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Actividad Inicial #1 Copy the information at the right to p. 15 in your notebook. While you are copying, I will be coming around to stamp countries/capitals.

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Presentation on theme: "Actividad Inicial #1 Copy the information at the right to p. 15 in your notebook. While you are copying, I will be coming around to stamp countries/capitals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Actividad Inicial #1 Copy the information at the right to p. 15 in your notebook. While you are copying, I will be coming around to stamp countries/capitals maps. Chapter 1 Outline Review parts of speech Review pronouns-subject, direct object and reflexive. Review ser and estar Review regular verbs, irregular yo forms, and stem-changing verbs in the present indicative. Review informal commands Review the present progressive. Review ir Review ir + a + infinitive to talk about the future. Review gustar and verbs like gustar. 15

2 Tour of the Interactive Notebook -Brief Overview -Homework Calendar (p.17) -Starters (p.18) -Parts of Speech Worksheet (p.20) -Todays Homework (p. 21-22) -Maps

3 Cornell Notes Set up your notes page like that one Notes will always go on the RIGHT side; if you need to use more pages, tape them in! Subject Pronouns & the Verb ser Summary 9-2-10 24

4 Subject Pronouns Pronouns take the place of a noun. Subject pronouns can be the SUBJECT of a sentence. Spanish Subject Pronouns are: Just 1 personMore than 1 person Includes yourselfYoNosotr@s Talking TO Tú (informal) Usted (formal) Vosotr@s Ustedes Talking ABOUT Él Ella Ellos Ellas

5 Subject Pronouns A. Which pronoun would you use in each situation? 1.To talk to your brother 2.To talk about the volleyball team 3.To talk to a group of friends in Spain 4.To talk to the whole class 5.To talk about your sister 6.To talk to the principal 7.To talk about the football team 8.To talk to your best friend 9.To talk about yourself 10.To talk about the basketball team –and youre on the team B. Which pronoun would replace the following? 1.Tú y yo 2.Tú y Juan 3.Mi hermana y mi madre 4.Usted y Rosa

6 Ser (to be) Ser is an irregular verb in Spanish. To be is an irregular verb in English. One must memorize irregular verbs as they do not follow a pattern.

7 Ser (to be) yo soy- I amnosotros somos- we are tú eres- you arevosotros sois- you are él es – he isellos son- they are ella es-she is ellas son- they are usted es- you areustedes son- you are ser (to be) soysomos eresX esson

8 Ser (to be) Why do we need to remember the uses of ser? To remember when to use ser, remember DOCTOR & MR…

9 D- day and date Hoy es el 30 de agosto. O- occupation Soy profesora. C- characteristicSoy baja y rubia. T-timeSon las dos. O- originElla es de Chile. R- relationshipJorge es mi primo. & M- materialLa mesa es de madera. R- religionMi abuelo es judío.

10 Práctica Yo ________ alto. soy Why? It is a characteristic.

11 Práctica Ellos ________ colombianos. son Why? Origin

12 Práctica Tú _______ católico. eres Why? Religion

13 Practice On the left side (opposite your notes page), set up your paper like that. Your illustrations must use at least 4 colors other than black & white! (total, not each) Day & Date [related illustration] [Your own example sentence with ser] Occupation [related illustration] [Your own example sentence with ser] Characteristic [related illustration] [Your own example sentence with ser] Time [related illustration] [Your own example sentence with ser] Origin [related illustration] [Your own example sentence with ser] Relationship [related illustration] [Your own example sentence with ser] Material [related illustration] [Your own example sentence with ser] Religion [related illustration] [Your own example sentence with ser] 23

14 Tarea (homework) Use the graphic organizers we glued in on pages 21-22 and fill in Vocabulary 1 from Chapter 1 (p.37).

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