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Ending child hunger and undernutrition initiative overview of issues and moving forward Copenhagen, 19 June 2006.

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1 ending child hunger and undernutrition initiative overview of issues and moving forward
Copenhagen, 19 June 2006

2 Session Overview Overview of Initiative Field Highlights
Where did it come from? What are its major elements? What’s new? What’s not? When will the Initiative be initiated? Major challenges moving forward Field Highlights Regional Level Political Mobilisation and Partnership Development in Latin America and the Caribbean Partnering with Local Institutions for National Advocacy in India Delivering the ‘essential package’ for child survival in Ethiopia General Discussion Global Campaign Efforts: Update on ‘Walk the World’

3 Initiative Reference Points
Agreed – MDG Targets and Indicators Partnership with UNICEF 2005 MOU between WFP and UNICEF Shared conceptual framework 30 country offices already collaborating on child hunger efforts Key publications Concept Note (WFP, UNICEF, World Bank) Repositioning Nutrition as Central to Development, World Bank, 2006 Progress for Children: A Report Card on Nutrition, UNICEF 2006 Two Strategic Questions

4 1. why a specific focus on CHILD hunger?
major input and outcome synergies with other MDGs less reliant than overall hunger on increased GDP and agricultural production for results more subject to interventions focused on vulnerable children and their families Use a ‘success story’ from a country who has been able to ‘map’ the children and achieve some success

5 2. what is different now that makes this achievable?
increasing understanding of hunger, nutrition and growth increasing national resources and capacities financial organizational and technical (e.g. in communications, media, and information networking) civil society (e.g. improving gender equality and development) increasing international assistance increasing effectiveness and decreasing costs of information technology global consensus on Millennium Declaration and Goals New constellation of stars that allows us to do something like never before… This is a manageable problem. In theory,… (take them through the math) See Jim’s schema: 350 million – 1 million – 100,000 – 10,000 Where are these kids (and families) and how do we link them with local community organizations? What are the organizations that have outreach to these local/community orgs and what are their capacities? How do we reach them? And what needs to be done to develop their capacities?

6 MDG-1: two targets and five indicators
Initiative target * Key Indicator for the Initiative Sources: 1. Progress for Children: A Report Card on Nutrition (UNICEF, 2006); 2. State of Food Insecurity in the World (FAO, 2004); 3. WFP working estimate

7 UNICEF and WFP: decades of partnership
1976 MOU on consultation and exchange of information, joint action in assistance programmes, collaboration in development and nutrition policies and more. 1985 Additional complementary parameters for cooperation on emergency response. 1998 MOU on Emergency and Rehabilitation Interventions 1999 Technical Agreement on Field Telecommunications, Global Coordination and Mutual Assistance 2001 Technical Agreement for Logistics Co-operation 2005 MOU with Technical Matrices on Education, HIV/AIDS and Nutrition

8 ‘Agreed’ Hunger Definition
In the most fundamental sense, hunger exists when a person’s body lacks the required nutrients to grow and develop a productive, active and healthy life It cannot be measured directly but the most appropriate way for monitoring progress on child is underweight.

9 Healthy growth for children in society
Direct Contributors Disease prevention control Adequate dietary intake Access to adequate food Access to essential health services and a healthy environment Care for mothers and children Intermediate Contributors Underlying Contributors Formal and non-formal institutions Potential resources Political, economic and cultural environment Appropriate education Adapted from: “Strategy for Improved Nutrition of Children and Women in Developing Countries.” New York: UNICEF, 1990.

10 Major elements of the Initiative
mapping children at risk ‘delivery system’ and interventions ongoing costing and resource tracking communications strategy for advocacy accountability framework

11 mapping children at risk: micro-level targeting and implications for geographic focus

12 Distribution of Underweight Children in Latin America (Children per square kilometre)
Source: Millennium Project Hunger Task Force: Halving hunger: it can be done, 2005

13 Distribution of Underweight Children in Asia (Children per square kilometre)
Source: Millennium Project Hunger Task Force: Halving hunger: it can be done, 2005

14 Regional distribution of underweight children
Central & Eastern Europe and CIS (1%) Latin America & Caribbean (3%) Middle East, North Africa (6%) East Asia/Pacific (15%) Eastern/Southern Africa (11%) West/Central Africa (12%) South Asia (53%) Source: UNICEF, Progress for children. Number 4, May 2006, Page2.

