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The world of Militzer & Münch

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1 The world of Militzer & Münch
M&M air sea cargo S.A. Poland Europe’s largest lathe goes to the USA

2 Europe’s largest lathe goes to the USA
M&M air sea cargo S.A. Poland did the transport of the huge machine that was manufactured in Poland. Details of the lathe Length: 35 m Width: 10.5 m Weight: 445 tons Value: € 3,500,000 Route: Poland > Hamburg > New York Project time line: November, December 2013 – preparations, January, February 2014: Shipping Operating responsibility: M&M air sea cargo S.A. Poland

3 The project was door to port
The project was door to port. The cargo was picked up in Poland and trucked to the port of Hamburg: - 12 over-sized elements, weighing 18 to 30 tons, extreme width - 4 meters, in 26 flat rack and OT containers, - one main element - break bulk, 50 tons, on a 32-wheel trailer. As a comparison, the machine is wider and heavier than the width of four trams parked side by side.

4 Paweł Szelest (36), Business Development Manager Branch:  Warsaw, Poland Working in sea freight  since 2003  Joined M&M asc S.A. at

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