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1 To Kill a Mockingbird A novel by: Harper Lee Picture found at: Harper Lee  Born 1926 in Monroeville, AL  Very Private.

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2 1 To Kill a Mockingbird A novel by: Harper Lee

3 Picture found at: http://mockingbird.chebucto.org2 Harper Lee  Born 1926 in Monroeville, AL  Very Private Person  Early 1950s Studied law Airline hostess Began writing some during this time

4 3 Harper Lee cont.  To Kill a Mockingbird published in 1960 Took 2 ½ years to write Very Popular Best Seller for 1 ½ years Made into a movie  1961: Pulitzer Prize for Fiction

5 4 Similarities Between Novel and Author’s Life Novel is NOT autobiographical  Towns Monroeville & Maycomb: similar layout and size  Fathers Both Lawyers Lee’s father’s middle is Finch; Finch is the last name of family Both had genuine humility and natural dignity  Time Frame Lee same age as Scout at the time the story takes place

6 Picture found at: lessons/98/mock/intro.html5 Setting  Maycomb, AL  1933-1935 During the Great Depression Deep South Segregation and Racism  Map of Maycomb: http://fac-staff.seattleu. edu/kschlnoe/TKAM/map.html

7 6 Characters  Scout  Jem  Atticus Finch  Calpurnia  Dill  Boo Radley  Miss Maudie  Tom Robinson  Miss Caroline  Bob Ewell  Mayella Ewell  Mr. Cunningham  Heck Tate  Mrs. Dubose

8 7 Point of View  1 st Person Told by someone in the story. The “I” person is the narrator also. Everything is told from one perspective.  2 nd Person Told from the you perspective. Very rarely used and a difficult form to write in.  3 rd Person Told from an outside force looking in. This narrator is all knowing and sees everything. The perspectives of all the characters can be seen.

9 8 To Kill a Mockingbird’s Point of View In this novel the story is told from Scout’s point of view (1 st person). The novel is primarily told by the child, Scout, but the narrator also uses the fact that it has been years since the event to fill in other details (showing maturity).

10 9 Click here to return to activities web page.

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