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THE AGEEING PEOPLE IN FRANCE. PLAN I/ CURRENT SITUATION IN FRANCE -Demography -Economics -Senior employment -Retirement -APA -Health -Problems II/ POLITICS.

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2 PLAN I/ CURRENT SITUATION IN FRANCE -Demography -Economics -Senior employment -Retirement -APA -Health -Problems II/ POLITICS TO PUT INTO ACTION -Ne w Reforms - Senior employment -Retirement - Dependence : “ the fifth Risk”

3 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHY French demography - French population’s natural change : + 250 000 each year (800 000 births a year) -Today 12 millions of people aged over 60 years old, of whom more than 800 000 who loose their autonomy. -More and more old people in % : 28% of the population under the age of 20 in 1990; 25% in 2010 In 2050 : 20 millions people : + 60 years old Median age : 45.2 years old for 37.6 today 198019902000201020202030 65/74 years old 11.912.814.316.220.0824.2 75 years old and more

4 DEMOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHY Ratio active population/inactive people aged of more than 60 : 2,1 in 2010 and 1,5 in 2030 -Between 1964 and 1994: decrease of birth rate from 2,91 to 1,66 -Since 1995, constant increase of birth rate : from 1,71 to 2 Two main factors of this ageing people phenomenon: -Papy-boom -Extension of life expectancy (-Better life quality, better care) 1950 : 63 years for men; 69 for women 1970 : 70 years for men; 78 for women 2010 : 78 years for men; 85 for women

5 ECONOMICS ECONOMICS Senior employment: France: under the European average: 38.9% 38.9% for the people aged from 55 to 64 years old, against 46% in the European Union. Between march 2009 and march 2010: a 21,2% increase Seniors who are looking for a job and the number of seniors who have a job increase both

6 ECONOMICS Retirement Legal age : 60 years old Retirement « full rate » : 65 years old In some professions, people can retire earlier - 55: public transport - 50: bus or train drivers, miners,… Many early retirement public programs Since 2003, contribution rate of civil servant is now 40 years.

7 APA APA Dependency -> What is it ? Allowance Personalized by Autonomy (APA) Financial help People who have more than 60 Have a lack or a loss of autonomy because of his physical or mental state Need an help for the acts of the life or need to be under surveillance Live in France (regular) The 31 st,December, 2008 : 1 115 000 beneficiary of the APA With the ageing people, increase : + 5% in 2007, +7% in 2008 62% at their home / 38% at specially building for hold people

8 HEALTH HEALTH Longer life expectancy Ageing population The cost of elderly The future of pensions in trouble

9 PROBLEMS Consequences for the people on retire : - Senior unemployment -More aged people are concerned by the dependence -Decrease of actives population -Increase of spending

10 NEWS REFORMS SENIOR EMPLOYMENT : Mains measures to encourage the senior employment: An help dispositive for people aged of 55 who are apply for a job An offer of 2000 Euros by contract for the hired people aged of more 45. Facilitate the cumuli employment-retirement Companies that will hire a unemployment senior holder than 55, will receive an help which is equal to 14% of his salary. Oblige firms which has more than 50 salaries to hire senior people (can be penalised ) Increase of Surcote rate

11 NEWS REFORMS Retirement  Objectives: To restore the balance and save our repartition system To maintain the level of actual and futures pensioners.  Reforms projects In 2018 : work 42 years Some people will be exempt as - “Long Career” : Same retirement age (60 years old) and retirement “Taux plein”.

12 NEWS REFORMS  A better protection for frail person: A little retirement Parents who have handicap children Handicap workers  Implications for Employer Retirement

13 DEPENDENCE PLAN New field of the social welfare Objectives: - Help disable people Equipments or Person An Universal Law -assessment of needs -Draw up a customized plan. Financing: CNSA ( National Fund of solidarity for autonomy)

14 CONCLUSION problems : - fertility not enough high to assure renewal of generations - unemployment rate increasing (especially for youth and seniors) -ageing of the population solutions : -promote trainings for unskilled youth - adapt senior competencies to work mutations - raise retirement age -social security for the most vulnerable persons and pension system

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