15 Distribution of Underweight Children in Africa (Children per square kilometre)
Half of the approx. 32 million underweight children in Africa live in 22 percent of its geographic area – corresponding to less than 10 percent of its sub-national administrative units Source: Millennium Project Hunger Task Force: Halving hunger: it can be done, 2005

16 Distribution in 144 Countries of underweight children
Percentage of total Cumulative percentage 72 countries with sub-national data Top 24 regions in top 5 countries 55 Top 2 regions in next 67 countries 10 65 Balance remaining in top 5 countries 7 72 Balance remaining in next 67 countries 15 87 72 countries without sub-national data 13 100 Source: Calculated from Millennium Project Hunger Task Force: Halving hunger: it can be done, 2005

17 Ranking by global share of underweight children
Country Prevalence of underweight children in country (%) share of total underweight children in the world (%) Cumulative percentage of total India 47 39.0 Bangladesh 48 5.7 44.7 Pakistan 38 5.5 50.2 China 8 4.8 54.9 Nigeria 29 4.4 59.3 Ethiopia 4.2 63.5 Indonesia 28 67.7 Democratic Republic of Congo 31 2.3 70.0 Philippines 1.9 71.9 Viet Nam 1.5 73.4 Source: UNICEF, The State of the World’s Children. Compiled from Table 2 and Table 6.

18 Ranking by prevalence of underweight children
Country Prevalence of underweight children in country (%) Percentage share of total underweight children in the world Cumulative percentage of total Bangladesh 48 5.7% Nepal 1.2% 1.2 Ethiopia 47 4.2% India 39.0% Timor-Leste 46 0.1% 1.3 Yemen 1.1% 2.4 Burundi 45 0.4% 2.8 Cambodia 0.6% 3.3 Madagascar 42 0.9% 4.2 Eritrea 40 0.2% 4.4 Lao People's Democratic Republic 4.7 Niger 0.8% 5.4 Afghanistan 39 1.4% 6.9 Source: UNICEF, The State of the World’s Children. Compiled from Table 2 and Table 6.

19 Low prevalence countries
global distribution

20 High prevalence countries
global distribution -5S -4S

21 Implications for Geographic focus of the Initiative
Global focus for advocacy, policy development and monitoring efforts in 4-8 ‘large’ countries focused on technical collaboration projects in the States/Provinces with the majority of underweight children efforts in ‘high prevalence’ countries focused on national program development and broad-based operations efforts in ‘moderate prevalence’ countries efforts focused on highly targeted operations

22 Applying VAM to child hunger

23 Connecting children at risk to community support organizations
Map areas of high undernutrition Identify potential outreach partners Identify support organizations Strengthen linkages between outreach partners and support organisations

24 A ‘live’ mapping and monitoring system is required to support partners in addressing child hunger
…including: Administrative boundaries, village locations, census blocks, population estimates Health facility locations, schools, water supply Linked databases for intervention monitoring Partner intervention areas In terms of data collection- what data we collect…. Refer to the geopspatial data which is essential the geographic reference data …required across the board by public health programmes These include… adminstrative structure of a country… Where populations are .and health facilities… Recently new initiatives to map partners – who's working where and on what As more health problems move to cities… need same framework urban map Data collection methodologies vary… to date . Opportunistic…existing data sources (ministry , UN etc), piggy backing activities of NGOS and partners on ground… more recently initiated systematic mapping surveys – via SAM … Remaining Challenges: To establish a high performance and scaleable infrastructure to support broader information needs To support the routine surveillance … and rapid response To implement at scale and sustain even in poorest countries

