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© Specialist People Foundation 2011. All rights reserved. 1 Turning Disability into Specialist Abilities - the Specialisterne Case Dublin March 22 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "© Specialist People Foundation 2011. All rights reserved. 1 Turning Disability into Specialist Abilities - the Specialisterne Case Dublin March 22 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Specialist People Foundation 2011. All rights reserved. 1 Turning Disability into Specialist Abilities - the Specialisterne Case Dublin March 22 2012 Thorkil Sonne Founder, Specialisterne & Specialist People Foundation Chairman, Specialist People Foundation Ashoka Globalizer Fellow

2 © Specialist People Foundation 2011. All rights reserved. 2 Strong Idea Global Impact Proven Case Local Impact

3 © Specialist People Foundation 2011. All rights reserved. 3 Weed or herb? Unwanted or wanted? You decide!

4 © Specialist People Foundation 2011. All rights reserved. 4 SPECIALIST PEOPLE

5 © Specialist People Foundation 2011. All rights reserved. 5 Shift in the way value is created… Industrial value creation …fitting in is all important Innovation based value creation …not fitting in is all important Source: “Specialisterne - Its Broader Importance in 21st Century Management”, Speech at Specialist People Conference 2011 by Robert D. Austin, Harvard Business School / Copenhagen Business School

6 © Specialist People Foundation 2011. All rights reserved. 6 Specialisterne  For-profit social enterprise  Owned by the non-profit Specialist People Foundation  Focus on high functioning people with Autism Spectrum Disorder Services  Consulting software management, testing, registration and logistics  5 month assessment and training  3 year youth education People  20 people as staff and management  35 people with ASD as consultants  20 people (18+ years) with ASD as trainees  33 people (16 – 25 years) with ASD as students

7 © Specialist People Foundation 2011. All rights reserved. 7 Danish Company Model Management & Administration Human Resources Specialist People Foundation EducationAssessment Business SpecialistPeople

8 © Specialist People Foundation 2011. All rights reserved. 8 Selection Application Structured dialogue - Ongoing 12- 20 weeks Profiling 1 week The assessment process is considered relevant Introduction 1 week Competence assessment 1 week IT Training 5 week Work readiness training 1 -2 week Internship 4 -12 week Transition Specialisterne Assessment Model

9 © Specialist People Foundation 2011. All rights reserved. 9 Specialisterne Brings Unique Competencies to Businesses  Passion for details - all services offered are characterized by the unique competencies of our consultants:  High level of concentration  Perseverance for repetitive actions  Pattern recognition  Spot deviances in data, information and systems  Attention to detail  Process optimisation  Specialisterne consultants brings unique competencies to tasks where most companies employees are often less skilled and motivated.

10 © Specialist People Foundation 2011. All rights reserved. 10 Specialisterne Business Services

11 © Specialist People Foundation 2011. All rights reserved. 11 Customer Cases

12 © Specialist People Foundation 2011. All rights reserved. 12 Customer Reference: IBM Denmark “IBM has a long history of commitment to Diversity - focusing on equal opportunities, eliminating barriers and understanding cultural differences. As a result, when approached by Specialisterne in 2010, IBM quickly expressed its intentions to establish a long-term working relationship with Specialisterne in order to create job opportunities for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders. As we speak, IBM has just hired its first two employees with ASD, with the assistance of Specialisterne. Both jobs will be in the Security Administrations department. In addition, IBM wants now to discuss further how to expand the cooperation, for example by enrolling interns from Specialisterne in various departments.”

13 © Specialist People Foundation 2011. All rights reserved. 13

14 © Specialist People Foundation 2011. All rights reserved. 14 Impact on employees We are creating HOPE Having a job gives valuable life content After years of exclusion, a job or an education reestablishes self confidence A job gives more purchasing power than being on social welfare (if any)! A job brings you back in society and makes you feel you contribute (taxes etc.) A job motivates you to get up in the morning and do the best you can

15 © Specialist People Foundation 2011. All rights reserved. 15 Impact on corporate partners Higher quality in tasks requiring passion for detail Great value for money Access to untapped pool of skilled resources Improvement of management skills Combining social responsibility with business needs

16 © Specialist People Foundation 2011. All rights reserved. 16 Changing the paradigm Vision  A World where people with autism and similar challenges are seen as equal citizens in society Mission  To make people with autism and similar challenges feel wanted and help them excel in the right roles Values  Respect  Accommodation  Accessibility  Clarity Goal  To enable one million jobs for specialist people - people with a business potential who need special understanding and support to excel

17 © Specialist People Foundation 2011. All rights reserved. 17 Desk research Field research ASD Industry and Market Social Welfare System Specialisterne Desk research Field research Desk research Field research Desk research Field research Diagnosis protocol Network Employ- ment situation Existing institutions Survey for the local autism community Key stake- holders within the ASD area Price benchmark Demand and competition Sector turnover Salaries Fixed costs Leaders from the local IT and other relevant sectors Expected incentives and subsidies Working schemes for disabled people Munici- palities Region State Country Other key stake holders Financial and funding conditions Legal and ownership structures Financial forecasting and budget Local legal experts Model for Feasibility Study

18 © Specialist People Foundation 2011. All rights reserved. 18 Status in Ireland Specialisterne Feasibility Study finalized Specialisterne Ireland Advisory Board established Specialisterne Ireland lead– Mary Ann McCormack Ashoka support Founding Corporate Partners sought Funding sought

19 © Specialist People Foundation 2011. All rights reserved. 19 Thorkil Sonne Founder Specialisterne Specialist People Foundation Ashoka Globalizer Fellow Let’s make Ireland benefit from our experience on turning disabilities into specialist abilities.

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