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CSUN Cat People: Seeking a Permanent Fix. Quick Feral Cat Facts:  1 female + her litter x 7 years = 420,000 cats!  50% of kittens born feral die  Average.

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Presentation on theme: "CSUN Cat People: Seeking a Permanent Fix. Quick Feral Cat Facts:  1 female + her litter x 7 years = 420,000 cats!  50% of kittens born feral die  Average."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSUN Cat People: Seeking a Permanent Fix

2 Quick Feral Cat Facts:  1 female + her litter x 7 years = 420,000 cats!  50% of kittens born feral die  Average feral cat lifespan = 3 years  Only 1 out of every 12 cats born finds a permanent home  450 animals are euthanized in the U.S. every hour

3 CatPeople Fast Facts:  Number of cats on campus: ca. 75  Campus feeding stations: 20  Number of regular feeders: 5  Number of regular trappers: 1

4 How did this all begin?  Students leave pets behind after the end of the school year  Cats were separated from their owners during the 1994 Northridge earthquake  Cats are drawn to college campuses because of the food and shelter they provide

5 What we do:  Humane capture of feral cats on campus for Trap-Neuter-Return

6 What we do:  Responsible, regular feeding and care of spayed-neutered campus cat population

7 What we do:  Humane education about pet overpopulation and responsible pet ownership  Fostering and adoption of feral kittens

8 Our Goals:  0% cat population growth on campus  Stable, healthy feral cat colony on campus  Humane campus environment for people, cats and other animals

9 Our Accomplishments:  20 feeding stations constructed and installed  75% of campus cat population spayed/neutered  Cooperation and collaboration with PPM and campus administration

10 Here’s how you can make a difference!  Help trap cats for spaying/ neutering  Work a feeding station  Assist in fundraising and development  Give educational presentations to classrooms and student housing units  Develop our website  Help manage the club by serving as an officer or committee chair

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