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The Brave New Of Social Media World Kevin Read, Managing Director, Bell Pottinger Business & Brand Presentation for CIPR Northern Conference, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "The Brave New Of Social Media World Kevin Read, Managing Director, Bell Pottinger Business & Brand Presentation for CIPR Northern Conference, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Brave New Of Social Media World Kevin Read, Managing Director, Bell Pottinger Business & Brand Presentation for CIPR Northern Conference, 2011

2 “Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.” Mary Shelley

3 The Old Way

4 How Life Has Changed

5 The Business Benefits More innovation More effective marketing Better access to knowledge Lower cost of doing business Higher revenues Networked companies Source: McKinsey & Co.

6 Client Gains Better interactions with customers Increased customer awareness/understanding of products Improved customer satisfaction Faster access to expertise outside a company Source: McKinsey & Co.

7 “From Broadcast … …to Dialogue”

8 The New Considerations Community Content Conversation

9 What Clients Are Demanding Channel neutral responses More value for money Integration of media relations with social media Longer lasting campaigns More measurable results

10 How Consultancies Are Adapting Identifying skills gaps Providing coaching/training/qualifications – re: social media Integrating digital solutions Looking at new ways to measure impact Planning longer campaigns Greater use of seeding and media story follow-up

11 New Thinking Social Media Impact Spike and Curve

12 I M P A C T T I M E 2) COMMUNITIES MAPPING DIRECT REACH PRE-ALERT 3) CONVERSATIONS STIMULATE OPINIONS RE-REACH MEDIA RELATIONS 1) CONTENT VIDEO, SOUND, PICTURES MEDIA RELATIONS The Three Cs: Content, Community, Conversation Adding Social Media Content Reaching Communities Directly Stimulate Conversations The Spike Of Media Relations

13 Case Study Impact Nuts and Bolts

14 Unilever Sustainable Living Plan Results 14

15 Down The Line Web 2.0 integrated into daily work Increased information sharing Less hierarchical information flows Collaboration across silos Tasks tackled in project based way

16 Final Thoughts Social media is transforming PR The power of the ‘traditional’ journalist will continue to decline ‘Broadcast’ is rapidly being displaced by ‘dialogue’ New entrants to the profession – will need to master integrated approaches (the 3Cs) In the future PRs will be the both the shaper and stimulator of conversations

17 Contact Kevin Read Managing Director Bell Pottinger Business & Brand 5th Floor Holborn Gate 26 Southampton Buildings London WC2A 1BP Tel: 020 7861 2467 Email:

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