25 ‘delivery system’ and interventions

26 Implications for levels of programming and targeting
MDG deadline: 2015 global ensure the sustainable supply of affordable health and nutrition commodities and the delivery of increased financial resources macro integrate child health and nutrition needs into national policies, plans and budgets meso strengthen district and community health and nutrition systems; ensure access to water and sanitation micro: empower families to improve their health, feeding and childcare practices Implications for levels of programming and targeting

27 Available ‘Anti-Hunger’ Interventions for household and school level
A. Supplemental Food Interventions B. Non-Food Interventions Base Health & Nutrition Education 2. Micronutrient Supplementation 3. Household Water Treatment 4. Hand-washing Soap 5. Deworming

28 Implications for programming priority:
strengthen community capacity to assist families-in-need

29 International Food Aid

30 Major components of Ending Child Hunger and Undernutrition Initiative
100 % Hunger Needs -

31 Essential Package Initiative interventions Complementary interventions
State & National Level Micronutrient fortification Ensure adequate diet HIV prevention Disease Control Water and Sanitation Household and School Level Health and Nutrition Education (inc. breastfeeding and growth promotion) Complementary, supplementary and therapeutic feeding Micronutrient Supplementation (inc. Vit. A, Iron and prenatal vitamins) Hygiene promotion Household water treatment Deworming Primary and Secondary Education ARI and Diarrhoea Treatment Immunization Birth spacing, safe motherhood and other reproductive health interventions

32 Summary of operational objectives:
map areas of high undernutrition identify potential outreach partners support linkages between key levels required to strengthen outreach capacity and deliver an essential package of interventions leverage complementary interventions to the same geographic/demographic focus I would split these two decision points into two slide – too many words on one page. Slide1: Theme Making national governments willing, ready and able to deliver (with the help of International partners, NGOs and Communities) the commodities and services for the Families-in-Need in order to reach substantial and sustainable improvements in child nutrition (more specifically in underweight prevalence) Slide 2: (this needs to be much simpler, with less text. The text can be the verbal explanation, but don’t think it should be in the slide) Approach awareness and understanding of needs, opportunities and solutions national policies and programmes direct community action

33 Summary of operational commitment

34 annual price tag: ongoing costing and resource tracking

35 Estimate 1: the cost of doing nothing
economic and social costs and consequences of 50 million child deaths by 2015 due to underlying hunger and undernutrition prospects of achieving other MDGs is significantly jeopardized higher costs of meeting other MDGs, to the extent that they can be met at all without addressing child hunger Compound interest metaphor:

36 (US$ per household per annum)
The Cost of a ‘package’ of Household Level Interventions ‘Rough’ Annual Costs (US$ per household per annum) A. Supplemental Food Interventions (average) ~ 55 B. Non-Food Interventions Base Household Health & Nutrition Education 3.8 2. Micronutrient Supplementation 14.4 3. Household Water Treatment 4.1 4. Hand-washing Soap ~25 5. Deworming 7.5 Household Level Total ~110

37 Estimate 2: the cost of doing something:
country-specific cost estimates should form basis of global estimate costing exercise should be related to model of Initiative inputs and outcomes collaboration underway with academic and technical organisations and the World Bank to develop consensus on costing parameters requires ongoing engagement of regional and country offices Compound interest metaphor:

38 Initial costing parameters
base initial costs on Initiative-specific interventions deliverable with existing community infrastructure phase in additional costs of interventions corresponding to anticipated expansion of infrastructure consider limiting estimates to geographic areas corresponding to approximately 80% of undernourished children consider giving higher priority to interventions for children under five include estimates to strengthen technical and managerial capacities for: monitoring and evaluation intervention adaptation and implementation community organization development Compound interest metaphor:

39 communications strategy for advocacy: to mobilise political, financial and other resources

40 Successful Efforts to Reduce Child Mortality

41 Less Successful Efforts to Reduce Child Mortality

42 Advocacy Objectives increase awareness and understanding of needs, opportunities and solutions with an enhanced evidence base and metrics strengthen national policies and programmes with country-to-country exchange of experience and the promotion of the ‘Three Ones’ in country mobilise adequate resources

