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Welcome to the Capital District Child Care Council’s 2011 Annual Meeting.

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1 Welcome to the Capital District Child Care Council’s 2011 Annual Meeting


3 Our Mission The Capital District Child Care Council is a resource and referral agency dedicated to promoting quality, accessible child care for all of the Capital Region’s diverse communities. The Council assumes a leadership role in supporting children, parents, child care professionals, and employers through referral counseling, education, training, and advocacy. Our Vision The Capital District Child Care Council is a resource and referral agency dedicated to promoting quality, accessible child care for all of the Capital Region’s diverse communities. The Council assumes a leadership role in supporting children, parents, child care professionals, and employers through referral counseling, education, training, and advocacy.

4 Members Andrea Adrian Merle Baker Ann Day Peggy Grot Catherine Halayko Nancy Johnson Bernard Jones Kelly Landrio Susan Megna Michael Ruzza Thank you for your dedication and service to the Capital District Child Care Council. Board of Directors Officers Elizabeth Roberts Laura, President Jane Schwerd, Vice-President Kim Siciliano, Secretary Robert Topolski, Treasurer Officers Elizabeth Roberts Laura, President Jane Schwerd, Vice-President Kim Siciliano, Secretary Robert Topolski, Treasurer Members Andrea Adrian Merle Baker Ann Day Peggy Grot Catherine Halayko Nancy Johnson Bernard Jones Kelly Landrio Susan Megna Michael Ruzza Retiring in 2010 Elizabeth Roberts-Laura Bernard Jones Retiring in 2011 Elizabeth Roberts-Laura Bernard Jones

5 Where We Work Infant Toddler Regional Services The Council provides Infant Toddler services to the following 17 counties Franklin Clinton Hamilton Essex Warren SaratogaFulton Washington Montgomery Rensselaer Schenectady Schoharie OtsegoAlbany Columbia Greene Delaware

6 Where We Work Clinton Hamilton Eat Well Play Hard in Child Care Settings The Council provides the Eat Well Play hard program to the following 13 counties Warren SaratogaFulton Washington Montgomery Rensselaer Schenectady Schoharie Albany Essex Hamilton Columbia Greene

7 Where We Work Clinton Hamilton SaratogaFulton Montgomery Rensselaer Schenectady Albany Child Care Resource and Referral Services The Council provides Child Care Resource and Referral services to the following 6 counties

8 “ Training opportunities are designed to lead to improvements in the knowledge, skills, and practices of child care providers.” Education Services Quality Improvement System: QUALITYstarsNY In response to research linking high quality child care to positive outcomes, a number of state and local organizations are involved in piloting and implementing a quality improvement system. This year, the Council’s Education Department participated in state and local initiatives to support improvements in the quality of early care and education and school-age care through the engagement of a unified approach. The Education Department has developed a multi-faceted program to support the work of the state’s quality improvement system. This comprehensive program gives child care and school-age providers a road-map to and supports for quality related to the goals set forth by Quality Stars NY. Accreditation As a way to help systematically improve early childhood and school-age education settings, the Council offers training and support for individuals and programs interested in accreditation. Program accreditation is a powerful tool for improving the quality of education and services provided by programs through the attainment of national standards of excellence. Accreditation defines standards of quality for the field, helps families and policy makers recognize high-quality programs, recognizes teachers as professionals, while supporting ongoing training and professional development. Credential Preparatory Programs The Council offers Credential Preparation courses for infant, toddler and preschool teachers, family and group family child care providers and for school-age caregivers. Preparatory programs are designed for those who want to improve program skills and confidence in working with children in order to advance professionally. Preparatory classes are available in all 6 counties served by the Council.

