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Creative seminars Ian scott. Three Cs C C C Lateral thinking tools World Cafe Speed dating A question of sport Serious line-ups Wiki.

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Presentation on theme: "Creative seminars Ian scott. Three Cs C C C Lateral thinking tools World Cafe Speed dating A question of sport Serious line-ups Wiki."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creative seminars Ian scott

2 Three Cs C C C


4 Lateral thinking tools World Cafe Speed dating A question of sport Serious line-ups Wiki

5 A question of sport 1 3 2 4 Select a number in groups of 3/2 answer the question; 1 minute

6 Lateral/Creative thinking tools Wreck the seminar ? How would … Super man do a seminar? DeBono – Thinking hats CORT tools Back

7 Engagement bbb

8 Impact bbb

9 Humour b

10 Interaction c

11 World cafe World Cafe A way of organising seminar type discussion and activity with very large groups. P articipants noting the conversation on the tableclothes. For more, and a helpful hosting guide, go to the world cafe cafe website. Back


13 Speed dating Back

14 Low confidence in producing a creative seminar High confidence in producing a creative seminar Back

15 Back

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