43 Advocacy partnership approach
create shared ‘brand’, campaign entity and strategy build a broad partnership that will create urgency and maximize outreach – all speaking in a ‘common voice’ keep children and their families at the centre of the message maximize linkages with other relevant campaigns at global and national level, e.g.: Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health International Alliance Against Hunger Unite for Children Unite Against AIDS Education for All

44 Major audiences (potential partners)
policymakers in both developing and industrialized countries including parliamentarians donors and foundations faith-based organizations other international and national civil society NGOs private sector – WEF Regional Process opinion leaders and the media technical and professional organisations goodwill ambassadors and ‘champions’ UN agencies

45 accountability framework: clarifying roles and responsibilities for WFP/UNICEF units and external partners

46 Initiative accountability: country level
one agreed action framework that provides the basis for coordinating the work of all partners; one national coordinating authority, with a broad based multi-sector mandate; and one agreed country-level monitoring and evaluation system

47 Initiative accountability: regional level
Country-to-country experience exchange for: Political Mobilisation Partner Mobilisation Technical Collaboration Partnerships mapping social marketing monitoring and evaluation costing and resource tracking

48 Initiative accountability: global level
annual global reporting of results through adaptation of Progress for Children: A Report Card on Nutrition regular joint reports to Executive Boards of WFP and UNICEF on Initiative progress against milestones explicit integration with WFP and UNICEF Strategic Plans integrated workplans across WFP and UNICEF units with implementation support responsibilities related workplans of Partners Group members to be compiled, monitored and updated annually

49 ‘Light’ Global Level Partnership Process
Inclusive Partnership Group with sub-groups for civil society and NGOs, technical collaborators, UN agencies, the private sector, donors, and governments Steering Group of limited size co-chaired by UNICEF and WFP Executive Directors UNICEF-WFP Initiative Team to serve as secretariat to Steering Group and Partners Group – including for workplan development and monitoring

50 Major challenges moving forward
commitment to the goal common organisational context with respect to mandate: bring hunger issues to the centre of the international agenda advocate policies, strategies and operations that directly benefit the hungry poor clarity of purpose and role in the Initiative capacity and confidence openness to change internal and external collaboration (cash)

51 When will the Initiative be Initiated?

52 Upcoming milestones 2006 2007 end June
WFP Global Staff Meeting consultation Global advocacy and communication strategy prepared mid-July Consultation with NGO and private sector partners end July Review of draft Plan of Action by multi-agency advisors group end August Final draft of Plan of Action completed September Informal consultations of WFP and UNICEF Executive Boards November Review and guidance from WFP Executive Board 2007 January Review and guidance from UNICEF Executive Board Anticipated publication of the Series on Maternal and Child Undernutrition in The Lancet February Convening of Partners Group and formal adoption of Plan of Action Publication of UNICEF and WFP programme and policy resources on addressing maternal and child undernourishment March Public launch of Initiative

53 1st Quarter of 2007

54 Field Highlights

55 End Child Hunger and Undernutrition Initiative in Latin America and the Caribbean
WFP Global Meeting Copenhagen June 2006

56 Possibilities of Achieving the Target
Achievement of the Hunger Objective in the Millennium Development Goals Possibilities of Achieving the Target Would achieve both Indicators At least one indicator Objective #1 of Millennium Development - Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger May not achieve any indicators Not analyzed in this study Target #2 - Reduce by half the proportion of people who suffer from hunger LAC region is on track to meet the MDG nutrition target, with annual reduction of underweight of 3.8% ( ). But the current prevalence of 7% of underweight still represents nearly 4 million children affected. However, according to an estimate by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua are not on track to meet the nutrition targets of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015. General awareness and political and financial commitment to reduce hunger and malnutrition, as well as micronutrient deficiencies, in young children is low compared with resource allocations for other development priorities. About 1 percent of social spending is allocated to food-based programs, among which investment in fortified food for young children is very low. In the LAC context there is a need to “customize” the ECHUI approach: Working in partnership with governments, civil society and the private sector and with proper commitment and support, many countries of the LAC region could exceed the targets set in the MDGs and indeed eradicate child hunger altogether. With proper commitment and support, many countries of the LAC region could exceed the target set in the MDGs, thus the focus on eradicating child malnutrition Chronic malnutrition as the most appropriate indicator in LAC To respond to existing gaps in national programme coverage LAC efforts focus on reaching the 0-36 month age group (exclusive breastfeeding for first 6 months and appropriate fortified complementary foods or other nutritional support from 6-36 months WHO/PAHO and UNFPA, as well as UNICEF, are critical partners in LAC (as is ECLAC) Indicator 1 – Global Malnutrition in Children under five years (Weight/Age) Indicator 2 – % of Population Undernourished Fuente: CEPAL. Panorama Social de América Latina Los límites y los nombres y las designaciones que figuran en este mapa no implican su apoyo o aceptación oficial por las Naciones Unidas.

