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World Sustainability Fund a new tipping point Workout $4M HQ, 3 Region + 10 $1M Country Offices Sponsor Investment Program.

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Presentation on theme: "World Sustainability Fund a new tipping point Workout $4M HQ, 3 Region + 10 $1M Country Offices Sponsor Investment Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Sustainability Fund a new tipping point Workout $4M HQ, 3 Region + 10 $1M Country Offices Sponsor Investment Program

2 World Sustainability Fund

3 Tipping points - Sustainability 2011 Durban – agreement on planning 2012 Rio+20 – $ 500 billion program 2013 UNEP proposal – 1 á 2% of GDP to invest in Sustainability till 2050 2% mondiaal = $ 1.400 billion per year 2014 Sus. Dev. Goals Post 2015 Agenda CDP $ 83.000 billion investment power World Sustainability Fund

4 WSF Purpose 1. Gathering of donations in all countries on Earth; 2. Moderating “The Future We Need”; 3. Moderating the UN “The Future We Want” results; 4. Reporting The Gap” “ between “The Future We Need” and “The Future We Want”; 5. Ranking of “The Most Polluting Habits and Productions”; 6. Moderating the ranking of “The Best CDMs; 7.Moderation Project Proposals for “The Shift”; 8. Moderating Volunteers for realizing “The Shift”; World Sustainability Fund

5 CDM – Clean Dev. Methodologies World Sustainability Fund

6 CDM Loan Scheme + Bazaar World Sustainability Fund

7 CDM Loan Scheme + Bazaar World Sustainability Fund

8 RIO+20: $ 200M Loan Scheme For Clean Dev. Methodology projects In 135 countries 10 projects per country $ 150.000 per project Interest free 1.350 proposals, $ 150.000 each World Sustainability Fund

9 Creating the New Normal 1 á 2% GDP till 2050 for World Sustainability Fund

10 WSF 4 million investment program Head Quarter in Geneva, Near U.N. Region offices USA, Brazil, Hong Kong Cooperating with Government to get the Durban Target clear WSF Geneva Example Exhibition Center Starting 10 SIP example CDM projects World Sustainability Fund

11 What will it cost? FTE M$ Geneva HQ office 3 Region offices Staff, 1 year Start 10 CDMs U.N. Loan Scheme SIP support CDP support World Sustainability Fund 8+3x6 0,8 0,6 2,0 0,6 -/-1,5 -/-10,0 -/-500,0

12 WSF Country SIProgram 10 Parties Country SIP € 1 million each WSF start 10 Country Offices + Promo’s Start 10 extra CDM projects (as basket) Out off Loan Scheme $ 1.500.000 Out off CDP $ 500 million New jobs and welfare ROI ca. 20% 50/50 WSF en Parties World Sustainability Fund

13 The $ 10M split FTE M$ 10 Country Offices 10 x 6 Staff CDM R&D + 10 projects Donation center Exhibition center General + Reserve World Sustainability Fund - 60 4 10 - 1,0 4,8 0,6 1,0 2,0 0,6

14 WSF - Organogram World Sustainability Fund BoardMgtAdvice CountriesResultsTasks

15 Website green support info center About WSF, News, Countries, Techniques Sponsoring, activities and services What you can do: civil, labor, company, federation, governments, educators 5D intranet Local action platforms World Sustainability Fund

16 CDM R&D + Proj.mgt. center CDM ranking Q/€, TTM, ROI, I&MV Financial and market matching Consortia and Permissions to realize All Projects Council management Project management World Sustainability Fund

17 CDM Common Investors center Investment in new technologies With governments, companies, NGOs With funds and private In CDM R&D and Projects (broad, industry, Q en ROI) World Sustainability Fund

18 U.N. Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals opgericht door het GA op 22 jan. 2013 Among other things, the Sustainable Development Goals must help to transform failing States and to empower those who longed for peace and reconciliation. “This is a chance to truly define the world we want, and the United Nations we need,” World Sustainability Fund U.N. GA/11388

19 WSF – Contact Vz. Emile van Essen (+31) 6 1925 2628, Sec. Petra Lanphen (+31) 6 1101 1575, World Sustainability Fund

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