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¿Qué tienes?: What do you have?

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Presentation on theme: "¿Qué tienes?: What do you have?"— Presentation transcript:

1 ¿Qué tienes?: What do you have?
Assignment: Write and memorize a “skit” where you use all 5 forms of the verb “TO HAVE,” plus one negative sentence. Demonstrate the meaning of each sentence through your actions, pointing, changing the speaker, etc.

2 Example script: Jenny: ¡Mira! Yo tengo una banana. (shows audience banana). Sarah (to Jenny): Tú tienes una banana? Yo también, tengo una banana. (holds up banana) Sue & Jenny: Nosostros tenemos dos bananas (hold bananas up together) Jenny (to Sue): Pero mi banana es más bonita. Etc.

3 tener skit: yes no Did everyone speak? (2) (0)
Were all 5 verb forms used correctly? (2) (1) (0) Was the skit clear & understandable? (2) (1) (0) Did the group use ALL the practice time effectively? (2) (0) Did the group have all the props? (2) (0) Was it well-memorized? (2) (0) Group effort/creativity/cooperation: (2) (1) (0)

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