9 Education Services Environmental Assessments & Technical Assistance Environment Rating Scale Training & Technical Assistance: A Council Educator partners with an early childhood or school-age provider to assess the program and design an individualized training plan to enhance caregiving practices. Classroom Assessment Scoring System: Positive early childhood teacher-student interactions are the primary component in creating quality educational experiences that support the child’s future success. The CLASS is an observational tool designed to assess classroom quality in pre-kindergarten through grade 3 based on teacher-student interactions in the classroom. Program Administration Scale and Business Administration Scale: Designed for child care center and family child care administrators, the PAS/BAS measures the quality of leadership and management practices of center-based early childhood programs or family child care homes. Conducted by a trained and certified Evaluator, this service aids program administrators in implementing quality practices that go beyond the classroom door. Social Emotional Development Services: The mission of the Social Emotional Development Program is to create a working partnership among early childhood teachers, mental health consultants, and families to promote young children’s social and emotional development, foster emotional strength, and support skill development for life-long success. Playground Safety Inspection: Inspection Playgrounds and outdoor play equipment provide fun, fresh air, and exercise, but can pose some safety hazards. The Council offers playground safety inspections for the purposes of accident evaluation and safety assessment. The certified playground safety inspector visits the program, conducts an evaluation, and submits a detailed report regarding safety issues and compliance recommendations.

10 Education Services Curriculum Consultation Activity Curriculum Bags: Activity Curriculum Bags are devoted to one unit of study which supports standards for developmentally appropriate practice. Bags contain a simple-to-follow activity guide with hands-on materials that extend common curriculum goals. They are delivered to rural child care and school-age programs. Building Emotional Learning and Literacy: The focus of the BELL project is to offer training and support for early childhood teachers, family child care providers, family support workers, parents, and home visitors regarding emergent writing, linguistic awareness, and print knowledge. Community Foundation Project: In the past, the partnership between the Council and the Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region has made increased quality school-age care possible in four Albany based programs. The success of this initiative has inspired an expansion of services to include school-age programs in Fulton and Montgomery Counties. The goal of this new intensive training program is to move programs in Fulton and Montgomery Counties toward best practice standards as defined by the industry. The project includes community workshops, School-Age Child Care Credential Preparation classes, and individualized consultation. Regional Infant Toddler Services: One of seven Regional Infant/Toddler Technical Assistance Centers serving 17 counties in New York, the Center is staffed by Infant/Toddler Specialists who provide a valuable resource for parents and child care providers. Curriculum Planning: This goal-based approach supports teachers and providers in the development and use of curricula that supports individualized learning, assessment, and reflection.

11 Education Services Training Seminars and Workshops Conferences: Over 340 school-age, child care and family child care providers were able to select from an all day workshop Rock, Rhyme, Write, and Read with Dr. Jean, a School-Age Track, Infant/Toddler Track, Family Child Care Track or a Leadership Track. Compass Training: The Council publishes the Compass, which is a training calendar designed to publicize pre- service and in-service educational opportunities for family child care providers, school-age providers, center and school-based providers and parents. The Compass covers all regulated training topics and announces training opportunities in all Regions the Council serves. First Aid/CPR: The Council employs two trained Educators to provide first aid and CPR courses across the Region, at child care programs and workplaces. This program partners with the American Red Cross to offer free CPR and first aid courses to new and existing child care providers.

12 Education Services Community Outreach Early Head Start Mentor Project: The Mentor Project is designed to improve the quality of teaching and to assist Early Head Start staff members to promote, demonstrate, and sustain positive outcomes for children in Schenectady, Warren and Dutchess Counties. This collaborative venture with Parsons Early Head Start includes two full time mentors and a part-time mentor trainer. A Council Educator trains the Mentors so that they can support Early Head Start teachers in DECA, Creative Curriculum, the Child Development Associate Credential (CDA), and in the use of the Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale (ITERS-R). GE Options: For almost two decades, the General Electric Global Research Center (GRC) and the Council have partnered to bring training and assistance to child care facilities in the Region. The Options Program allows GRC employees to select from a menu of training and support services. Bigelow Corners: Bigelow Corners is a partnership between Schenectady Community Action Program, Parsons, Schenectady City School District, The Schenectady Foundation, and the Capital District Child Care Council. Bigelow Corners integrates the resources and talents of these organizations to provide a continuum of services supporting families in meeting their needs and empowering them to be self-reliant.

