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Older people’s activism Susan Moffat Eurig Scandrett.

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Presentation on theme: "Older people’s activism Susan Moffat Eurig Scandrett."— Presentation transcript:

1 Older people’s activism Susan Moffat Eurig Scandrett

2 Aims of research In what ways does the experience of older people in the Older People’s Advocacy Movement compare with older people who have been active in other social movements? What contribution to older people’s activism can be made by a dialogue between older activists in social movements and Older People’s Advocacy Movement activists?

3 Social movements Communist movement Peace movement Women’s movement Older people’s movement

4 Methods Recruit activists Prior discussion Semi-structured interview - video DVD back to activists – invite comment Focus group

5 Results Hard to find ‘new’ activists in OPAM Time of starting activism has impact Caring responsibilities more significant than age, especially for women Poverty and lack of resources problem for many older activists Contradictions and creative tensions

6 Contradictions and tensions o Getting older has changed what kind of activism I get involved in o getting older has made no difference to my activism o It is frustrating that young people are re- inventing the wheel o it is time for us older activist to let young people learn for themselves o It is good that young people are coming up with new ideas o young people’s ideas are distorting the original aims of our movements o It is very important to have support from family and friends o family and friends take us away from our activism o It is necessary to build alliances with people you don’t agree with o It is necessary to stick to your principles and conflict with people you don’t agree with o It is important to see small successes and a sense of progress even if it means compromising on principles o it is important to stick to beliefs even if that means conceding some victories o Older peoples’ experience is valued by young people o older people are not valued by younger people

7 What are social movements? Problem for a stable society –conservative Corrective for a functioning society –pluralist Creators of new culture –alternative Salvation of an unjust society –revolutionary

8 Tentative conclusions No pattern to whether older activists in social movements become active in older people’s issues No evidence that OPAM is mobilising significant numbers of older people who have not been active before Newly active OPAM activists do not appear to connect older people’s issues with wider political change, unlike other movements Tendency for older activists to be encouraged into ‘volunteering’, rather than policy or social change Opportunities for dialogue between OPAM and social movements around politicisation and issues facing older people

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