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Groups of young people using technology and action learning to independently support each other to achieve their potential. By coming together virtually.

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2 Groups of young people using technology and action learning to independently support each other to achieve their potential. By coming together virtually and physically to share learning, progression and achievement, ‘GetSetGoers’ will help each other set and achieve personal and collective vocational goals. Young people will work together to build or develop: SkillsSkills Positive Attitudes ConfidenceConfidence InformationInformationLearningLearningKnowledgeKnowledge

3 Young People Will: GET access to information about social activities/personal development support services needed to more independently connect to others, the local community and employers SET work towards achieving new goals by participating in immersive 3D social and learning experiences accessed flexibly from home or access points in local communities and using resources available through the network GO achieve potential taking up new opportunities e.g. volunteering, work experience, participating in community activities, transitions to employment,

4 Islington 6 young people Westminster 6 young people Camden 6 young people City of London 6 young people 3D online activities Training & Development Social Events Area specific activities determined by each group




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