57 From the Outset: Regional Political Endorsement
Chile, April 2005: Meeting of Health Ministers of South America endorsed WFP as leader in networking and knowledge management initiatives related to hunger reduction Panama, July 2005: Heads of State of the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) requested WFP to take the lead in the fight towards eliminating all forms of hunger and malnutrition in the upcoming decade Belize, September 2005: RESSCAD XXI - Meeting of Health Ministers of CA and Dom Rep - requested WFP to take the lead in formulating a sub-regional project to eradicate child malnutrition by 2015 in partnership with governments and other cooperation agencies Panama, March 2006: The Special Summit of Heads of State of the Central American Integration System (SICA) gave its political endorsement to the WFP/Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) project proposal “Towards the Eradication of Child Malnutrition in Central America and the Dominican Republic by 2015”. The programme concept will be submitted for endorsement to the next SICA Presidential Summit in late June in Panama. Since early 2005 various high-level meetings endorsed and requested WFP to take the lead in the fight towards eliminating all forms of hunger and malnutrition in the upcoming decade. This culminated in SICA’s Special Summit of Heads of State of the Central American Integration System giving its political endorsement to the WFP/Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) project proposal “Towards the Eradication of Child Malnutrition in Central America and the Dominican Republic by 2015”. The project will be submitted for endorsement to the next SICA Presidential Summit. This initiative was endorsed by the UNDG LAC Regional Directors Team in May and will be subject to an extensive stakeholder consultation in early June in preparation for the high-level SICA meeting for endorsement. Plans are underway to adopt a similar approach in the Andean Region.

58 Strategic Partnerships and Consensus Building
Joint IDB-WFP Regional Programme “Towards the Eradication of Child Malnutrition in Central America and the Dominican Republic by 2015”: Endorsed by the UNDG LAC RD group in May and was subject to an extensive stakeholder consultation in early June in which consensus was reached on the key components and requirements of the regional programme. Participants included representatives of national governments, regional experts, the World Bank, members of civil society, UN agencies and NGOs. Plans are underway to adopt a similar approach in the Andean Region through an eventual partnership with the Corporacion Andina de Fomento (CAF) A Regional Technical Consultation was held in Panama to define the basic components to be taken into account for the design of the Regional Programme “Towards the Eradication of Child Malnutrition in Central America and the Dominican Republic” at the national level (in each of the 8 countries) as well as to identify the synergies to be developed in order to establish a regional support component for the Programme. Consensus reached on: Preventive approach focusing on children under 36 months, pregnant women and lactating mothers Strengthen national programmes with high-potential for nutritional impact Conceptual framework of 8 national pillars supported by a regional pillar addressing cross-cutting themes Establishment of a Steering Committee comprised of national authorities from each country, WFP, the IDB, INCAP and SICA to drive the programme preparation process forward The Technical Consultation brought together 80 participants, including high level technical government representatives directly related to the coordination of national efforts on nutrition, as well as managers and directors of national mother-child nutrition programmes of the eight countries of the Central American region, within the SICA framework. Other participants included UN agencies (UNICEF, PAHO-WHO, INCAP, and ECLAC) and experts from USAID, the EU, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), the World Bank, the National Institute of Public Health of Mexico (INSP), Emory University, the Centre for the Autonomy and Development of Indigenous People, the Institute for Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP) and the University of Chile. Some of the cross-cutting themes that the regional pillar will support include M&E, training, migrations and the cultural dimension (indigenous and afro-descendant groups). As a key result of the meeting, national representatives pledged to move forward without delay in finalizing their respective components of the regional programme.

