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Learning Disability Partnership Board Choice and Control - update (LD Strategy 2011 – 2014) Doris Sheridan – October 2013 Learning Disability - People.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Disability Partnership Board Choice and Control - update (LD Strategy 2011 – 2014) Doris Sheridan – October 2013 Learning Disability - People."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Disability Partnership Board Choice and Control - update (LD Strategy 2011 – 2014) Doris Sheridan – October 2013 Learning Disability - People Group

2 LD Strategy Action Plan - refresh 2013 Choice and Control 1.Developing Personal Budget amounts for individuals: People with a Learning Disabilities are now being assessed more quickly - (receiving a more responsive service) The Direct Payments Support Team helps to support people by visiting and explaining the benefits of having a Personal Budget. The new Adult Disability Quality Assurance Panel has an oversight of this personalisation process. (The panel will be reviewed in January 2014). Add picture of one to one meeting Add picture of form or person with happy face Add picture of a panel of people

3 2. Access to the right information, advice and support 6 X Community hubs have now opened across Warwickshire to provide advice and support about services. The hubs have been reviewed. Add picture of building Add picture of person with clipboard Choice and Control

4 3. Talk to providers to help them develop the market There was a providers meeting on 19 th September about opportunities to develop Supporting Living. The event was well attended. Tendering opportunities will start in November, and be awarded in April 2014 WCC staff also attend the Providers Forum. These happen every two months, to talk about the market for LD services. Market facilitation provider workshops have also been arranged. These are on-going. Add a picture of lots of people meeting Choice and Control

5 6. Everyone including new customers offered Personal Budgets All new customers and those being reviewed are being offered Personal Budgets, resulting in an increase in the number of people receiving their own Personal Budget. The Quality Assurance panel meets weekly to consider all new assessments and reviews to ensure that everyone is offered a personal budget. Staff have been given training about Personal Budgets. Choice and Control Add picture of money

6 6.Have quality and performance standards The Peer Review Programme is being developed. People with LD will be reviewing services from April 2014. These peer reviewers are to be built in to the contract monitoring process – so people with LD will have a say in which services are performing the best, and areas where they could improve. Add picture of person with a clip-board or person ticking form Choice and Control

7 LD Partnership Board Transitions Plan – Serious Case Review update Doris Sheridan – October 2013 Learning Disabilities, People Group

8 Transitions – Serious Case Review update Transition is a priority development area for the Disability Teams. Developing more effective Transition pathways for young people aged 14 to 25 years of age, to prepare them for adulthood, is a priority area within the Learning Disabilities Team Plan. There is a commitment to improve the range of choice in relation to: Information and support Advice about accommodation Employment – gaining voluntary or paid jobs Staying fit and healthy Making friends and social relationships

9 Transitions – update A Transition Improvement Action Plan has been devised and actions are underway to ensure that young people are fully supported during the transition from Children’s into Adults’ Services. The current Transition Policy is also being re-written to improve customers’ experience. Add picture of young people and or document or happy person

10 Transitions – update There is a project underway to develop a Transition pathway which will take into account new legislation and local priorities. The project will give progress reports to the Learning Disabilities Partnership Board. We want to gain your views as customers, family members and carers, so we will arrange forums and collect valuable feedback to help design the Transition Pathway. Picture of a listening type event either one to one or group / and picture of family

11 Transitions - update An important aspect of the Transition Project is to ensure that the Serious Case Review recommendations are within the new policy and procedures. The Transition pathway will also include Quality Assurance measures to ensure that young people’s experience of transition and outcomes are improved. Key performance indicators will be set and monitored, so that success can be measured. Picture of sad face and then a happy face and tick form

12 Learning Disability Partnership Board – (LDPB) Feedback on the Quality Assurance Panel Doris Sheridan – October 2013 Learning Disabilities, People Group

13 Feedback on the Quality Assurance Panel A new panel has been set up in the Learning Disability Team so that assessed needs can be met and better outcomes achieved for customers, their family and carers. The Adult Disability Quality Assurance Panel will ensure that a person centred approach is maintained throughout the assessment, review and service provision processes. The new Panel started on 1 st October. Picture of panel Positive tick

14 Feedback on the Quality Assurance Panel The Panel will sit every week and care managers will present their assessments of customers’ needs. The panel will make suggestions about the options available to meet individual needs in the best value way. Once the panel has approved the assessment, the care manager will then revisit the customer, and assist with the development of a support plan. Advice will be given on personalised budgets Picture of panel – happy person – positive tick – money

15 Feedback on the Quality Assurance Panel The Adults Disability Quality Assurance Panel Terms of Reference and Procedures have been finalised, following a period of consultation with staff. Carer feedback about Panel decision-making has helped to improve processes. Customer satisfaction surveys and Quality Assurance audits are an essential part of the new Panel procedure, so that we can measure that needs are being met and better outcomes achieved. Group of happy people – documents – tick positive

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