13 Provider Services Child and Adult Care Food Program The Child Care Council is a sponsor of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) for registered/licensed family or group family, and legally exempt child care providers in Albany, Fulton, Montgomery, Rensselaer, Saratoga, and Schenectady counties. This federal nutrition program reimburses child care providers for serving USDA approved meals and snacks to the children in their care. Child care providers are in a unique position to help shape a lifetime of healthy eating. CACFP supports providers who want to improve the quality of nutrition offered at a critical time in young children’s development. In 2011, the Council had up to 257 child care providers participate in the CACFP each month. This year, a total of 62 new providers joined the CACFP under the Council’s sponsorship. Child Care Health Consultant Services The Child Care Council employs two Registered Nurses as Child Care Health Consultants through funding from the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS). They bring years of experience to their role as Health Consultants. Over the last year the Nurses have assisted providers in meeting OCFS licensing requirements for administering medication through Medication Administration Training (MAT) and through development or renewal of their Health Care Plans. The Nurses have also continued to assist providers and parents to develop individualized care plans for children with special health care needs. The Child Care Health Consultants are involved with a large number of child care programs in the six counties the Council serves through Child Care Resource and Referral. Child Care Development In order to help meet the demand for child care in the Capital Region, the Child Care Council works to develop quality child care programs. In 2011, over 327 prospective family child care providers attended family child care start-up information sessions.

14 Provider Services Eat Well Play Hard in Child Care Settings Eat Well Play Hard in Child Care Settings (EWPHCCS) is a childhood obesity prevention program funded through a grant from the New York State Department of Health. Each grant year EWPHCCS is implemented by three Registered Dietitians in thirty eligible low-income child care centers across nine counties including Albany, Rensselaer, Schenectady, Saratoga, Fulton, Montgomery, Schoharie, Warren and Washington counties. The program consists of a series of six child sessions, six parent sessions and two staff trainings. The goals of EWPHCCS are to increase consumption of fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products, as well as increase physical activity in preschool children. In the calendar year 2011, EWPH sessions were offered in 28 centers to more than 3,000 children, 192 parents, and 383 child care professionals. These numbers represent the number of individuals reached. Most children and parents have numerous contacts with the EWPH Dietitians. Eat Well Play Hard in Day Care Homes Eat Well Play Hard in Day Care Homes (EWPHDCH) is a 2 year grant that is available for family child care providers participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). It encourages young children and their caregivers to adopt healthy and active lifestyles. It focuses on increasing the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and low-fat milk and diary products, along with decreasing the amount of time spent at computer screens or watching TV. The program is a three month interactive learning experience serving Albany, Fulton, Montgomery, Rensselaer, Saratoga, and Schenectady counties. It involves five provider workshops and five in-home children’s lessons, all led by a registered dietitian. The program will end with an optional family event, where families can see and learn what the children have been doing. Group, family, and legally exempt child care homes can participate in EWPHDCH. Participation in the program will count towards continuing education units (CEU) and annual CACFP training.

15 Child Care Referrals In 2011, Parent Educators assisted 3,388 families in finding child care for 4,598 children. Of this number, 1,065 requests were from families who identified themselves as low income and eligible for child care subsidies. The Child Care Council conducted significant outreach activities to assist low income families in finding child care, raising the number of referrals for low income families from 295 in 1997 to 1,065 in 2011. Of the total referrals given in 2011, 1,304 were web-based. Community Outreach The Parent Services Department of the Council is also responsible for community outreach. The Council participated in over 20 community events this year. As a result, over 10,000 palm cards 20,000 summer camp catalog flyers, and over 14,000 before/after school care postcards were distributed to agencies, school districts, and businesses to educate parents and caregivers about quality child care options. Parent Services

