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 starter activity What sort of information can skeletons tell us about the health of ordinary people in the past?

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Presentation on theme: " starter activity What sort of information can skeletons tell us about the health of ordinary people in the past?"— Presentation transcript:

1  starter activity What sort of information can skeletons tell us about the health of ordinary people in the past?

2 Why has this skull got a hole in the top?

3 How healthy were pre- historic people? To explain how the lifestyle of people in prehistoric times affected health & medical treatments To compare prehistoric and ancient tribes  Learning objectives

4  Your task Write these headings in your notes ‘Hunter gatherers’ & ‘Farmers’. Read p.16-17 and underneath each heading note down: Write these headings in your notes ‘Hunter gatherers’ & ‘Farmers’. Read p.16-17 and underneath each heading note down: How their lifestyles helped avoid/ cause health problems How their lifestyles helped avoid/ cause health problems Who treated the sick Who treated the sick Kinds of surgery used Kinds of surgery used Causes of illness Causes of illness Treatments used Treatments used

5 Hunter-gatherers Avoided health problems – nomadic, avoided polluted water or sewage Avoided health problems – nomadic, avoided polluted water or sewage Caused health problems – injuries from hunting, abandoned the sick Caused health problems – injuries from hunting, abandoned the sick Who treated sick – medicine man, families Who treated sick – medicine man, families Surgery – no treatments Surgery – no treatments Cause of illness – evil spirits Cause of illness – evil spirits Treatments – poultice made from mud & bark, charms and amulets Treatments – poultice made from mud & bark, charms and amulets

6 Farmers Avoided health problems – suffered fewer injuries from hunting Avoided health problems – suffered fewer injuries from hunting Caused health problems – hard physical work caused arthritis, polluted water supplies Caused health problems – hard physical work caused arthritis, polluted water supplies Who treated sick – medicine man, families Who treated sick – medicine man, families Surgery – trepanning, setting broken bones with splints Surgery – trepanning, setting broken bones with splints Cause of illness – evil spirits Cause of illness – evil spirits Treatments – herbs, honey, charms Treatments – herbs, honey, charms

7  Your task Read p.18-19. Note down how Aborigines treat illnesses and injuries that have natural causes. Read p.18-19. Note down how Aborigines treat illnesses and injuries that have natural causes. Note down how they treat supernatural ones Note down how they treat supernatural ones  Extension. How similar/different are these to prehistoric tribes?  Extension. How similar/different are these to prehistoric tribes?

8 Natural cures Natural illnesses – e.g. cuts & breaks Natural illnesses – e.g. cuts & breaks Cuts Sphagnum moss Cuts Sphagnum moss Broken bones – mud, clay or animal fat bound with animal skins, feathers or tree bark Broken bones – mud, clay or animal fat bound with animal skins, feathers or tree bark Colds & coughs – tea tree oil Colds & coughs – tea tree oil Tea tree

9 Supernatural remedies Illnesses caused by evil spirits, angry gods Illnesses caused by evil spirits, angry gods Medicine man Medicine man Amulets Amulets Prayers & chants Prayers & chants Trepanning Trepanning Horseshoe & rabbit’s foot – modern ‘lucky’ charms

10  Your task The makers of ‘Tribal Wives’ want to make a similar programme about life in a prehistoric village. Make a short 1 minute documentary about health & medicine in an imaginary prehistoric settlement. The makers of ‘Tribal Wives’ want to make a similar programme about life in a prehistoric village. Make a short 1 minute documentary about health & medicine in an imaginary prehistoric settlement.

11 Good start Getting better Star student! You have made a limited number of references to prehistoric health problems & cures You partly explain what life was like Most participate You refer to a range of treatments & common health problems You broadly explain how prehistoric people treated the sick All participate You refer in detail to treatments & cures, giving precise examples You give a full picture of prehistoric medicine All participate actively

12  Homework Produce a health & safety poster for the people of a prehistoric village. It should include Produce a health & safety poster for the people of a prehistoric village. It should include Pictures and labels explaining the different types of illnesses and health problems Pictures and labels explaining the different types of illnesses and health problems Natural & supernatural cures that could be used Natural & supernatural cures that could be used Who was available to cure the sick Who was available to cure the sick


14  Extension task Investigate another ‘indigenous tribe’ such as the Maori and find out how they have treated illnesses and disease Investigate another ‘indigenous tribe’ such as the Maori and find out how they have treated illnesses and disease Make a list of modern- day charms used around the world Make a list of modern- day charms used around the world

15 Plenary Who treated the sick in prehistoric times? Who treated the sick in prehistoric times? Give examples of treatments of injuries or disease? Give examples of treatments of injuries or disease? What did they think caused the diseases? What did they think caused the diseases? How can we find out about prehistoric medicine? How can we find out about prehistoric medicine?  Extension: what are the strengths and weaknesses of comparing ancient and modern tribes?  Extension: what are the strengths and weaknesses of comparing ancient and modern tribes?

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