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HEALTH AND WELLNESS CHAPTER 1 –2014/2015. Health & Wellness Health Life Expectancy Quality of Life.

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Presentation on theme: "HEALTH AND WELLNESS CHAPTER 1 –2014/2015. Health & Wellness Health Life Expectancy Quality of Life."— Presentation transcript:


2 Health & Wellness Health Life Expectancy Quality of Life

3 Aspects of Health 1. Physical health 2. Mental health Emotional health 3. Social health

4 Health Continuum Illness Poor Quality of Life Neutral Point Neither ill nor well Wellness High Quality of Life Improving health and wellness Loss of health and wellness

5 Influences on Health 1. Hereditary Factor –Disabilities Hereditary illnesses/disorders –Sickle cell anemia –Cancer –Diabetes –Autoimmune disorders Uploaded on Oct 7, 2008 http://www.x-

6 Influences on Health 2. Environmental Factor –Physical –Air pollution –People pollution –Water pollution

7 Influences on Health 2. Environmental Factor –Social Culture

8 Media Influences on Health Environmental Factor

9 Influences, cont. 3. Behavior Factor Habit – is a behavior that is repeated so often that it become automatic PERSONAL HEALTH –Nail biting –Skin Care –Thumb sucking –Loud music

10 Decibel Levels (dB) 0Faintest sound discernible by humans 20/50 Wilderness, whispering, rainfall 60 Normal Conversation 85Traffic noise, Cutoff for safe noise level. 90 Lawn mower, personal stereo system 100 Chain saw, power tools 110 Rock concert 125 Some voice amplifying toys 140 Gunshot, jet engine (does damage) 180 Rocket pad at launch Hearing lose due to noise levels: 14.9% of children in the US


12 Behavior Risk :PSA on Texting and Driving

13 Risk Factor Short and Long Term Consequences Risk Factor – can not control Risk Factor – can control Analyzing Benefits and Risks

14 Important Changes 1)Awareness – the recognition of a potential health problem. 2)Gaining Knowledge – learning some of the facts about the problem 3)Building Health Skills

15 3.) Building Skills Analyzing Influence Accessing Information CommunicationDecision-making –Values

16 Building skills, cont. Setting goals –Action plan – a series of specific steps you can take to achieve the goal Practicing Healthy Behaviors Advocacy

17 Making Healthy Consumer Choices Consumer – buys products or services Products – things you buy –Consumable – they need to be purchase over and over –Durable – meant to last

18 Products SafetyCostWarranty Consumer Testing

19 Power of Advertising

20 Advertising MethodMessageExample Scientific studies Scientific tests prove the product is effective “ Tests prove that Brand X works” Bandwagon approach Everyone is using the product. You should, too “Don’t be left behind” Testimonial The product is effective because people recommend it “The Medicine recommended by doctors” Comparison to other products The product is more effective “Brand X now has 20% more painkillers than Y” Emotional appeal The product is safest for you and your family “Choose Brand X – your family’s health depends on it” Price appeal The product gives you more for your money “Brand X – the most for the least”

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