16 Number of Child Care Programs in the Capital Region

17 Regulatory Services Child Care Registration The Child Care Council contracts with the Department of Social Services in Albany, Rensselaer, and Schenectady counties to provide registration services for family child care providers and school-age programs. The Council currently employs eight Registrars, one Coordinator, and a Director of Regulatory Services. The contract requires the Registrars to conduct inspections, investigate complaints of illegal child care and process initial and renewal applications. Legally Exempt Enrollment Since July 2006, the Capital District Child Care Council became the Legally Exempt Enrollment Agency for Albany, Fulton, Montgomery, Rensselaer, Saratoga, and Schenectady counties. Legally exempt providers deliver informal, non-registered child care for relatives and a limited number of non-relative children who receive subsidy from the parents’ local Department of Social Services. As the Enrollment Agency, the Council is responsible for reviewing and approving enrollment applications, as well as visiting a percentage of the legally exempt homes to inspect basic health and safety compliance. During the Council’s four years as the Legally Exempt Enrollment Agency, Enrollment Specialists have processed approximately 8,000 applications. As of October 2011, the number of approved legally exempt providers per county are: Albany: 400, Fulton: 100, Montgomery: 140, Rensselaer: 280, Saratoga: 120, Schenectady: 275.

18 Funding

19 Child Care Council Staff Kathy Arduini, Schenectady County Registrar Amanda Scarcelli, Legally Exempt Enrollment Educator Erin Broderick, School-age Educator Paulann Beardsley, Office Assistant Jean Bottillo-Fausili, MS, RD, Registered Dietitian Fernanda Carranza, Bi-Lingual Registrar Doris Castro, Food Program Home Visitor Heather Cookingham, Legally Exempt Enrollment Educator Carol Cornell, Legally Exempt Enrollment Educator Tanya Dean, Albany County Registrar Alexis DeLaTorre, Albany County Registrar Jenna Depew, Registered Dietitian Sheri Dushane, Child Care Center Coordinator Colleen Faragon, Early Childhood Educator Amy File, Legally Exempt Enrollment Educator Anne Gresco, Family Child Care Development Coordinator LaToya Grimes, Albany County Registrar MaryEllen Gugie, Director of Provider Services Michelle Hall, Schenectady County Registrar Jill Hodge, MSW, Social Emotional Development Educator Tricia Howland, CIRS, Director of Parent Services Donna Jennings, Food Program Coordinator Abbe Kovacik, Ms.Ed., Director of Education Pam Leganczuk, Schenectady County Registrar Jessica Lynch, Food Program Home Visitor Lea Maggiulli, School-Age Child Care Educator Mary Miranda, Parent Educator Patti Mueller, Legally Exempt Enrollment Coordinator Maricelis Plata, Legally Exempt Enrollment Educator Kristy Rivera, LCSW, Social Emotional Development Educator Stephanie Ross, Registered Dietitian Cheryl Samborin, Director of Regulatory Services Patti Schardt, Registered Dietitian Arlene Schmidt, Family Child Care Educator Cherri Shultes, Rensselaer County Registrar Lynn Siebert, School-Age Child Care Coordinator Patricia Skinner, Ms.Ed., Executive Director Kate Smith, Director of Marketing and Technology Darlene Snyder, Legally Exempt Enrollment Educator Wendy Sullivan, Ms.Ed., Regional Infant/Toddler Educator Heather Sweet, Early Childhood Educator Eileen Tuohy, Registration Coordinator Barbara Vickery, RN, Child Care Health Consultant Keely Weise, Fiscal Director Lynda Weismantel, Director of Operations Gail Williams, Administrative Support Specialist Jean Wiseman, RN, Child Care Health Consultant Coordinator

20 Thank You!

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