59 Working Together: WFP and UNICEF Regional Strategic Partnership Meeting
Executive Directors Jim Morris and Anne Veneman presided over the May meeting in Panama that addressed ECHUI and related themes of HIV/AIDS, emergency response and UN reform The LAC region has made more progress on the MDGs than most other regions, but the challenge is how to reach those who remain excluded Need to work with governments, civil society and the private sector to make a systemic difference To achieve sustainability it is critical to ensure reporting on and monitoring of results, including impact assessment Many opportunities exist for cross-fertilization across countries and organizations which can help demonstrate effectiveness (facilitating South-South cooperation) The Panama meeting brought together all WFP and UNICEF Country Representatives and Regional Bureau staff for the first time in the Ciudad del Saber, or “City of Knowledge” in Panama city. The notion of ending child hunger has powerful implications: it is the right thing to do; it addresses the MDGs and, it is achievable (requires a reasonable amount of money). Bringing governments together to look at what has worked and what has not, fostering South-South cooperation as well as showing experiences are all critical. Sustainability/Showing results: Scaling up successful programs to more communities, up to the country level and further to other countries, and also scaling up by integrating complementary initiatives; and measuring results for the long-term Cross fertilization: At country level, training, learning and staff development opportunities could be further explored between the two agencies.

60 Working in Partnership to Support to National Hunger Reduction Plans
Bolivia WFP, UNICEF and PAHO/WHO will provide integrated support to the recently-launched “National Strategy for Zero Malnutrition”. The two agencies have been working together since 2003 on institutional strengthening, advocacy and micronutrient supplementation and fortification Guatemala UNICEF, WFP and PAHO/WHO implementing a joint programme to reduce chronic malnutrition for children under 3 years and pregnant and lactating women Panama WFP/UNICEF/UNFPA “Evaluation of Social Programmes with Food and/or Nutrition Components helped support major policy changes regarding the MCH national programme To achieve the objective of ending child hunger in LAC, continued UNICEF-WFP partnership is critical in joint advocacy, creating a strong coalition of committed national governments, civil society, regional organizations, UN system, NGOs, international cooperation agencies, academic experts and building on the political momentum among strong players in the region willing to place eradicating child malnutrition on their political agendas and to invest in making it possible. Bolivia: Institutional Strengthening; Since 2003, both agencies have supported institutional strengthening of the Nutritional Unit of the Ministry of Health, coordinated activities in related communication campaigns, and advocated actively for the establishment of the National Commission for Nutrition and Food Security. The two agencies also worked together with others in the formulation of the GAIN Project and complemented each other in the provision of micronutrients either through supplementation (UNICEF) or fortification (WFP). These actions have a national coverage. WFP, UNICEF and PAHO/WHO are committed to provided intergrated support to the recently-launched “National Strategy for Zero Malnutrition”. Guatemala: In support to the National Program, UNICEF, WFP and PAHO/WHO are implementing a joint programme for the reduction of chronic malnutrition for children under 3 years and pregnant and lactating women for the period The Programme promotes breast-feeding and facilitates appropriate supplementary feeding with integral health and environment care targeting 83 municipalities out of 332 with the highest rates of infant malnutrition Panana: Upon Government request WFP, UNICEF and UNFPA carried out in October 2005 an “Evaluation of Social Programmes with Food and/or Nutrition Components”, which greatly contributed to the coordination, review, refocus, and follow-up of the national government’s nutrition programmes, particularly those of the Ministries of Education and Health. Findings of the study were presented to the President of the Republic and his Cabinet. As a direct result, the government of Panama instituted major policy changes related to MCH programmes, to improve existing programmes and adopt decisions for the upcoming budget period, placing emphasis on universal coverage of children aged 6-36 months and pregnant and lactating women living in areas of extreme poverty.

