  Refers to any interaction between a child and an adult when the child is being used for the sexual stimulation of the adult or of a third person.  The behavior may, or may not, involve touching.

10 Abuse & Harassment  Verbal Sexual Suggestions, Innuendoes & Jokes  Leering or Ogling  Intrusive Touching, Pats, Squeezes, Hugs, Pinches, Kissing, or Brushing  Use or Sharing of Pornography  Sexual Assault or Attempted Sexual Assault

11 Who Should Be Approved?  Rostered Clergy & Leaders  All Christian Education Teachers & Volunteers  Youth Leaders  Mentors  Nursery Volunteers  Children’s Choir Leaders  Anyone Who Works with Youth

12 Approved Adult Criteria  Have experience working with children, or demonstrated ability to learn, and are called by God to do his work.  Participate in church activities and maintain active church membership in this congregation for six months or more.  Complete the Application To Become An Approved Adult form.

13 Approved Adult Criteria  Satisfactorily pass background checks by civil authorities.  Attend Child Protection Policy training.  Read, Understand and fully comply with all Child Protection Policy requirements.

14 Approval Process  Complete Application To Become An Approved Adult form.  Complete Request for Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Record Check and Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance form.  Maintain active membership for past six months and continue to be an active member after being accepted as an Approved Adult.

15 Approval Process  Be prepared to act in a volunteer capacity working with the children and youth of the congregation when called upon to do so.  Attend Child Protection Policy training.  Sign the Child Protection Covenant form.

16 Behavioral Guideline 1  Child Abuse Prohibited – Those who accept the responsibility of working with the congregation’s children shall not violate that responsibility by causing physical injury which is non-accidental; mental injury which is non-accidental, sexual abuse or serious physical neglect of children.

17 Behavioral Guideline 2  Sexual Abuse Prohibited – Those who accept the responsibility of working with the congregation’s children shall not violate that responsibility by having any interaction with a child where the child is being used for sexual stimulation of the adult or a third person. The behavior may or may not involve touching.

18 Behavioral Guideline 3  Two Approved Adult Rule – Two adults should be present during any children’s church activity. At least on Approved Adult must be present. In situations that arise with only one adult present, the activity shall be conducted in open view of other youths and/or adults. Doors shall be left open or a window should allow for observation of the room.

19 Behavioral Guideline 4  Empty Room Policy - Check rooms to ensure that all participants have vacated the room after any activity.

20 Behavioral Guideline 5  Expressions of Affection – Respect a child’s refusal of affection. Never make a child feel uncomfortable. Be aware of appropriate hand placement. Body to body embraces, touching any areas covered by a bathing suit or any form of kissing are expressly prohibited.

21 Behavioral Guideline 6  Permission Slips – Permission Slips are required to participate in any overnight activity or any activity that takes place away from the church grounds.

22 Behavioral Guideline 7  Overnight Rule – Adult chaperones who are not Approved Adults must have a Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Background Check and a Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance on file before participating in overnight activities. At least two Approved Adults shall be present. If the event includes children of both genders, then there should be at least one Approved Adult of each gender present.

23 Behavioral Guideline 8  Transportation of Children – When children are transported for church activities, by persons other than their parents, legal guardians or others directly appointed by their parents and legal guardians, they shall be transported in groups with at least one Approved Adult per vehicle. The Approved Adult shall possess a completed and signed Permission Slip for each youth in the vehicle.

24 Behavioral Guideline 9  Church-Designated Vehicle Drivers – When children are transported in vehicles designated by the church, and not by their parents, legal guardians or other directly appointed by their parents or legal guardians, the driver shall be 18 years of age or older and have submitted a completed and signed Driver Information Form to the church office.

25 Reporting Suspected Child Abuse  First, report to civil authorities (911 or 800.932.0313).  Second, report to Lower Susquehanna Synod (800.692.7282).  Third, report to pastor (717.235.2315).  Reported incidents shall be documented by the executive committee.

26 Response to Reporting of Suspected Abuse  The pastor and congregational leadership shall carry out the explicit instructions of the civil authorities and synodical bishop in responding to the report of suspected child abuse.

27 Violations of the Child Protection Policy  Persons who admit to, plead guilty or are convicted in a court of law of any form of physical or sexual abuse of a child will be immediately, permanently and completely disqualified from working with the children of the congregation.  Persons who admit to any type of physical or sexual abuse of a child, but who have not appeared in a court of law, will be disqualified from working with children of the congregation.

28 Violations of the Child Protection Policy  The Executive Committee may disqualify any person from working with the children of the congregation, as directed by the authorities or synodical bishop, while allegations of sexual or physical abuse are being investigated.  The Executive Committee can temporarily or permanently disqualify any person(s) from working with children as the committee deems appropriate.

29 Violations Other Than Abuse  Report to pastor (717.235.2315) and/or executive committee and file an Incident Report form in a timely manner.  Executive Committee will investigate by meeting with the person(s) involved in order to determine an appropriate response.

30 Questions?

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