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Tsunami Disaster Relief and Rebuilding: The need for active local participation By Aceh Relief Fund March 5, 2005 Aceh Relief Fund People to People ◦ Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Tsunami Disaster Relief and Rebuilding: The need for active local participation By Aceh Relief Fund March 5, 2005 Aceh Relief Fund People to People ◦ Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tsunami Disaster Relief and Rebuilding: The need for active local participation By Aceh Relief Fund March 5, 2005 Aceh Relief Fund People to People ◦ Health ◦ Education

2 8.9 SR Earthquake followed by 33 ft of Tsunami Aceh Relief Fund People to People ◦ Health ◦ Education

3 ACEH Indonesia  Location: Tip of Sumatera Island  Population: 4 million  Closest to epicenter, was worst hit by the Dec 26 th tsunami.  Nearly 230,000 people were killed and more than half a million people were displaced. Aceh Relief Fund People to People ◦ Health ◦ Education

4 Banda Aceh: before tsunami Banda Aceh: after tsunami Aceh Relief Fund People to People ◦ Health ◦ Education

5 News coverage: January 3 rd. Aceh Relief Fund People to People ◦ Health ◦ Education

6 BACKGROUND HISTORY  Aceh Relief Fund was started by a group of students up in Cornell University, initially aimed at helping raise some funds for one specific student, Saiful Mahdi from Aceh.  After agonizing 4 days, Saiful discovered 15 family members were missing: grandmother, sister, brother, and their families.  Saiful had to return to Banda Aceh to find and rescue his family.  Mobilizing personal friends & contacts throughout North America to raise fund.  Information distributed through the internet, word-of- mouth, personal stories. Aceh Relief Fund People to People ◦ Health ◦ Education

7 Aceh Relief Fund People to People ◦ Health ◦ Education

8 WHO WE ARE  Saiful’s friends and concerned individuals: (initially) Malaysian/Indonesian in Ithaca/Syracuse, (later) assisted by members of Ithaca community. (now) supported by volunteers throughout the US.  Initially, pleaded for $6,000 to help him with his airfare and travels as he rushes back to Indonesia to search for his missing family  Collected: 1 st week $50K, now reaching $80K  Overwhelmed by support, now focus on help more Acehnese in relief & rebuilding Aceh Relief Fund People to People ◦ Health ◦ Education

9 WHAT WE DO  Immediate Relief Initiatives  Medium Term Initiatives  Long Term Initiatives Aceh Relief Fund People to People ◦ Health ◦ Education

10 Immediate Relief Initiatives  Operating mobile clinic and library  Delivering relief supplies Aceh Relief Fund People to People ◦ Health ◦ Education

11 Medium Term Initiatives  Rehabilitating and Rebuilding Schools  Mobilizing Local Acehnese Aceh Relief Fund People to People ◦ Health ◦ Education

12 Long Term Initiatives  Adopting a village/community Aceh Relief Fund People to People ◦ Health ◦ Education

13 Long Term Initiatives  People to People connections Aceh Relief Fund People to People ◦ Health ◦ Education

14 Long Term Initiatives  Sister Schools Aceh Relief Fund People to People ◦ Health ◦ Education

15 News coverage: February 18 th. People to People networking Two US Teachers went to Aceh Aceh Relief Fund People to People ◦ Health ◦ Education

16 Aceh Relief Fund People to People ◦ Health ◦ Education

17 Our website  Daily updates  Journal from the ground  Events and other activities  In the news  How to donate Aceh Relief Fund People to People ◦ Health ◦ Education

18 How you can help  Donate to Aceh Relief Fund  Spread the words to your friends and contacts  Fundraising and volunteer for Aceh Relief Fund  Visit for more details Aceh Relief Fund People to People ◦ Health ◦ Education

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