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Published byAlijah Campfield Modified over 10 years ago
COMPE / SE / ISE 493 Project Orientation 2013 Fall Murat KARAKAYA Department of Computer Engineering Barış ÖZKAN Department of Information Systems Engineering
COMPE / SE / ISE 493 Instructors : Murat KARAKAYA Barış ÖZKAN Email : Office : Z-14 Lecture : Friday 14:30-16:20 @ 1029 OfficeHour : Friday 14:00-14:30 Teaching Asst.: TBD Email : TBD Office : TBD Course Web page is on Moodle: Check your registration!
Objectives & Content Objectives: to teach the planning, conducting and presenting phases in computing and information systems projects in chronological fashion. to raise awareness on some engineering qualification such as team working, lifelong learning, professional ethics, legal issues, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Objectives & Content Content: Computing and IS projects, Research, Project Planning and Risk Management, National and International Standards, Team Working, Literature Survey, Conducting project, Project Presentation, Lifelong Learning, Ethics, Legal Issues, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Text Books and References Course Book: 1. Christian Dawson, Projects in Computing and Information Systems: A Student's Guide (2nd Edition), Pearson Education, 2009 Other Sources : 1.Sommerville, I., Software Engineering, Addison-Wesley, 2006 (8th edition) 2.Lecture Notes
Grading (Tentative) Attendance10% 2 Midterms 50% Final Exam 40% If you miss 4 or more classes you will get NA grade! –Passing grade DD >= 60 FD<=59! –No bell curve! Catalog will apply
Grading* GradesLetters Coefficients Ortalamaya Katılmayan Notlar 90-100 AA 4.0 I-Eksik 85-89 BA 3.5 S-Yeterli 80-84 BB 3.0 U-Yetersiz 75-79 CB 2.5 T-Transfer 70-74 CC 2.0 W-Dersten Çekilme 65-69 DC 1.5 NA-Devamsızlık nedeni ile 60 -64 DD 1.0 başarısızlık 50- 59 FD 0.5 NI-Not ortalamasına 0-49 FF 0.0 katılmayan *Öğrencilerin derslere en az %70, uygulamalara ise %80 oranında devamı zorunludur. Disiplin cezası ile uzaklaştırma dahil hangi gerekçe ile olursa olsun devam zorunluluğunu yerine getirmeyen öğrenciler dönem sonu sınavına girme hakkını kaybeder. Bu durumdaki öğrencilere (NA) notu verilir. *ATILIM ÜNİVERSİTESİ ÖĞRENCİ KAYIT, KABUL ÖNLİSANS VE LİSANS EĞİTİM-ÖĞRETİM VE SINAV YÖNETMELİĞİ
Grading Policies Missed exams: o no make-up exam for midterms without approved excuse! o no make-up exam for final for any excuse! Ethics: o All assignments/projects are to be your own work. Participation: o You are supposed to be active in the class by involving and participating disscusions via asking questions, proposing solutions, explaning your ideas, etc.
WEEKLY SCHEDULE AND PRE-STUDY PAGES 1. WeekIntroduction to computing and IS projectsCh.1 2. WeekResearchCh.2 3. WeekLiterature SurveyCh.5 4. WeekReport writingCh.8 5. WeekProject planning and Risk ManagementCh.4 6. WeekConducting project (MidTerm 1)Ch.6,7 7. WeekConducting project (MidTerm 1)Ch.6,7 8. WeekNational and international standardsLecture Note 9. WeekEthicsLecture Note 10. WeekLegal issuesLecture Note 11. WeekTeam WorkingLecture Note 12. WeekProject presentation (MidTerm 2)Ch.9 13. WeekLifelong learning (MidTerm 2)Guest Speaker 14. WeekInnovation and EntrepreneurshipGuest Speaker 15. WeekFinal Exam 16. WeekFinal Exam
EXPECTED WORK LOAD Need to have a copy of the Text Book “Projects in Computing and Information Systems: A Student's Guide” You have to read the chapters in the book. You have to take note during the lectures or classes. PPT might not always be available & sufficient to cover all the topic’s details!!! Single class for all Compe/ISE/SE students
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