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Overview of Children and Youth Services January 30, 2012.

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1 Overview of Children and Youth Services January 30, 2012

2 Governance There are 10 Child and Family Services Authorities (CFSAs) in Alberta. Each is led by a community board, chosen from the community and appointed by the Minister of Children and Youth Services. More than 600 Calgary and Area CFSA staff help deliver a range of provincial children’s services. Authorities also contract with community- based agencies for the provision of services.

3 Regional Boundaries


5 Desired Outcomes Supporting vulnerable children to live successfully in the Community Children in temporary care will be reunited quickly with their family Children in permanent care will be placed in permanent homes as quickly as possible Youth will be transitioned to adulthood successfully Aboriginal children will live in culturally appropriate placements

6 Community-based services are an ongoing priority. Core services are now delivered at 17 worksites.

7  Legislation  Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act  Protection of Sexually Exploited Children Act (PSECA)  Drug-Endangered Child Act (DECA)  Regulations & Policy  Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act (Proclaimed November 2004, Amended 2010)  Major Changes:  Move from the word “Protection” to “Intervention”  Matter to be Considered  Differential Response  Cumulative Time in Care Legislation Child Intervention

8  Finding a Child In Need of Intervention  Involving the Courts  Delegated Authority  Assessing Risk – Balancing Tensions Practice Child Intervention Tensions in Child Welfare Protection of the Child Support to the Family Best Interests of the Child

9  Approximately 43% of children (1,081) receiving protective services reside in foster care. Foster Care Regional Statistics # of HomesLicensed Capacity Authority Foster Homes327841 Agency Foster Homes218550 TOTAL5451,391

10  Kinship Care is family based care where the child has relationship with the family providing care.  Approximately 11% of children (350) receiving protective services reside in kinship care. Kinship Care Regional Statistics

11 Permanency Planning Overview Permanency planning :  Occurs in a purposeful and collaborative way;  Respects the specific circumstances of the child and family of origin;  Ensures the child’s physical, emotional, social, cognitive and spiritual wellbeing;  Recognizes the value of past and current significant relationships for the child;  Maintains the child’s positive connections to family history, traditions, race and ethnic heritage, culture, community, religion and language;  Maintains the child’s positive connections to extended family, siblings, and other significant adults where appropriate and based on the child’s needs;  Minimizes disruptions for the child;  Considers the perspective of the child; and  Ensures that the child has the opportunity to mature to his or her potential with a strong natural support network.

12  Under the Enhancement Act, a caregiver who has had at least one month continuous care of a child may apply for Private Guardianship.  The child must be under an In-Care Agreement or Order before applying.  An approval process is required. (criminal record check, child intervention history check, home assessment.) Permanency Planning Private Guardianship  When the Order is granted the Director’s guardianship is terminated.

13  In 2010-11, 118 adoption orders granted for children in the Region’s care.  The target for 2011-12 is a total of 164 finalized adoptions and private guardianship orders.  Adoption services are delivered at two worksites:  Forest Lawn Multi Service Team  Native Multi Service Team Permanency Planning Adoption

14  Supportive services and financial assistance may be provided to families who adopt or become private guardians of children who were previously in permanent care.  Family may also receive FSCD services.

15 Assists family with some of the extraordinary demands of raising a child with a disability by: About the program  Offering family-centred supports and services  Providing information, referral, advocacy and support  Facilitating developmental growth  Support participation in community life  Working with families to assess unique needs.  Focusing on building parental capacity and ensuring parental responsibility.

16 Legislation / Caseload  Family Support for Children with Disabilities Act proclaimed in 2004.  Only legislation of its kind in Canada.

17  CFSA’s Marlborough Office delivers the FSCD program.  Seven teams serving:  City of Calgary  Rural  Delegated First Nation Agencies Program Structure

18  Regional Parent Advisory Committee  12 parents representative of the Region’s:  Geography  Diagnostic categories  Age child  Provincial Parent Advisory Committee with regional parent representation provides guidance to Ministry Citizen involvement

19  Overview of Regional Child Care Services  Child Care Subsidies  Child Care Licensing  Supported Child Care Child Care

20 We provide child care subsidies for low and middle-income families.  Approved child care programs: Child Care Child Care Subsidy  Child Care Centres  Before & After School Care  Family Day Home Agencies  Infant Care Incentives

21 Supported Child Care  The Supported Child Care program provides additional funding to support child care centres. oApproximately 375 children with special needs are able to attend day care with extra support each year. Child Care

22 Legislation Prevention Against Family Violence Act (1999)  Emergency Protection Orders Prevention Against Family Violence Act (2006)  Added stalking to the definition Prevention Against Family Violence Act (2011)  Further amendments add penalties to make this the strongest Act of its kind in Canada Prevention of Family Violence & Bullying

23 Roles Regional:  Outreach Funding  Linkage with Child Intervention Services  Partnerships with Safe Communities funded agencies  Domestic Conflict Response Teams  Immigrant  Aboriginal  High Risk Offenders Prevention of Family Violence & Bullying Provincial Responsibilities:  Shelters  Policy, legislation, training

24 Regional Priorities 2011/2012  Continued focus on collaborative work with the Safe Communities initiatives related to domestic violence in the Region  Regional Coordinator, Manager and Exec Manager Prevention of Family Violence & Bullying  Support improved practice in responding to issues of family violence for families receiving Child Intervention Services.  Working with partners to ensure a collaborative approach to safety planning is used.

25 Child Intervention Intake Line – 403 297 2995 Foster Care Intake Line – 403 297 5957 FSCD Intake Line - 403 297 6022 Child Care Intake Line – 403 297 6100 Adoption Intake Line – 403 297 6038

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