61 Ending Child Hunger is Possible in LAC
Joint advocacy: Cost of Hunger Studies; Investing in early childhood nutrition brings high economic returns – Increased allocation of national resources to MCHN programmes Creating a strong coalition of committed national governments, civil society, regional organizations, UN System, NGOs, international cooperation agencies, academic experts Building on the political momentum among strong players in the region willing to place eradicating child malnutrition on their political agendas and to invest in making it possible BUILDING ON POLITICAL MOMENTUM Lula / Lagos / Chirac / Zapatero initiative Lula’s Fome Zero. Current opportunities. Several other major country initiatives to build on and support CHILE REGIONAL SUMMIT – MARCH/APRIL 2007 In a meeting with President Bachelet of Chile, WFP gained commitment to host a regional summit for an action plan for LAC to eradicate child malnutrition. Building on the WFP-IDB initiative in Central America, similar consultations will be held in the Andean and Caribbean regions to prepare for this important event. ECLAC has agreed to serve as the technical secretariat for the summit and will be preparing the technical document (“Action Plan for LAC).

62 United in the Battle to End Child Hunger!
Cost of eradicating child malnutrition in LAC is between US 60-US 100 / child / per year. Who can say no???? United in the Battle to End Child Hunger!

63 Ending Child Hunger in India
Partnering with Local Institutions for National Advocacy

64 National capacities: a strong basis for leverage
India: strong capacities and national resources for advocacy on child hunger and under-nutrition. WFP actively collaborating to intensify, synergize and focus advocacy approaches with various types & levels of partners: National foundation National & state initiatives Private sector

65 1. National foundation ‘Hunger Free India’: a unique platform for collaboration Partnership between MS Swaminathan Research Foundation & WFP since early 2000s, built on shared vision of ‘Hunger Free India’ Joint Technical Resource Center set up at MSSRF Objective: to enhance knowledge base and disseminate food and nutritional security analysis on rural and urban India From vision to action: Prof. Swaminathan as Chairman of National Commission on Farmers represents all rural farm households in India: 600 million people!

66 1.1 Ending child hunger and undernutrition: a new partnership
Launched April 2006 during “Mission 2007: Hunger Free India” annual dialogue Led by Prof. Swaminathan, UNICEF & WFP Focuses on joint efforts to strengthen GoI programmes in 3 strategic areas: Health and Nutrition Primary Education HIV-AIDS - Took out ‘new’ as the next slide says the collaboration has built up since early 2000s

67 2. National and state initiatives
Adolescent Girls Initiative for Reproductive Health, Nutritional Education, HIV Awareness 10 local NGOs reached 18,000 girls through 842 girl-groups Local production of fortified blended food: Over 10,000 Village Mother and Child Centers supported Salt iodization: 360 small salt producers Food For Human Development Project for strengthening delivery of basic social services 7 NGOs reaching 600 SHWGs (8,000 women) Ongoing capacity-building & advocacy with local partners & counterparts: 40 districts in 8 states

68 Private sector An opportunity for advocacy
The Bhavishya (Future) Alliance: Indian Partnership for Child Nutrition Consolidates skills from Government, States, Corporations & NGOs to reduce child malnutrition Technical assistance from World Bank, UNICEF & WFP

69 Providing an ‘essential package’ for child survival: WFP and UNICEF in Ethiopia

70 WFP and UNICEF in Ethiopia
Deliberate, strategic partnership to address the underlying causes of child undernutrition, and ensure: Access to adequate food Care for mothers and children Access to essential health services Reorientation, refocusing of existing resources

71 Enhanced Outreach Strategy for Child Survival
An ‘essential package’ of nutrition interventions: Vitamin A supplementation Measles vaccination De-worming Health, nutrition and HIV/AIDS education Screening of under five children, pregnant and lactating women for malnutrition Referral of malnourished children and women to Targeted Supplementary Food (TSF) programme

