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Crime pays ???. 43 x Police Forces of England and Wales 1 x Serious Organised Crime Agency – FIU, CARIN, Interpol, ARO 1 x Crown Prosecution Service 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Crime pays ???. 43 x Police Forces of England and Wales 1 x Serious Organised Crime Agency – FIU, CARIN, Interpol, ARO 1 x Crown Prosecution Service 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crime pays ???

2 43 x Police Forces of England and Wales 1 x Serious Organised Crime Agency – FIU, CARIN, Interpol, ARO 1 x Crown Prosecution Service 1 Avon & Somerset 2 Bedfordshire 3 Cambridgeshire 4 Cheshire 5 City of London 6 Cleveland 7 Cumbria 8 Derbyshire 9 Devon and Cornwall 10 Dorset 11 Durham 12 Dyfed-Powys 13 Essex 14 Gloucestershire 15 Greater Manchester 16 Gwent 17 Hampshire 18 Hertfordshire 19 Humberside 20 Kent 21 Lancashire 22 Leicestershire 23 Lincolnshire 24 Merseyside 25 Metropolitan 26 Norfolk 27 Northamptonshire 28 Northumbria 29 North Wales 30 North Yorkshire 31 Nottinghamshire 32 South Wales 33 South Yorkshire 34 Staffordshire 35 Suffolk 36 Surrey 37 Sussex 38 Thames Valley 39 Warwickshire 40 West Mercia 41 West Midlands 42 West Yorkshire 43 Wiltshire

3 UK £m 1970 - 2000

4 UK £m 1970 - 2012

5 Proceeds of Crime Act Cash seizure Early Freezing Regional Asset Recovery Teams Accredited Financial Investigators Lifestyle ‘extended confiscation’

6 Intelligence Evidence Asset Recovery

7 Arrest Charge Trial and Confiscation Freezing INTELLIGENCEINTELLIGENCE Managing police resources Indictment

8 Financial Intelligence Officer Financial Evidence Investigator Asset Recovery (Confiscator)

9 Financial investigators AgencyFinancial Investigators 46 Police forces (except MPS below) 1417 Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) 496 SOCA 246 HMRC 270 73 Local Authorities 105 Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) 24 Serious Fraud Office (SFO) 16 Financial Services Authority (FSA) 11 Other government agencies 37 Total 2622

10 Regional Asset Recovery Offices

11 Regional Asset Recovery Office Multi-agency team of Prosecutors, Police, Customs, Revenue, Social Welfare Investigates the criminal finances in parallel with forces/ agencies Cross-border serious organised crime

12 UK £m 1970 - 2012


14 Total Proceeds of Crime

15 Held by people arrested by Police

16 Total proceeds of crime Held by people arrested by police Asset Recovery

17 Options to tackle organised crime Financial intelligence Financial evidence (e.g. Money laundering) Asset recovery

18 Total proceeds of crime Held by people arrested by police Asset Recovery Asset recovery Financial evidence Intelligence

19 Uses of Financial investigation 1.Use financial intelligence to identify other people who hold proceeds of crime 2.Use money laundering evidence to produce better evidence 3.Use asset recovery to recover proceeds of crime held by people known to police

20 Accredited Investigators

21 Training History Fraud Training Fraud and Confiscation Training Confiscation Training Intelligence then Investigation then Confiscation Training

22 Intelligence Investigation evidence Asset recovery

23 Financial Investigator Enhanced Intelligence Cash Seizure Money Laundering Tutor Internet Research Managers’ Course

24 Course Format Pre-read 5 day course Allocation of Tutor Creation of Professional Development Portfolio Regular Continuous PD

25 Course style Interactive problem solving Main Courses follow one case



28 Council of EU Recommendation “To EU, its Member States, their institutions and agencies UK legal measures, which have proved to be highly effective, such as civil recovery, cash forfeiture and POCA investigatory powers need to be thoroughly explained and discussed at EU level. The role and powers of financial investigators as well as their training system need to be presented at EU level and taken into account when common EU standards or training projects are being developed.

29 Criminal STR Confiscatio n

30 Banks, etc STRs FIU STRs + Police, etc Confiscation

31 Who How & Why What & When STR:

32 Friend Relative Associate Reason for suspicion Transaction STR: WHO What & When How and Why

33 Friend Relative Associate Predicate Criminal Address Family name Telephone Police event Vehicle Company Finance

34 Friend, Relative or Associate Predicate Criminal Address, Family name Police event Telephone, Vehicle, Company, Finance STR database Police Intelligence database Other databases Citizen database

35 STR database Police intelligence database

36 Banks, etc STR database FIU STR database Police, etc STR database

37 Banks, etc Elmer database FIU Panther database Police, etc Crimint database UK: how not to do it

38 Asset recovery Joint Asset Recovery Database Tracking Statistics Matching repeat suspects Multi-agency Cooperation

39 Questions? +447879603393

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