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Child Abuse & Neglect Work Group Meeting December 17, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Child Abuse & Neglect Work Group Meeting December 17, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Child Abuse & Neglect Work Group Meeting December 17, 2014

2 MONTGOMERY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Rockville, Maryland Agenda Welcome & Introductions Protocol Revisions and Updates to Memorandum of Understanding ( MOU) Sub-Committee Report-Outs Questions & Answers Feedback Next Steps

3 MONTGOMERY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Rockville, Maryland Protocols & Updates to MOU Update MOU with the Child Protective Services (CPS), the Montgomery County Department of Police (MCPD), and the State’s Attorney’s Office to: Establish a County Multidisciplinary Team, including MCPS, which convenes regularly to provide consultation and coordinated interventions. Encourage information-sharing with County partner agencies. Identify CPS as the primary agency for MCPS reporting. CPS, in turn, shall involve the MCPD Special Victims Investigations Division, as appropriate. Simplify the sequence of follow-up steps required of principals and school- based personnel after abuse or neglect is reported. Develop a coordinated team-based approach among MCPS offices and departments to support schools in responding to abuse and neglect. Appoint school-based and system-wide child abuse liaisons. Benchmark against best practices in other school districts (e.g., Howard County Public Schools).

4 MONTGOMERY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Rockville, Maryland Protocols & Updates to MOU It is not the role of MCPS to investigate or determine the validity of suspected abuse or neglect, prior to making a report. Thus, MCPS employees shall not undertake extensive fact-finding or collect written statements prior to making a report. After alleged abuse or neglect is reported, MCPS will not conduct internal investigation without consulting with County partner agencies to avoid interfering with or prejudicing those agencies’ pending investigations. Decisions about notification to parents and the school community should be made by MCPS in consultation with County partner agencies.

5 MONTGOMERY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Rockville, Maryland Staff Training Develop updated training materials Design with county agencies, including Tree House Focus on recognizing and reporting abuse and neglect Design and implement mandatory training plan for all current staff, to be completed by June 2015 - Principals and School-Based Liaisons - Central Services - Professional Staff - Supporting Services Staff New employees and substitutes complete mandatory online training prior to working with students

6 MONTGOMERY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Rockville, Maryland Human Resources Ensure screening of new and existing employees is in alignment with best practices Screening of volunteers who have direct and unsupervised access to students, e.g., overnight field trips, regular classroom volunteers Ensure updated information regarding employee background, e.g., rescreening procedures, employee self-reporting protocols Continue ongoing comprehensive staff/student file review Develop a Code of Conduct for employees

7 MONTGOMERY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Rockville, Maryland Parent Awareness Design and implement parent academies on child abuse and neglect, conducted by Tree House Coordinate with MCCPTA on additional parental awareness workshops and activities Support local school PTAs in providing educational activities for parents in the area of child abuse and neglect

8 MONTGOMERY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Rockville, Maryland Student Education Enhance K-8 lessons on personal body safety and child abuse, neglect, and prevention Review high school curriculum to ensure lessons on personal body safety and abuse prevention Ensure consistency in lessons across all schools Develop staff training plan

9 MONTGOMERY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Rockville, Maryland Policy and Regulations Revise policy and regulation to reflect the following areas: Reporting responsibilities and procedures Multidisciplinary approach with partner agencies Staff training Human resource protocols and procedures Student education Parent awareness

10 MONTGOMERY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Rockville, Maryland Communications Continue to synthesize and add resources to the Department of Student Services website Add a Tile and Drop-down links from MCPS home page on child abuse and neglect Establish a Child Abuse and Neglect Work Group website

11 MONTGOMERY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Rockville, Maryland Next Steps Complete working draft of recommendations by January 5, 2015 Convene work group on January 5, 2015, to review working draft Share recommendations to the superintendent and the Board of Education by January 13, 2015

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