72 Building on existing infrastructure
WFP and UNICEF are building on - and building - regional government capacity and infrastructure for health services and food assistance delivery The additional effort is focused on child hunger and undernutrition Programme will expand in line with local infrastructure capacity Coverage: 326 of 326 most vulnerable districts for health services; 272 of 326 for TSF Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Agency (DPPA) – for food and non-food assistance, incl transport, logistics Prog is managed by government; WFP, UNICEF are building cap of govt to manage programme Working with regional levels/regions, so all WFP-invested funds in TSF are invested at this level; we are assisting DPPA with infrastructure, spec to estab Staffing structure/cell specific for this project, within DPPA, e.g. area coordinator is WFP-funded by is govt staff, ref. directly to gov Build cap for whole proj cycle mgmnt Unique thing is this TSF not done via NGOs Key partner is DPPB (reg. level is Bureau) This prog has widest prog of any WFP prog in ETH, at 272 districts (of 326 d considered to be vulnerable in this country; by end 2006 will be in all) UNICEF now covering all 326 with health package UNICEF working with RHB at regional levels on health side On social side, e.g. HIV campaigns and screenings/referrals supported by UNICEF (HIV) and WFP (referrals) Began as a pilot

73 Key results of the EOS 2005: 80% of children in defined ‘vulnerable’ districts have received part (Vitamin A) of the ‘essential package’ 2006: Broader coverage: more districts for TSF, and fuller ‘package’ 5000 Food Distribution Agents (community women) trained in food distribution & management and provision of nutrition education to date. 2 women per distrib site trained (when all ds covered will have 3000 sites) – outreach part being trained to do nutrition education, with key messages: exclusive b’feeding; ration itself & cooking; complementary feeding for +6 mos children; will keep adding want all children to get health part and only malnd to get food part 6.7 million kids in vul area <5 5.4 million have recd Vit A (highest coverage, 80% on health part) full pkg not delivered everywhere food part will be 540,000 children in 2006, we expect; and expect to reach all of them, 100%; are now at 50%

74 Multi-sectoral coordination not smooth
Key challenges Multi-sectoral coordination not smooth Screening coverage, quality too low Increasing, ensuring government ownership and budgeting Effective institutionalisation of results-based management system for the EOS/TSF Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Agency (DPPA) – for food and non-food assistance, incl transport, logistics Prog is managed by government; WFP, UNICEF are building cap of govt to manage programme Working with regional levels/regions, so all WFP-invested funds in TSF are invested at this level; we are assisting DPPA with infrastructure, spec to estab Staffing structure/cell specific for this project, within DPPA, e.g. area coordinator is WFP-funded by is govt staff, ref. directly to gov Build cap for whole proj cycle mgmnt Unique thing is this TSF not done via NGOs Key partner is DPPB (reg. level is Bureau) This prog has widest prog of any WFP prog in ETH, at 272 districts (of 326 d considered to be vulnerable in this country; by end 2006 will be in all) UNICEF now covering all 326 with health package UNICEF working with RHB at regional levels on health side On social side, e.g. HIV campaigns and screenings/referrals supported by UNICEF (HIV) and WFP (referrals) Began as a pilot

75 Vision for the Future: EOS integrated into broader, planned government Health Extension outreach programme EOS fully integrated into government budgets TSF managed by Regional Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Agency and Food Distribution Agents timely and effectively and with linkages to other food security and nutrition programmes Expand FDA capacity: 1000 more women to be trained Qualified to give a broader range of nutrition education From emergency to community-based approach to end child hunger and undernutrition: increase government and community capacity to provide needed food assistance Will expand FDAs to 6000, and broaden the range of nutrition education that they are qualified to give - link to non-food interventions: our understanding is of food sec and nutrition in a broad sense, i.e. incl non-food EOS integrated financially, into budgets Govt has vision of complete health extension pkg, broader health plan, and wd like to see EOS integs into it (broader in sense of incl adults, wider coverage of vaccinations, etc…, broader pkg). Wt to maintain strength of EOS pkg within broader framework idea on 3 is on incr. govt and comm capacity to provide own food

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