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This and These Have T's That and Those Don't Demonstrative Adjectives Sr. Craig.

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Presentation on theme: "This and These Have T's That and Those Don't Demonstrative Adjectives Sr. Craig."— Presentation transcript:

1 This and These Have T's That and Those Don't Demonstrative Adjectives Sr. Craig

2 This and These Have T's That and Those Don't There are 8 Demonstrative Adjectives in Spanish Este Esta Estos Estas Ese Esa Esas Esos

3 This and These Have T's That and Those Don't What do they mean? Este= This Masculine Singular Esta= This Feminine Singular Estos=These Masculine Plural Estas=These Feminine Plural Ese= That Masculine Singular Esa= That Feminine Singular Esas=Those Feminine Plural Esos=Those Masculine Plural

4 This and These Have T's That and Those Don't Demonstrative Adjectives agree with the noun they are describing Este zapatoThis shoe Esta blusaThis blouse Estos zapatosThese shoes Estas blusasThese blouses Ese lápizThat pencil Esa camisaThat shirt Esos bolίgrafosThose pens Esas faldasThose skirts

5 This and These Have T's That and Those Don't Vamos a practicar That cat That girl Those boys Those hamburgers This apple This dress These peas These t-shirts

6 This and These Have T's That and Those Don't What can help us remember the demonstrative adjectives THIS AND THESE HAVE TS ESTEESTA ESTOS ESTAS THAT AND THOSE DONT ESE ESA ESOS ESAS

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